Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Chapter 557 Draco’s Growth

Peace is like fragile glass. Human beings are always addicted to fighting without knowing it.

Shortly after the wedding, some of the wizards came up with new ideas in the hard-won peace.

At first, these ideas were only published in newspapers, and they only discussed the origin of wizards in a few words.

Gradually, the topic began to be deliberately guided, and the Ma wizards began to argue whether they were all human beings.

Most people among the wizards believe that wizards are human beings, and even think that this is a fact that does not need to be debated.

But a small group of people, including Muggles and wizards, believe that wizards are no longer human.

After the focus of the discussion was shifted, more ideas emerged, and the TV was filled with such debates. Even Voldemort, who was devoted to studying magic, was disturbed.

"You mean, someone is causing trouble in secret?" Voldemort pushed away the magic book in front of him and looked at the increasingly gloomy Draco and asked.

"Yes, Your Majesty, and there are two forces." Draco confirmed.

Voldemort smacked his lips and frowned, as if he was dissatisfied with being disturbed by these people.

"Tell me their origins, Draco."

"Okay, Your Majesty."

Draco bowed slightly and said, "Some of them are pure-blood wizards, originating from Germany. They believe that Muggles are inferior and should be ruled by wizards."

Voldemort frowned dissatisfied: "Are they Grindelwald's remaining believers?"

"Yes and no. Even without Grindelwald, these people still look down on Muggles. In fact, pure-blood wizards in England also have this idea."

Draco's answer made Voldemort's brows widen.

As long as it wasn't an existence of Grindelwald's level, just some pure-blood wizards, he didn't take it seriously.

"These pure-blood wizards are the ones who provoke disputes. They deliberately create conflicts between the two parties and want to gain greater benefits from them." Draco continued.

"A greater good, like?" Voldemort asked.

"Land, money, and even rights, Your Majesty, they have too many demands, and it is difficult to satisfy their desires." Draco explained.

Voldemort nodded slightly and waved his hand for Draco to continue.

"The other wave of people chose to take action when they saw things were profitable. They came from England."


Voldemort twisted his body and found a more comfortable position in the chair, "Be more specific."

"Dennis Creevey in Falcon Burner. Although he is a wizard, he thinks from a Muggle perspective and hates wizards extremely."

When Draco said this, he paused briefly because he saw Voldemort stunned for a moment.

Dennis Creevey, Voldemort didn't know who this person was at first, but he just thought he had heard of this last name.

He didn't think of the name until he thought about Hermione once introducing him to the personnel of the Falcon Burner.

He is the younger brother of Colin Creevey, and perhaps this is the root cause of his hatred of wizards.

"He has such a reason." Voldemort nodded slightly, "What did he do?"

"Joined a Muggle extremist organization and is committed to eliminating wizards. The current main goal is to create conflicts between wizards and Muggles." Draco said.

"A very pragmatic organization, but you investigated it thoroughly. Did you violate the [Wizard Act]?" Voldemort asked.

The [Wizard Act] clearly stipulates that wizards must obtain the consent of Muggles to explore or modify Muggle memories.

And Draco's news is so solid, it can only mean that he violated this law.

"Some small means, Your Majesty, it is just financial support in the early stage, and in the later stage, in order to confirm the authenticity of the news..."

Before Draco could finish speaking, Voldemort interrupted him with his hand.

"Now that the roots of both directions are known, let's end this farce." Voldemort said nonchalantly.

Whether it was those pure bloods or little flies like Dennis, Voldemort didn't think it was a big problem, and he had no time to get involved in this matter.

"Your Majesty, I have a longer-term plan that requires your approval." Draco did not follow Voldemort's arrangements, but expressed his own thoughts.

"Tell me about it." Voldemort said, having already moved the magic book in front of him again.

Obviously, he doesn't think this is a serious problem and is ready to immerse himself in the world of magic again.

Draco hurriedly took advantage of Voldemort before he completely sunk in, and quickly said: "I want to keep these two organizations and support them to a certain extent, in order to..."

Before he could finish his words, Voldemort raised his head in surprise and said, "Put a long line to catch a big fish?"

Draco immediately nodded vigorously, while Voldemort lowered his eyebrows in thought.

If you lengthen the line, you can certainly catch big fish, but the risk is also doubled.

Especially this dangerous point may completely separate Muggles and wizards.

If one is not good, then it is really playing with fire and burning yourself.

No wonder Draco wanted to come here to see him in person, it turned out that he had such an idea.

Voldemort looked at Draco with deep eyes, and in his dark eyes, it was difficult to see his true thoughts.

Draco swallowed nervously, but bravely stood up his chest.

Obviously, this was a challenge for him, and both Voldemort and himself knew this.

At the moment when Draco chose to be brave, the final choice was placed in the hands of Voldemort.

"I have always adhered to the principle of employing people without suspicion and not using people who are suspicious. Draco, I support your decision this time. Submit your plan and I will sign it."

In the end, Voldemort chose to support it.

After all, growth requires a price. If it is not possible, it is not unacceptable for him to step in to end the collapse.

Compared to letting Draco sink in disappointment and self-denial, Voldemort felt that such a risk was worth it.

After all, many of his disciples have matured, but Draco is the only one who is not good enough, and he is worried about it.

"I am ready, Your Majesty, and I have set a bottom line. Once the situation gets out of control, I will stop the loss in time, be responsible for the result, and am willing to accept all punishment."

Draco said as he came prepared, unfolding the folder in his hand, which was a thick stack of plans.

"Wait for me to take a look."

Voldemort didn't say anything more. He just took the file and looked at it. After a while, he raised his head and said, "Have you discussed it with Porchis?"

"Yes, Your Majesty, and with his consent, this memory of his was deleted." Draco nodded.

Voldemort nodded with satisfaction. The young man in front of him was really beginning to mature.

"I really can't find a reason to refuse, Draco. The only advice I can give you is: pay attention to details, that is the key point that determines success or failure."

Voldemort said, turning the document to the last page and swiping his wand across the signature line.

A line of signatures with magical effects was left on it.

At this point, Draco has great power, whether in the Muggle world or the wizarding world, he can mobilize huge resources.

"I will keep it in mind, Your Majesty, and I will definitely complete this mission."

Draco said firmly, at this moment, he seemed to be changing from a boy to a man.

Human growth always requires several key points, and Draco has obviously found the key point in his life.

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