Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Chapter 485 Swallowing the Transformed Wave Picture

"Hold me, Master."

"Voldemort is coming."

Bella and Dumbledore, who were very close to Voldemort, each used their own methods to try to prevent Voldemort's whereabouts.

Unfortunately, Voldemort was too far away from Bella, and her stretched arms were not enough to hold Voldemort.

On the other side, Dumbledore's magic also failed to save the fallen Voldemort after the Sky City increased its power.

"Catch that, Albus, I'll be back soon."

Voldemort did not panic. He threw the Elder Wand towards Dumbledore with a roar, and at the same time opened his body to slow down his descent.

That didn't do much, of course, but it was the only thing he could do at the moment.

Moreover, he believed that as he descended, the effect of the termination machine would be weakened, and he would definitely be able to use the Flying Curse again before falling to his death.

No matter how determined Voldemort was, his figure eventually fell into the depths of the abyss and disappeared from everyone's sight.

This invisible blow left all the Death Eaters speechless for a long time.

Dumbledore, who caught the Elder Wand, just comforted Bella softly and walked quickly back to his team.

Dumbledore, who lost Voldemort, had nothing to rely on.

He must adjust his state and be prepared to face the next more unfavorable situation.

"Can the Death Eaters still be used?" When the enemy was crossing the bridge, Dumbledore, who was making final preparations, asked Abu.

"Of course, although we are Death Eaters, we are also part of the wizarding world." Abu said without hesitation.

Dumbledore nodded, then called the house elves and asked them to burn the wooden bridge with kerosene.

This attracts enemies on broomsticks, who use bows and arrows to stop them.

After a brief confrontation, the house elves were defeated and the enemy successfully crossed the bridge.

But they did not launch an attack immediately, but rested on the spot.

With this little time, Dumbledore made some arrangements for his side and explained the composition of the enemy team in detail.

"Every seven people form a team, and each position is named after the position of the Quidditch player. The two batters are shooters, the three chasers are the main attackers, the goalkeeper carries the shield, and the catcher is the commander."

After analyzing several positions, Dumbledore said seriously, "I noticed that the power of the terminator in the sky has become smaller, so magic such as transfiguration can be used again.

"In the next battle, we must pay special attention to their two archers. If possible, the first person to be eliminated is their commander, the enemy known as the Catcher."

His eyes swept over the people participating in the meeting, including Harry who was a little distracted, Draco who looked frightened, and Neville who wiped his sword calmly.

The three of them looked like each other, and Dumbledore sighed in his heart.

After all, the wizarding world is not monolithic, and Harry, whom he was optimistic about at the beginning, may have already come into contact with the enemy.

Sure enough, internal disintegration always precedes complete failure.

"Cheer up. I will seek to break the magic that blocks the disappearing cabinet. When the time comes, some professors will be prepared to arrange for the transfer of students."

Suppressing his racing thoughts, Dumbledore spoke to everyone again.

The Death Eaters looked at the professors, this was their job.

"Voldemort said he would come back, so he will definitely come back. You don't have to be too sad."

Dumbledore calmed the Death Eaters' emotions again, but it seemed that these words had no effect.

Indeed, if Voldemort was not dead, he should have flown up instead of being nowhere to be seen.

"He has Horcruxes, Death Eaters, he can't die."

Dumbledore had to persuade him again, and then waved his hand to signal everyone to leave.

He also felt funny in his heart. He never thought that one day he would actually enlighten Death Eaters.

It's true that things are impermanent.

Not long after they dispersed, the enemy launched another attack.

At this time, heavy snow filled the dark sky and earth, as heavy as the hearts of the Hogwarts factions.

The battle started again, with the enemy still charging and the wizards guarding Hogwarts defending.

But the Death Eaters, who were originally the backbone, were unable to muster their strength because of Voldemort's fall, which affected the entire battlefield.

Dumbledore, who was still stationed in the Tower of Time, had to frequently provide support to various places.

This is thanks to the reduction in the power of the terminator on the Sky City. Otherwise, the ability to phantom would be lost, and Dumbledore would not be able to support him everywhere.

But even with his support, the battle was already heading towards defeat.

"Will you detonate the magic pool?"

As Abu walked up to the tower, he asked Dumbledore a question that almost made him faint.

Detonate the magic pool?

Of course, the enemy can be destroyed, but Hogwarts Castle, and even Hogwarts, will disappear from this planet.

He will definitely not do this, judging from the current situation...

"Or are you ready to surrender?"

Abu's second question made Dumbledore, who had just recovered, see darkness again.

Compared to surrendering, maybe he would be more accepting of detonating the magic pool.

Although he has always shown a view of accepting Muggle wizards, it is still difficult for him to lower his noble head.

What's more, his parents, as well as his sister, both died indirectly at the hands of a few Muggle scoundrels, which made it impossible for him to choose to surrender.

"There's always a choice, isn't there, Dumbledore?"

Abu said, pointing to the garden square where the battle was fierce, "Look, the trend of defeat is becoming more and more obvious, and the casualties are also increasing."

Dumbledore looked down his hand and saw that Hermione was knocked away by the enemy's shield and her wand fell out of her hand.

Fortunately, Neville came here with support and killed the enemy with his swords, otherwise Hermione would probably die here.

"I know how to do it, Abu."

Dumbledore said something to Abu, and then apparated to Professor McGonagall.

The master of transfiguration was commanding his own puppet to fight, but Dumbledore directly transformed a puppet to free the opponent.

"If something happens to me later, Mag, I want you to surrender as the acting principal."

Dumbledore's words made McGonagall's eyes widen in surprise, and she didn't even know what to say for a moment.

"I know you love your father very much. He is a Muggle, isn't he?"

Dumbledore smiled and patted McGonagall's shoulder, "It's not that difficult for you, I believe you."

After saying this, without waiting for Professor McGonagall to say anything, he turned around and apparated to the front of the battlefield.

Then, he stroked the elder wand lightly, as if saying goodbye to an old friend.

"McGonagall, look at this transformation spell. I've been studying it for a long time."

Dumbledore suddenly said loudly, causing everyone to look at him.

Under the attention of everyone, Dumbledore slowly pointed the tip of the wand to his mouth.


The deformed waves suddenly spurted out from the tip of the Elder Wand and shot into Dumbledore's mouth continuously.

The latter, like a glutton, swallowed up all the light in his mouth without wasting any of it.

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