Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Chapter 519 The wind is coming

There is no airtight wall in the world.

I don’t know where this statement came from, nor who was the first to say it.

But it accurately predicted that all secrets would eventually be broken.

Hermione and Draco's secrets also did not escape this ending.

And when the secret was no longer a secret, the wizards, who were no different from Muggles in terms of gossip, also began to discuss the problems between the two of them.

Faced with a life where there were people talking behind them wherever they went, the two of them didn't think the problem was big.

What they wanted to confirm more was Lucius's thoughts.

But surprisingly, Lucius has not spoken publicly for a long time.

He had been at Malfoy Manor as soon as the incident broke out, and he had not been out since then.

At first, people were full of doubts about this, and Draco, who was afraid to go home, also wondered why his father didn't say anything.

It wasn't until he discussed it with Hermione that they decided they still wanted to talk to Lucius, so they returned to Malfoy Manor together.

It was at this time that they discovered that Malfoy Manor was actually isolated by unknown magic.

"Get out of here, Draco, if you don't want to be killed by your father."

Bella walked out of Malfoy Manor and said with a serious face.

"Uh... what's going on, Ms. Bella." Hermione looked at Bella and asked with confusion on her face.

"When Lucius got the news, I happened to be nearby. He wanted to beat the mandarin duck, but I persuaded him to stop."

Bella's innocent face showed a smile of success, and she looked like a good girl gone bad.

"Are you sure you want to persuade me to stop?"

Hermione glanced at Malfoy Manor with the protective shield turned on in confusion. This didn't look like a normal situation.

"The method is a bit violent, but the result is the same. In short, you'd better find a place to hide for a while and wait until he calms down."

Bella waved her hands vigorously, with the intention of driving the two of them away.

"It should be that the strong attack activated the castle's defensive magic. Without completely giving up Malfoy Manor, my father cannot come out." Draco thought for a moment and guessed through the castle's protective shield that Bella was stopping his father. way to leave.

"Then shall we leave?" Hermione asked.

"For now, this is the only thing we can do." Draco said helplessly.

Since he already knew that his father was furious, he felt that there was no need for him to get into trouble.

The two briefly discussed and left Malfoy Manor.

But this matter certainly cannot be solved by avoiding it.

Bella cannot look at Lucius forever, and the two of them will one day face this most determined opponent.

It may be better to delay it for a while.

At the same time, Neville also came to discuss with Percy, hoping that this matter would not cause turmoil within the wizarding world.

The idea is good, but will MI7 cooperate?

"At least they haven't done anything wrong in the past year and a half."

Percy said this, which also meant that he felt that MI7 would not be involved in this matter.

What happened after that also confirmed Percy's guess.

Neither MI7 nor the Muggle government were involved in this matter.

Things evolved according to their natural laws. Although Lucius was temporarily isolated, many elders from pure-blood families still jumped out to object.

"Every Malfoy is not just a Malfoy of the Malfoy family. They are a member of pure blood and the pride of pure blood. Pure blood wizards must remember their honor and responsibility."

Faced with such calls, the Muggle wizarding faction unsurprisingly stood up to oppose it.

With the opening of the Muggle Special Zone for more than a year, the social status of Muggle wizards has also significantly improved in the wizarding world.

In this case, the war of words between the two sides cannot be completely unequal.

Especially after some pure-blood wizards and wizard families stood up and clearly opposed the above remarks, Muggle wizards seemed to be at the top of public opinion for a while.

Faced with this situation, the core of the Death Eaters, the wizards from pure-blood families, became angry.

They found Voldemort's early remarks to prove the nobility of pure-blood wizards.

He also threatened that when the Dark Lord returns, you monsters and demons will just wait to go to Azkaban to receive punishment.

Such remarks caused more people to stand up and support the Dehe group. After all, there were many wizard families who were poisoned by Voldemort.

Public opinion has escalated again, and not many people care about the outcome of Decorah and Hermione.

Now the entire wizarding world is more interested in knowing whether pure-blood wizards are the backbone of the wizarding world, or whether the existence of Muggle wizards allows the wizarding world to survive.

Good guy, if things continue to develop as if there is no need for enemies, the wizarding world will start fighting itself.

This situation lasted for nearly half a year. With the results still unable to be discussed, the emotions of both parties became increasingly tense.

Neville and Percy approached Bella several times, hoping that she could awaken Voldemort and let him speak to suppress the chaos.

Bella only went to the Pyramid of Khufu twice, but had no intention of awakening Voldemort.


If the wizarding world is in chaos, it will be in chaos, and she, Bella, doesn't want to delay Voldemort's resurrection because of this incident.

"The Dark Lord said to wait for the wind to come, so you must wait. You can handle it yourself."

Faced with Bella's words, the two of them really had no choice.

In the end, they had no choice but to suppress one side each.

Neville was in charge of the pure-blood side, starting with the Death Eaters and silencing all pure-bloods.

This is not a problem, after all, his position is correct and he still has authority.

But something was wrong with Percy.

Percy Weasley, the surname itself represents that he is a member of the pure-blood family.

When he, in his capacity as Minister of Magic, asked Muggle wizards to silence, those people stopped doing it.

"We need a Muggle-born Minister for Magic."

"Muggle wizards can no longer remain silent, otherwise their status in the wizarding world will be the same as that of house elves."

"Draco's grandfather killed the former Muggle wizard Minister of Magic. The Malfoy family should be punished."

All kinds of clamoring voices came out one after another, and Percy instantly felt like Alexander.

Fortunately, Hermione was there to deal with it, otherwise he would have to resign on the spot.

Faced with the chaos in the wizarding world, the director of MI7 was helpless.

He was given the task of making everything go smoothly in the wizarding world and the Dark Lord had his way.

But now that the wizarding world is in such a turmoil, he is really powerless to reverse it.

As a last resort, he could only stand up and be the bad guy, leaving an obvious loophole in his words and making it look like the chaos in the wizarding world was all his fault.

Faced with this gift from heaven, Percy successfully grasped it.

But this only allowed him to survive for half a year.

Half a year later, seeing that MI7 had made no further moves, the wizards began to bring up old matters again.

Percy, who was under great pressure, even considered letting Hermione take over.

During this period, Bella suddenly said something, which made Percy resist the pressure.

The words she conveyed were very simple, only three words:

The wind is coming.

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