When Sir Gamp left the Pyramid of Khufu, Charles also left Nurmengard.

And not long after Charles left, a figure left here closely behind.

Grindelwald, after leaving Nurmengard, used Intercontinental Apparation to disappear.


After the powerful magic wave, Grindelwald appeared on a beautiful island.

"Mr. Grindelwald, why are you here?"

As soon as he appeared, a wizard lying on the beach not far away noticed him.

"We need a glory ceremony, Nuka, arrange it."

After Grindelwald finished speaking warmly, he couldn't help but look at the blue sea and sky around him.

The beauty of the scenery here is too tempting for Grindelwald, who has lived in Nurmengard for a long time.

"Okay, sir, I'll get ready right now, please wait a moment."

Nuka said, quickly running away from the beach and heading towards the depths of the jungle not far away.

Grindelwald did not follow him, but came to the lounge chair where Nuka was sitting before. He picked up the half-drunk coconut juice that Nuka had drank without any problem, and started enjoying it comfortably.

After Nuka ran into the jungle, the scenery in front of him changed.

A very quaint castle appeared there. On the gate of the castle there was a sign of a naughty yellow lion playing with coconuts.

Under that logo, there are words indicating the identity of the castle:

Mamanuca Academy of Magic.

This is a magic academy that cannot be described as "famous". Even in Fiji, it is far from the first.

But it is said that he has a very ancient history.

Of course, such "rumors" don't only appear at Mamanuca Magic Academy.

Countless unknown magic academies around the world almost always add the phrase "has a very ancient history" in their school histories.

As for how ancient it is, only they themselves know.

Nuka walked through the school gate and entered the school. A huge stone sculpture of a mighty lion appeared in front of him. On the base of the stone sculpture, the school's motto was engraved:

Life is as painful as being eaten by ants.

He quickly passed by the stone pedestal, and after running into the castle, he immediately summoned all the professors and some senior students.

After he gathered everyone, he led them out of the school gates and came to Grindelwald.

"Are we going to perform the honor ceremony now, sir?" Nuka asked respectfully.

"Of course, I do have important news."

Grindelwald nodded, then drank the remaining coconut water in one gulp, stood up and watched Nuka command the teachers and students of the school.

This ritual does not seem to require specific props, but it does have certain requirements for the positions of the participants.

Soon after, the teachers and students finally finished taking sides, and Grindelwald was also invited by Nuka to the middle of the crowd.

"Students who are participating in the Glory Ceremony for the first time, please pay attention to Mr. Grindelwald's rhythm. Don't make mistakes or fail to keep up. Do you understand?"

Finally, Nuka gave some instructions to the students and then handed over the command to Grindelwald.

"Don't be nervous, this is just a simple little ceremony."

Grindelwald bowed slightly to the surroundings, smiled and used words to relieve the students' stress.

Then he raised his right hand and swung it in front of him, and a fierce fire was struck on the empty beach in the middle of the crowd.

"Watchers of Nurmengard, there were people who stopped in the snow."

As Grindelwald's voice fell, the teachers and students of Mamanuca School of Witchcraft and Wizardry repeated these words.

And when their voices fell, the fierce fire on the empty beach suddenly doubled in size.

"In the spring breeze of 2001, those who persevered were still waiting."

Grindelwald's voice fell, followed by the voices of teachers and students.

As expected, Li Huo doubled in size again, making it look like a huge, burning egg.

"I will use the glory of Grindelwald as a guide to open the door of time and space, meet with you, and send you news related to my mission."

The words were repeated again by the teachers and students, and at the same time, the fire doubled in size again.

But it hasn't stopped yet, the fierce fire kept burning and expanding, until the dark flame seemed to burn up to the white clouds in the sky before it slowly stopped.

After a long period of silence, two red dots suddenly appeared in the flames.

The light was not bright at first, but soon it became like a bright red diamond, emitting a dazzling red light.

The red light quickly broke through the fierce fire, and began to scan the surroundings like eyes, and finally slowly focused on Grindelwald.


Li Huo suddenly shook, and soon all the flames began to recycle, and finally slowly gathered into the shape of a bird.

The shape looks like a phoenix, but the strange thing is that it has no body.

In other words, the fierce fire formed his body, and the two rays of red light were exactly at the position of the Phoenix's eyes.

"Observer of Nurmengard, his time is precious, are you sure you have enough reasons to summon him?"

The phoenix composed of fierce fire actually opened its mouth and asked Grindelwald.


Grindelwald replied succinctly.

At this time, behind Grindelwald, a group of teachers and students were looking expectantly at the dark phoenix in front of them.

They seemed to be waiting for something to appear, which made many people tremble with excitement.

"as you wish."

Phoenix replied softly, and then his body continued to shrink, and after becoming as tall as a human being, he suddenly projected a powerful fire into the sky.

The fierce fire burned half of the sky and spread out like a fan.

Grindelwald coughed twice and adjusted his posture, as if he was about to meet some important task.

Just when he was making the final adjustments, light suddenly slowly emerged from the darkness.

A figure with simple clothes and gray hair on the temples slowly appeared sitting quietly at a desk holding a pen.

But what's surprising is that the man's face is exactly the same as Grindelwald.

"Watchers of Nurmengard, what have you discovered?"

The man who looked exactly like Grindelwald even had the same voice as Grindelwald.

If there is any difference between the two, apart from their clothes and graying temples, it is only in their tone of voice.

Grindelwald's voice always had a high-pitched and low-pitched tone.

But the person in front of me spoke plainly, as if without any emotion or focus.

"That person is in my world, and this should be the starting point for our search."

Grindelwald's words briefly showed surprise on his calm face.

"Hold on."

The other man didn't say anything immediately, but took out a document from the front of the desk and quickly rummaged for something.

After a while, he finally found what he wanted.

"I have determined your location and year. I have done a good job, Gellert. I will immediately start to open a time and space tunnel leading here to prevent his growth before I arrive. Do you understand?"

There was no longer any surprise on the face of the other Grindelwald who put down the document, and his voice was still emotionless.

"Understood, I know what to do." Grindelwald nodded in response.

"Goodbye, Gellert."

After the other person finished speaking, he waved his hand, and the fierce fire in front of everyone immediately disappeared out of thin air.

The ceremony ended here, and it was as if nothing had ever existed on the empty beach.

Two chapters today

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