Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Chapter 550 Borrowing the Body

Voldemort couldn't think of an answer, even if he mobilized Lin Zuo's memory.

Looking at the God of Death, who was completely stunned and letting Grindelwald put his wand on his forehead, Voldemort felt ashen.

If Death dies, even if it is not a real death, the world will be destroyed by Grindelwald.

"Perhaps in other parallel worlds, there is still an earlier or later me, but the me in this world..."

Pain welled up in his heart, but facing a battlefield of this level, Voldemort was powerless.


The god of death, who had the wand pressed against his forehead, suddenly shook his body.

That sound awakened all the meditators, and also awakened the god of death from his sluggishness.

He wanted to resist, but Grindelwald obviously would not give him such a chance, and the wand slammed forward.


Dark flames burst out of the Death God's body, instantly blowing him to pieces.

Voldemort was keenly aware of an unusual fluctuation, which was the memory of the God of Death.

Yes, in this world, the God of Death has no soul.

"I will go directly to attack you, Death. This time I will completely eliminate you."

Grindelwald's voice seemed to overflow with excitement.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, his expression suddenly changed, and his eyes suddenly looked at Voldemort.

Voldemort was also frightened and wanted to retreat at this moment.

The two of them reacted like this because the memory of Death was running towards Voldemort at full speed.


Grindelwald's body suddenly disappeared out of thin air and reappeared in front of Voldemort.

He turned his back to Voldemort and held his wand as if to block something.

Unfortunately, he was still a step too late.

At this time, Voldemort could already feel the memory piercing straight into his eyebrows.

"Bang bang bang..."

A muffled sound comes from the touch of the world of memory.

Compared to Death's memory world, Voldemort felt that his own memory world was too fragile.

He can hold on and not leave, but maybe soon his memory world will be smashed by the other party.

Reluctantly, he used his soul to wrap up the memory world and exit his body. At the same time, he also took away the little permanent magic power in his body.


The surging magic power transformed into Voldemort's appearance, making the two of him appear in front of everyone at the same time.

Everything was done in an instant. When death took over Voldemort's body, Grindelwald didn't even have time to turn around.

"Back off again."

Voldemort, who used perpetual motion magic to instantly create a new body, roared and retreated first.

Although many of the Death Eaters who followed him were stunned by the scene, they still instinctively retreated obediently.

The group of people moved away from here while Grindelwald turned around, but the God of Death did not take advantage of Grindelwald's turn to launch an attack.

"How could I not have thought that you would be the true god? Gellert, I just didn't want to use this body directly." The God of Death said with a smile.

Grindelwald was stunned for a moment, but then he smiled contemptuously.

"If you haven't been soaked in the power of the law for a long time, how much of your strength can it use?"

He asked back, slowly raising his wand and pointing it at the God of Death.

The God of Death also raised his wand and faced it, and at the same time, a green light lit up at the top of the wand in his hand.

In an instant, two rays of light, one black and one green, intertwined to form a pillar of light.


Grindelwald shook his shoulders and activated his gas stove to shroud Death.


The God of Death also shook his shoulders, and a green light emerged from his body.

Grindelwald raised his eyebrows. He recognized that this was the resident law of Death, but what he couldn't understand was how the opponent's body could use the power of the law so naturally.

Little did he know that the body of the God of Death had been conceived in the Pyramid of Khufu for thousands of years and had already possessed divinity.

"The further they spread, the power of their laws will explode."

"Dumbledore" who was watching the battle from a distance suddenly roared, reminding Voldemort and others.

Voldemort hurriedly continued to retreat with his men, but his eyes were fixed on the battlefield.

He still hopes to find an opportunity for a breakthrough from this battle, but unfortunately he has found nothing so far.


There were two explosions in succession, and light burst out from both Death and Grindelwald.

The light on Grindelwald's body is dark in color, giving those who watch it an urge to surrender.

The light that bursts out from the God of Death is emerald green, but this light that represents life gives people a feeling of death.

Two rays of extremely different colors enveloped the two of them and collided at the point where their magic spells connected each other.

A harsh friction sound sounded, causing Voldemort and others to cover their ears.

But the sound was like a curse. Even if I used ear plugs to listen to the curse, I still couldn't resist the sharp sound.

"It's a voice that goes straight into your soul. If you don't like it, you can step back a little. If it still doesn't work, just leave first."

Voldemort turned his head and said something to the Death Eaters behind him, and then took a few steps forward, wanting to feel the power of the law closer.

Although he didn't know what the two laws represented, he was fascinated by the feeling of surrender or death.

Especially the deathly green light, which is the power of law that he can use in the future. It is said that he is the easiest to understand.

"Don't think about learning that law. Voldemort cannot evolve this law without killing people from several worlds."

As if he guessed Voldemort's thoughts, "Dumbledore" came to him and said.

"Will Death win?" Voldemort ignored the other party's warning and instead asked a question that concerned him more.

Rather than understanding the law, he actually wanted Death to win.

After all, only when you are alive can you have a future, and when you die, it is really over.

"I don't know, Grindelwald must have guessed that he has some tricks." Dumbledore shook his head.

Voldemort was stunned by his words and asked doubtfully: "Grindelwald guessed that Death can use my body?"

"Dumbledore" immediately shook his head and said: "He didn't guess this, but he can guess that the God of Death came with his true form. Make more plans for everything. This is what old foxes like us do."

"Then Grindelwald might have a way to deal with it?" Voldemort asked.

"After fighting for so many years, I must have some countermeasures." "Dumbledore" nodded, but then frowned, "But the God of Death is not his true form after all. His defeat will be a matter of time."

"Then you're not going to help?" Voldemort asked doubtfully.

Why does this old guy in front of me feel like he is watching the fun?

"The time is not up yet, Voldemort. There is only one chance. We must stay calm." "Dumbledore" finally became serious and said while looking at the battlefield not far away.

Voldemort nodded and did not respond, just waiting quietly for the opportunity that only came once.

He turned to look at "Dumbledore" and found that he was paying serious attention to the battlefield.

It can be seen that he is indeed looking for the best time.

"I hope there will be a good outcome." Voldemort murmured in his heart.

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