Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Chapter 499 Hogwarts Ruins

"Don't fight them, run out and use Apparition to leave."

Neville said as he drew the sword from his waist and rushed into the crowd.

His intention is obvious, to rely on his own melee strength to hold back the enemy so that his own people can leave.

Deya was a little jealous, but Crouch quickly stopped him and dragged him back.

The other members of the Welfare family were not as bloody as him. Those people seemed to be frightened by the bombs and did not show any fighting ability.

The group of people retreated again, and Neville quickly flew away after disrupting the enemy's formation.

He briefly broke away from the battle, but the enemy kept chasing behind him.

Their numbers were small, and they were quite afraid of Neville, who could fly and had explosive combat power, so they were not in a hurry to attack.

But obviously, they also want to retreat.

"What's the point of hanging us like this?" Neville asked Crouch Jr. with a frown as he returned to the team.

"Maybe there is an interception ahead, or maybe there are preparations in other positions." Crouch Jr. guessed.

Neville shook his head and expressed that he did not agree with Crouch Jr.'s guess, but he did not say anything.

He had a bad premonition in his heart, but he couldn't explain the source of it.

After running forward for a while, the enemy's reinforcements appeared, not in front, but from the enemy's rear.

"Did you see that person? I've never seen an enemy wearing this kind of equipment before." Neville pointed back while flying.

Crouch Jr. also turned around and saw an enemy carrying a piece of equipment with an antenna on his back.

"Like a signal corpsman, what is his role?" Crouch Jr. asked.

"I don't know, but I guess it has something to do with Apparition." Neville said solemnly.

These words shocked everyone. In the Battle of Hogwarts three years ago, it was precisely because the enemy blocked long-distance jumping witchcraft such as Apparition and Portkeys that they were defeated.

This time, could it be that the enemy invented a device that can isolate the phantom ability in a small area?

If this is the case, the impact on both sides will no longer be limited to this small-scale battle.

"Arrived at the border, Apparition, target Black Forest Highlands."

Neville ordered, then turned around in the air and apparated away from the edge of the jungle.

At the same time, the Death Eaters and members of the Foley family below also apparated and left.

But the enemy's eyes were all fixed on the person who looked like a signal soldier. That person also skillfully operated the equipment in his hand after everyone left.

After a second or two, the man tapped the red button on the device, and magic light spread from the device and enveloped everyone.

Then they apparated together, and followed the footsteps of Neville and others to the Black Forest Highlands in the next moment.

At this time, everyone who thought they were out of the battle and was curious that the enemy had no new methods was obviously caught off guard when faced with the sudden appearance of the enemy.

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh~~~"

Several curses were cast, and at least two Death Eaters and a member of the Welfare family were unable to escape in time and died under the curses.


The most vigilant Neville immediately threw out the boomerang, and at the same time drew out his two swords to kill the enemy.

His indomitable momentum scared the enemy into panic and evasion.

Invincible in close combat, this is synonymous with Neville on the battlefield.

"Da da da~~~"

Machine gunfire rang out, and after leaving the Foley family castle, the enemy began to use thermal weapons on a large scale.

Neville was no stranger to this. His figure was twisted in the air, and the modified Iron Armor Curse was already standing in front of him.

This iron armor spell is specially prepared for thermal weapons. It has a wonderful additional attribute-forced deceleration.

This will drastically reduce the power of the bullets, so that even if the power of the Iron Armor Curse does not increase, it can still block many bullets even if the power of the bullets decreases.

Rushing into the crowd, Neville's melee combat prowess began to show. His two slashing swords danced like the wind, and nearby enemies were instantly dispersed by him.

The Death Eaters have also launched a counterattack, and the intervals between spells are even accompanied by gunshots.

Three years of fighting had already made Death Eaters understand the use of thermal weapons, not to mention guns were not difficult weapons to use.

The battle started instantly, and both sides suffered casualties.

But soon, Neville discovered that enemy reinforcements were arriving in a steady stream. They seemed to have a special positioning system that could guide the enemy to directly apparate here to join the battle.

"Get out of here, target..."

Neville spoke, but there was hesitation in his words.

Without knowing how the enemy is tracking them, if you rush back to the stronghold, you are very likely to be taken advantage of by the enemy.

As for Gunterburg…

Although the enemy has never stormed Fort Gunter, Neville guessed that it was just because the enemy did not want to destroy this historic fortress, but it did not mean that they would not destroy it ruthlessly.

Therefore, Neville did not want to introduce the war to Gunter Castle.

"Target Hogwarts ruins, be careful to use radiation protection spells."

After Neville finished speaking, he did not leave first, but once again reappeared where the enemy was concentrated.

In battle, he was always the first to arrive and the last to leave.

After getting his order, Crouch Jr. began to organize everyone to leave.

Although he didn't know why it was the ruins of Hogwarts, he knew that there must be a reason why Neville gave the order like this.

Countless battles have already proven Neville's commanding talent.

The Death Eaters and members of the Foley family began to leave in groups, until finally Crouch Jr. notified Neville before leaving.

After being notified, Neville also jumped into the air, apparated and left this place.


As his body turned, everything around him changed.

When Neville's vision adjusted to everything around him, he saw ruins filled with rocks.

And in the center of these chaotic stones, a golden chair with half of its side missing was leaning there.

It was Dumbledore's chair, where he would sit at mealtimes, or at the beginning of each year's term.

He had been there, scanning the students of Hogwarts with warm eyes.

Time has passed, the old man is dead, and the chair is broken.

"Swish swish~~"

There was a sound of Apparition, and this time the Death Eaters, Neville and others were not unprepared.

They decisively used magic to fight back against the pursuing enemies.

Caught off guard, the enemy suffered several casualties, but the armor curse was quickly propped up and more enemies found bunkers.

Those ruins are the best "natural" bunkers.

The battle begins again, over the ruins of Hogwarts.

"It seems that the enemy is no longer afraid of the radiation here."

Before Neville could rush out, Crouch Jr. hid behind the bunker and said to him.

"Maybe they've mastered the Radiation Protection Charm too."

Neville said expressionlessly, and then glanced at the enemy's position, "They are still adding more troops. It seems they want to strangle us here."

After hearing this, Crouch Jr. looked at Neville with a strange expression on his face: "Neville, they don't want to strangle us here. Their target may only be you."

Neville was startled by what he said, and then he smiled wryly and touched his nose.

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