Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Chapter 517 Live Broadcast of Ma Wu Special Zone

"Muggle friends in front of the TV..."

"And my wizard friends."

"Hello, we are the Weasley brothers."

One person holds a microphone, and the two brothers stand side by side in front of the camera.

"Today is the first open day of Mawu Special Zone, let's do a random interview."

One of the twins said, grabbing a fat lady next to him.

"Hello ma'am, are you a Muggle or a wizard?"

The woman who was pulled over was a little surprised at first, but she quickly calmed down.

She held up her flowing long hair and said, "I am a Muggle who wants to be a wizard."

"Oh, a Muggle who wants to be a wizard, you have a great wish, ma'am."

"George, let's get to the point, ma'am, how does it feel to be in Mawu District?"

"It feels good. Although the wizard's shop looks a bit weird, it is a very novel experience." The fat lady said with a smile.

"What did you do today?" George asked immediately.

"My hair was not so smooth before. My God, the magic is so amazing. The wizard's index finger flicked the wand a few times, and the bottle floated up on its own, and then various magic ointments flew out automatically..."

The fat lady began to talk endlessly. If it were replaced by an ordinary host, the lady might be interrupted at this time.

After all, this kind of long description of self-feeling is usually not liked by the audience.

But the Weasley brothers obviously didn't think so. The two of them sang together, just like complimenting the fat lady, and took out all the thoughts in her heart.

"Yes, it should have appeared earlier. God, you don't know how many people dislike me because of my hair. It has never looked so good..."

"I heard there is a magic way to lose weight. I really want to go, but I don't have enough Galleons..."

"I will definitely come again. I think every lady who loves beauty should come..."

The topic gradually deviated from the live broadcast sharing life in the special zone to the beauty and makeup session.

Many male Muggle men who were in front of the TV curled their lips in disgust and wanted to change the channel to watch the live broadcast of the Muggle TV station.

But before their hands could touch the remote control, his wife, daughter, or even his mother had already snatched the remote control.

"Oh my gosh, this is great, I want to go too."

Countless women looked at the fat woman on the TV with envy, wishing they could take her place in the Mawu Special Zone.

The ratings of the Weasley Brothers TV station are also rising with the changing topics.

It has to be said that these two brothers really master the wealth code of live TV.

After interviewing the fat lady, the two of them went to the flight experience center without stopping.

They grabbed a Muggle man and discussed Quidditch with him.

"That's amazing. Although I haven't figured out the rules of Quidditch yet, and I'm not qualified to ride a broomstick by myself, it's still very cool..."

"Yes, flying feels great. I think every man would like to experience it..."

"If I have a child, I will definitely bring him. Flying a broom is dangerous, but flying a carpet is fine..."

Finally, the men were also addicted to the Weasley Brothers TV station and could not extricate themselves. The ladies did not want to change the channel because of the change of topic.

Because before entering the flight experience hall, the Weasley brothers said that the next step would be to enter the magic barber shop for a live broadcast.

As the trip to the flight experience center ended, they indeed entered the magic barber shop.

Here, the magical operations of the wizard barber make men unable to stop, and they wish they were the one waving the magic wand.

The ladies in front of the TV can't wait to get into the TV and experience a magical washing, cutting and blowing.

"Is it magic that such a bad hair can get better?"

"It doesn't matter if the color changes, but the new hair can still maintain this color?"

"Fendy, damn, why is the phone number at the Mawu Special Administrative Region Application Office always disconnected? Is the phone at home broken?"

The ladies in front of the TV were going crazy. It wasn't until the Weasley brothers changed the subject of the interview to a wizard that their mood calmed down a little.

"The children's experience center is very good. Yes, there were not so many places to play when I was a child. We could only ride children's broomsticks out of boredom..."

"The sweat steaming is very good, a very good experience. I never thought that taking a bath would make me feel so comfortable..."

"It's so complicated, I mean computers look like magic, yes, magic..."

Wizards are equally curious and fond of Muggle things.

After all, all entertainment facilities are essentially meant to serve people, and wizards are not out of the category of people.

As the interviews with the Weasley brothers progressed, more and more people complained about the exchange system in the Mawu Special Administrative Region.

“There is no limit on the exchange of gold galleons to pounds, but there is a limit on the other hand. I can understand the reason behind this because I am studying economics, but I feel that at least we should have enough gold galleons. After experiencing all the facilities , and still have money to take out some gadgets, such as chocolate frogs.”

More and more people had similar requests, and the Weasley brothers donated some of their own gold galleons to Muggles in need on the spot.

It must be said that this has won them the favor of many viewers in front of the TV.

What made everyone even happier was that the two brothers directly found their brother Percy.

"Hey, my two annoying brothers, you can't give me a hard time like this. I really don't understand financial things, but that's what an economist says, and that's a Muggle economist. "Percy said with an innocent look on his face.

This embarrassed look and the words "annoying brother" instantly gained Percy a lot of favor among Muggles.

Many Muggles also began to wonder about their relationship, and someone quickly revealed everything about the Weasley family on the Internet.

Of course, this is all intentional, and the purpose is to establish a friendly image of wizards among the people.

After all, in most movies, TV shows, and fairy tales, wizards are not the good guys.

As the two brothers conducted a nonsensical interview, Hermione was also pulled out to talk.

"This is our top student. After graduating from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, he also entered the University of London for further study."

When introducing Hermione, the two specially created many characters for Hermione.

Her good looks, coupled with her status as a Muggle wizard and her master's degree from the University of London, instantly made her gain countless fans.

It is estimated that even if she wants to develop into the entertainment industry, she can get a lot of rewards from this popularity.

But our know-it-all obviously didn't have such an idea. After she answered the Weasley brothers' questions, she left on the pretext of having something to do.

But even after she left, there were still many men standing in front of the TV, looking forward to the goddess appearing again.

It's a pity that their protection was fruitless, because Hermione had already gone to her secret cabin.

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