Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Chapter 504 AD 1697

AD 1697.

Eastern suburbs of London.

A small, middle-aged man stood on the deserted dirt road.

He looked around confusedly, as if waiting for something to appear.

Suddenly, a python made of black mist suddenly appeared on the roadside behind the right side of his body.

"As expected, you have appeared again, sir, can I continue to ask you for the Soul-Eating Curse?"

When the middle-aged man saw the black mist python, there was no fear on his face.

Instead, he leaned in excitedly and loudly asked his question.

"I don't think I fully understand it, Yurik Gamp, you won't be staying here forever, will you?" Under the black mist, the skull-like mist asked.

If anyone who is familiar with Voldemort's voice is around, they will be surprised that this voice is so similar to Voldemort's voice.

In fact, this is Voldemort himself.

After relying on the negative emotions sent by the Department of Mysteries to break the [Darkest Hour], he tried to return to the world through the Veil.

But the thin curtain was not so easy to break through. He tried several times to enter the world through it, but all ended in failure.

But in those few attempts, he was not in vain.

For example, the third time, when he used the Death Eaters' ritual dance to strengthen himself, he tried to enter the world in the form of the black snake mark.

Although it was not completely successful, half of the body - the snake in the skull's mouth - successfully penetrated into this world.

It was also at that time that he met the young Ulric Gamp.

Thanks to this famous person, Voldemort realized that he had arrived in England hundreds of years ago.

Although he was full of doubts about the strange scene that happened at the time, he still tried to communicate with Ulric Gamp and exchanged information with black magic knowledge to learn more about the world.

At that time, much of London, a Tudor city, was completely destroyed by fire.

And he learned from Gamp that the fire might be a resistance by the wizards.

After all, this was the peak period of witch-hunting in the Middle Ages, and the living conditions of wizards were very embarrassing.

A wizard with a good family background like Gamp would also move due to harassment from time to time.

Of course, the young Gamp couldn't give an accurate answer. He just gave his own guess based on some rumors.

And those rumors may not be reliable.

But even so, Voldemort still inferred from this how deep the conflicts between Muggles and wizards were during this period.

After all, this is the speculation of a child in the wizarding world.

After that brief communication, Voldemort met with him twice intermittently, and the intervals between each time were not short.

But the last two times, Gamp was waiting here on time, which had to make Voldemort guess:

This guy is staying here, waiting for him every day.

"The Muggles signed the [Treaty of Rythwick] and they had an armistice with France, so the finger was pointed at the wizards again. The Gamp family had to spread out and hide to avoid being lumped together, so..."

The short Gamp shrugged and squatted down to look at the skull under the black mist python, "I don't have anything to do. I just want to see if you have come out of any weird world. Have you come out completely this time? "

"It's completely out, Ulric, what year is this?" Voldemort asked.

"Winter 1697, I don't remember the exact date."

Gamp squatted down and looked at the skeleton curiously, "You mentioned to me that you wanted me to prepare the resurrection potion for you. I have prepared most of the materials, but the rest are hard to find. "

"Because of what Muggles did to wizards?" Voldemort asked.

"Yes, Hogwarts is suspended, and Diagon Alley has been closed. Wizards don't dare to gather together. Everyone is very scared." Gamp said helplessly.

Voldemort was silent for a moment, thinking that the time of his resurrection in this world would probably be postponed.

"Gamp, you participated in the Wizengamot, right?" Voldemort asked.

"Yes, my father passed that position on to me, but to be honest, I hate them. They have endless discussions and discussions every day, and they never take any effective measures." Gamp said in disgust. Wave your hands.

"Maybe the time has not come yet, but I think you have the idea of ​​changing the world, right?" Voldemort asked.

If he remembered correctly, the short middle-aged man in front of him would eventually become the chief wizard of the Wizengamot and the first minister of the Ministry of Magic in England.

But based on Voldemort's understanding of the man in front of him, he didn't seem like a wizard with lofty ideals.

According to his own words, learning all black magic and developing the most powerful black magic is his ambition for the future.

"change the world?"

Hearing Voldemort's question, the little Gamp was stunned for a moment, then shook his head vigorously and said, "Forget it, they came up with an [International Secrecy Act] a few years ago, which made all the wizards laugh out loud. "

"You don't agree with this bill?" Voldemort asked doubtfully.

If I remember correctly, this bill was promoted and implemented by Gamp.

"Of course I don't agree. What you say about protecting Muggles is actually just to put it nicely and worry about the last bit of pride."

After Gamp finished speaking, he curled his lips without anger and said, "But as soon as this bill comes out, there is no shame left. I really don't have any face at all."

Looking at the angry Gamp, Voldemort felt a little funny.

This little man with no ambitions was different from the historical figure he knew.

But then he became suspicious.

Since Gamp feels this way, why did this person implement this bill in history?

Of course, there is no way to raise this doubt, because that is what Gamp will do in the future.

What's more, he hasn't decided yet whether to make changes to the wizarding world during this time.

Part of the reason is due to worries about the "Grandfather Paradox", fear that the present will have too profound an impact on the future, and even have an impact on oneself.

Another part of the reason is that his own condition also determines that there is not much he can do.

Strangely enough, he currently exists in a pure memory state.

Unlike the last time he died, this time he didn't even have a soul, and the so-called "I" was just the memory world of the past.

The actual matter he placed his trust in was just a constantly swinging electron wave.

When it moves between two points, the electron wave will briefly become a particle ejection state, accompanied by a blur of perception.

But once he stops, the particles turn into wave form, allowing him to perceive his surroundings more clearly.

This was also the reason why he remained motionless after talking for a long time.

As for the black mist that makes up the python and the skeleton, it is an existence outside of the "self".

Their essence comes from the power of faith generated by the ritual dances performed by Death Eaters hundreds of years later.

To Voldemort at this time, they were like tools like exoskeletons.

I have to say, this is really a strange phenomenon.

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