Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Chapter 561 Tracking

The inverted triangle-shaped shadow struck the door forcefully again and again.

Voldemort had been looking around it for a long time, but there was no change in the impact of this little thing.

Moreover, it seems that it cannot damage the door that looks extremely strong.

This actually calmed Voldemort's anxious heart. He began to look carefully at the vague lines on the triangular shadow, trying to find its source through these details.

"Your Majesty, how is the situation?"

At the end of the corridor, Sir Gamp's head poked in, covering his eyes with his hands and asked.

"Call Draco over, this matter requires his participation in the investigation."

Voldemort replied, and then focused on the triangular shadow again.

Because it is a virtual shadow, the lines on it are not particularly clear, but the general direction of the lines is still there.

Voldemort observed it repeatedly for a long time. During this period, he added magic power to the incomplete time rune several times, forcing the phantom to look more real.

Finally, before Draco poked his head into the corridor, he roughly got a glimpse of the function of these lines:

A magic circle with destructive properties and the ability to travel through space.

"The characteristic of traveling through space!"

Voldemort murmured, thinking of "Dumbledore". This magic circle didn't look like it could be used by ordinary wizards.

Could it be that there are wizards who have stepped onto the path of higher-dimensional life evolution and sneaked into this world to try to unblock Grindelwald?

"Your Majesty, how is the situation?" Draco asked with his head raised, not daring to look directly at Voldemort.

"That's almost it. Just wait a moment."

As Voldemort answered, he put aside his doubts and began to output energy for the time rune.

As the time magic text intensified, a linear shadow as thin as a gossamer appeared behind the triangular shadow that knocked on the door.

That's where it came from, broken in mid-air, but under Voldemort's gaze, he had traced it to its end.

"That's where it is?"

Voldemort murmured in surprise, and the time rune in his hand slowly disappeared.

Sir Gamp and Draco, who were always observing carefully, hurriedly stepped into the corridor and came to Voldemort's side.

"Your Majesty, do you know what's going on?" Sir Gamp stepped forward and asked.

Draco's face also showed expectation, but his eyes glanced at the door that was still banging.

"The origin of this thing has been found. It is most likely that people from another world are causing trouble.

"Draco, in your next investigation, you can see if there is any strange wizard. Of course, he may be disguised as a Muggle."

After Voldemort finished speaking, he glanced at the door again and said, "Hold me, and I will take you to where this thing comes from."

After hearing this, the two men immediately grabbed Voldemort's arms from left to right.


The intercontinental apparition was activated, and the three people disappeared into the corridor.

When they appeared again, they had arrived at a place filled with yellow sand.

"Khufu's Pyramid?" Sir Gamp looked at the Khufu's Pyramid next to him in surprise.

"The formation is set up here, but before that, maybe you can ask the owner here first."

Voldemort said, leading the two of them to turn and walk towards the Sphinx.

Before they could reach the foot of the Sphinx, Rajdev I had already hurried out.

"His Majesty."

From a distance, Rajdev I saluted Voldemort and said hello.

After Voldemort asked him to stand up, he asked him if there was anything unusual here recently.

"I have been at Ugadu Magic School recently. Your Majesty, the Dream Messenger there has had some problems recently. I am busy repairing it, so I don't know much about the situation here. Is there any problem?" Rajdev I asked with a confused look on his face.

Voldemort raised his eyebrows and looked at Draco thoughtfully.

"What do you think, Draco?" Voldemort asked Draco, without answering Rajdev's question, which looked confused.

"This person should not be an outsider. In other words, even if he is an outsider, he must be extremely familiar with the wizarding world of this world, and even..."

Draco paused briefly, "He is probably hiding among the higher-ups in the wizarding world."

Voldemort nodded in agreement. If that person didn't have connections with the higher-ups in this world, he wouldn't have been able to do things so thoroughly.

"You can trace this line, Draco. I think Rajdev I will cooperate with you, right?" When Voldemort said the last words, he turned his eyes to the confused Rajeev. On my husband's body.

"Of course, it is my honor to provide you with any help." Rajdev I quickly put away his confusion and replied.

Voldemort nodded, turned and walked towards Khufu's Pyramid, and began to carefully inspect the perimeter of the pyramid.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for him to discover several nodes of the magic circle, and based on these nodes, he found all other magical vessels buried underground.

"What kind of magic circle is this? I don't think I've ever seen it before." Sir Gamp asked doubtfully as he looked at the magic circle diagram drawn by Voldemort.

"It should be an outsider. According to the magic rules of this world, the improved magic circle does not belong to this world." Voldemort focused his eyes on the array diagram and replied thoughtfully.

"Is it possible that those outsiders confused the local wizards and made them do all this?" Draco asked from the side.

Voldemort looked up at him, nodded and said, "It may also be the remnants of Grindelwald in this world. He has always been good at cunning rabbits."

Draco nodded and frowned, wondering where to start.

"Your Majesty, there is news from the Department of Mysteries that the strange noise has disappeared." Sir Gamp hurried over and said.

Voldemort nodded, not surprisingly.

The foundation of the magic circle has been destroyed, and no matter how mysterious the formation is, it will not be effective.

"Also, Your Majesty, the curtains are moving. It seems that the God of Death is sending a message to the world." Sir Gamp added.

Voldemort raised his head in astonishment and looked at Sir Gamp in confusion.

"The news just came, Your Majesty." Sir Gamp confirmed.

"Go back." Voldemort said without hesitation.

"Your Majesty, I..."

Draco was a little hesitant, not sure whether he should stay or follow along to see what Death had to say.

"You also come back with me. Death sent a message at this time. It should be very important information." Voldemort made a decision for him.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Draco nodded immediately.

After that, the three of them said goodbye to Rajdev I and immediately left the Intercontinental Phantom.

Reappeared, already in the Death Hall of the Department of Mysteries.

At this time, the curtains on the stone platform were fluttering significantly more than before.

"Perform the sacrifice, I will listen."

Voldemort ordered without hesitation, then walked to the curtain and stood there.

What news will my future self send back this time?

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