Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Chapter 546 The true body arrives

Fire comes from outside the sky.

There was only a handful at first, and the darkness was not noticeable.

But as it fell, the fire grew larger and larger, eventually covering the sky across Australia.

The apocalyptic scene quickly attracted the attention of the world. Countless TV stations broadcast it live, and experts began to explain the significance of this scene.

Doomsday theories, doomsday theories, and wizards destroying the earth, various different theories began to appear. It was not until the Weasley brothers started live broadcasting that the real reason was revealed.

"parallel world?"

"A magical giant from another world?"

"The war will start in Australia? Why not notify in advance?"

Various opinions began to sound on the Internet, some condemned the wizards, and some asked for the live broadcast of the battle.

Some people are also worried about the Australians. After all, the battle will start on their continent, and it seems that this battle will have a wide impact.

After all, the dark flames in the sky had already made some kind of clear statement.

But the Australian people have no time to condemn the wizards because they are all rushing to buy tickets and leave.

Nowadays, air tickets from Australia to other countries have become hard to find.

Under this situation, various bizarre incidents frequently occur. The most common ones are those who pretend that they have air tickets, but in fact they do it to defraud money and sex.

In addition to the emergence of a large number of scammers, financial power also assumes special significance during this period.

In addition to using them to get out first, some people also use them to occupy underground tunnels built by some eschatological supporters.

The ugliness of human nature turned the whole of Australia into hell in just one day.

And the blazing black flames in the sky also changed as the sun set.

The flame began to rotate, like a whirlpool, and a vacuum appeared in the center.

In that vacuum, a dark phoenix slowly appeared.

It is just the form of a phoenix, and its body is still composed of flames.

As soon as it appeared, it kept chirping, as if it was sending some special signal to the depths of the universe or the end of time.

This situation lasted for a month, and Australia was also in chaos for a month.

And after this little month passed, most of the people who had fled Australia suddenly found that what happened in Australia before seemed unnecessary.

But those experiences, that hellish little half month, were so real.

"The wizard's conspiracy, like the chaos of North America, is their fault."

"Muggles should unite. This is no longer just an internal conflict among humans, but a war between two races."

"Australia is just their first step. The next chaos will occur in the states. They are expelling us. In fact, they have already occupied Australia."

Ma Wu's oppositional remarks were rampant, but Voldemort just hid behind and watched the fun.

At this time, there is no need to get involved or forcefully suppress people's speech, as that will only be counterproductive.

When Grindelwald arrives and the war begins, everything will become clear.

Those who are clean will be clean themselves, so why care about what people say.

Those who are turbulent will become turbulent themselves. Only the real conspiracy needs to be concealed.

"Grindelwald's movement this time is bigger than we thought."

Seeing that a small month passed, and no figure appeared in the black flames, the God of Death said with a worried look on his face.

"Dumbledore", on the other hand, still remained calm and calm. After all, this was not his world.

"It can't be true, right?"

"Dumbledore" said this, but suddenly froze on the spot.

At that moment, Death and "Dumbledore" both looked at each other with wide eyes.

"Ahem...what do you mean..."

Voldemort, who was drinking water, couldn't even finish his sentence because he was choked.

He really heard the God of Death and "Dumbledore" say that Grindelwald would never use his true body to come.

Because that would not only open the barriers to the parallel world, but also adjust time.

After all, Grindelwald during this period was definitely no match for Death and "Dumbledore".

Even if neither of them showed up in person, they were still enough to deal with Grindelwald in the early 20th century.

But the problem is, if Grindelwald really uses his true form from the future to come, then there will be a huge loophole in the plan of these two people:

Who can break Grindelwald into that door?

At least as far as Voldemort knew, the influence of the real body on the use of the power of the law was still huge.

"Maybe we are overthinking it. He might just bring more people, right?" "Dumbledore" forced an awkward smile and explained.

But his words were really unconvincing. Neither Death nor Voldemort's worried expressions disappeared.

"Wait a little longer and the results should be available soon."

The God of Death looked at the live Australian scene on the TV and said coldly.

The other two nodded helplessly, as if that was all they could do.

Three days later, the expressions of the three of them turned completely gloomy.

In the center of the huge whirlpool in the picture, a pair of shoes is slowly revealed.

Just by looking at the style of the boots, "Dumbledore" recognized them as Grindelwald.

“He’s the only one who likes retro and fancy boots, and coincidentally, I gave him this pair.”

"Dumbledore"'s words made Voldemort instantly think of Alexander.

"Can't we destroy his advent ceremony?" Voldemort asked.

"Yes, but the price is that the time and space in this world will be disrupted." Death frowned and said.

"Time and space are confused?" Voldemort asked doubtfully.

"Just like the broken time turner next to the Forbidden Forest, judging from the time gap opened by Grindelwald's arrival, at least the entire Australia will fall into a time loop, and at worst, the entire world will fall into a time loop."

"Dumbledore" explained on behalf of Death, and his explanation also made Voldemort take a breath.

There are many movies in the Muggle world in which one person is caught in a time loop, but there is no movie in which the entire world is caught in a time loop.

But even if he didn't, Voldemort could still imagine that horrific scene.

If people's memories can be refreshed, although this time loop is terrifying, at least the order of human society will still exist.

But if the memory is not reset, once people discover that no matter how hard they try, they will return to the original point in a short time, the order of the entire world will collapse.

It is conceivable that morality must be the first thing to be overturned, and indulgence is only temporary pleasure.

Killing and torture are likely to be ways for these people who cannot escape from time to pass away and paralyze themselves.

Hell on earth, I guess it will end like that.

"Then we can only... let him come." Voldemort murmured.

Death and "Dumbledore" both nodded, they had no better way.

"But at least, he will pay a heavy price for it, right?" Finally, the God of Death found a point to be happy about.

"I just hope we can survive this time." "Dumbledore" added with a wry smile.

In an instant, the joy that had just risen in my heart disappeared.

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