Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Chapter 552 No accident

The battle ended faster and more smoothly than imagined.

The originally feared world would be destroyed and Australia would collapse, but they did not appear in this battle.

"Although Australia has been preserved, the laws there will continue to be disordered for many years, and they need to be enclosed with magic circles and checked regularly."

"Dumbledore" kindly explained to Voldemort, and then flew towards the Shadow Door.

Next, everyone saw the God of Death and "Dumbledore" busy around the phantom door.

No one knows exactly what they did, but their guess is that they strengthened the door.

As for Grindelwald's followers, they slowly stopped after resisting for a while.

"Can we be imprisoned together with Mr. Grindelwald?" "Hermione" gave up her resistance and asked the God of Death in a loud voice.

"Sorry, I can't do that."

The God of Death, who had reinforced the Shadow Door, slowly fell to the ground, shook his head and said, "We can't even imprison you in this world, so you only have two choices."

"Which two?" 'Hermione' asked, looking at the Shadow Door carried by Death.

"Go back the way you came, or abandon your body and be imprisoned in my world." Death replied.

"Without Mr. Grindelwald, we can't open the door to time and space." 'Hermione' frowned.

Death shrugged and said nothing, but already gave the answer.

He obviously didn't want to waste time and was considerate of the other person and made a way home for them.

Then the remaining choice is to abandon the body and leave with only the memory.

"You will take Grindelwald's door away, right?" Voldemort approached "Dumbledore" and asked him.

"No, it will take too much time and energy. Voldemort, we will keep him here." "Dumbledore" glanced at the Shadow Doorway.

Voldemort's mouth twitched. He didn't think this was a good idea.

"Dumbledore" saw his micro-expression, so he smiled and patted his shoulder, saying: "Don't worry, Voldemort, the God of Death will take care of it. If nothing else, he can wait until the God of Death returns to his future." Free up your hands to deal with Gellert."

"If there is no accident, there will be an accident." Voldemort muttered with his lips curled up, and turned his gaze to the God of Death.

The meaning in that look was obvious. He hoped that the other party would take away this trouble.

"I can't, Voldemort, that's a price I can't pay, so..."

"But he could come out at any time, couldn't he?"

"I will handle it carefully and reinforce it carefully. Besides, he is inside and there is another Death God fighting with him, so it should be nothing..."

Before the God of Death could finish his words, the Shadow Door on his back shook violently.

The vibration was so intense that it even made the God of Death stagger.

"It's no surprise...it's a surprise."

Voldemort, who said these words, felt an inexplicable peace of mind at this moment.

Although Grindelwald comes out again, Voldemort and "Dumbledore" may not be able to control him, and the world may even be destroyed as a result.

But the previous result was not much better than this result.

Even from a torture point of view, the former is more threatening.

"Go to the Department of Mysteries."

The God of Death had no time to pay attention to Voldemort's words. After saying something quickly, he reached out and grabbed Voldemort and "Dumbledore".


Without giving others time to react, the three of them disappeared instantly.

The people who stayed in place were a little stunned by the disappearance of the three people.

After a while, someone finally spoke.

"So...are we still prisoners?"

It was 'Hermione'. After she asked, she showed a strange smile and then apparated away instantly.

Other Grindelwald believers also followed and disappeared in front of everyone.

Seeing the enemy leaving but unable to stop him, "Draco" couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth several times.

"Let's go back first and wait for the God of Death to make the final decision."

Finally, he gave the order, and everyone began to return to Europe in various ways.

The three Voldemorts who returned earlier came directly to the Department of Mysteries.

"Albus, I need you to help me stabilize time and space, and let me put him into this locked room."

As soon as the three of them appeared here, Death said to "Dumbledore".

"Okay, but are you sure it won't break?" Dumbledore nodded and couldn't help but ask.

He couldn't help but ask, the knocking sound from the Shadow Door became more and more urgent, and at the same time, there was also the "creak" sound from the Shadow Door.

It sounds like this door is really going to collapse at any time.

"Grindelwald must have influenced him and made him start attacking this door." Death said with some annoyance.

"He can no longer control his thoughts?" "Dumbledore" said in surprise.

"No one can be immersed in the darkest hour for a long time. Voldemort has the best say in this." Death said while removing the Shadow Door from his back and looking at Voldemort.

"It was an abyss that one could sink into infinitely, Albus, if you need, I can share that memory." Voldemort began to accept "Dumbledore", so he began to use familiar names.

"Once he's sealed, I'd be happy to feel it."

"Dumbledore" smiled an indescribably friendly smile, and then pointed his wand at the locked room in front of him.

In an instant, the invisible force of time and space clung there, causing invisible changes to the door.

"Now, Death, I can't last long." "Dumbledore" said with some pain.


The God of Death responded, and at the same time placed the Shadow Door facing the locked room, and made careful and subtle adjustments.

After that, He held a door handle with each hand and opened both doors at the same time.


There was a figure first, shuttled out of the phantom door.

It was Grindelwald. He was obviously well prepared, and his speed almost turned into a shadow.

But the problem was that he was too anxious. After running out of the Shadow Door, he entered the locked room almost instantly.


The short scream was from Grindelwald, and then he saw his figure rushing out of the locked room.

His reversal was so fast that he didn't even give Death a chance to close the door.

But the same situation happened again, and a thin white hand suddenly stretched out from behind him and grabbed him tightly.

Voldemort was very close to the hand, so he could see it extremely clearly.

Moreover, this hand feels stronger than the previous one.



Two voices came in succession.

The former is the sound of Grindelwald being pulled closer to the locked room, and the latter is the sound of Death closing the door.

When everything was settled, Death showed a satisfied smile.

"No accident, you two, we succeeded."

It can be seen that He is happy from the bottom of his heart.

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