Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Chapter 563 Critical Point

Voldemort made a special trip to see Percy because he really had something to say.

He needed Percy to give up his position as England's Minister of Magic and instead run for president of the International Federation of Magic.

"Why?" Percy asked rather puzzled.

"I need wizards all over the world to be more closely connected. Percy, you know that Draco, Sir Gamp and I have just returned from Africa. Draco will also need to go to Africa to investigate some things next, and even if Raged My husband is fully cooperating, but officials can still provide another level of help."

Voldemort gave his own reasons, which were sufficient and made Percy think deeply.

"Do you think there is still unfinished business in the Ministry of Magic in England?" Voldemort asked.

"Yes, Your Majesty, the cooperation between Ma and Wu is deepening here. From daily necessities to economic cooperation, it is at a critical moment of many complications. I am afraid that the new minister..."

"Just appoint one yourself, Percy. The nominal rights don't necessarily have to be in your own hands."

Voldemort interrupted Percy and gave his own advice.

Percy was stunned by his suggestion. Even if he wasn't a political novice, he really hadn't thought of this level yet.

After all, in terms of age, Percy, who is only close to thirty years old, has a too short political career.

"If you look closely at my operations after my return, you will find that I have never had any rights, but whether it is the wizarding world in England or the wizarding world around the world, I have my shadow. This is also a way to control power, Per West." Voldemort explained using his own example.

Percy nodded slowly, but he hesitated for a moment and said, "But, Your Majesty, I haven't trained enough capable subordinates for me to trust."

Voldemort understood this. After all, Percy was indeed too young for the position of Minister of Magic.

"Neville, you can trust him, or Crouch, I can ask him to help you temporarily."

Voldemort named the candidates he thought were qualified for the position, and these two people were immediately recognized by Percy.

Neville had already accumulated enough prestige during Voldemort's absence.

Coupled with his parents' heroic status, his family's pure-blood endorsement, and the friendly way their family has always treated Muggle wizards, they all determine that he has the basic conditions for sitting on this position.

In addition, he has been the leader of the Death Eaters for a long time, and his ability is beyond doubt.

There is no problem with the other choice of Crouch Jr. After all, Crouch Jr.'s father was his leader, which means that his family's political genes are completely sufficient.

The two candidates were not picky, but the biggest problem was that they were too obedient to Voldemort's orders.

Although Percy also obeyed Voldemort, his relationship with Voldemort was not that close.

But these two people give people the feeling of devout believers.

Could it be that this is a test?

The Dark Lord wants to regain control of England's wizarding world?

Percy's brows furrowed briefly, which did not escape Voldemort's gaze at all.

"Although one of the two of them can be loaned to you, Percy, you know that I can't live without them, so I need you to give me a time limit, up to three years, and you need to let your people come to power. They The Death Eaters need to return, they are needed there and I need them."

Voldemort's words instantly eliminated Percy's speculation.

After all, from the moment he came into contact with Voldemort, the Dark Lord attached great importance to his promises, and he had no reason not to be convinced.

"I choose Crouch Jr. Your Majesty, Neville's current character... I'm really afraid that the wizarding world will be turned upside down by him." Percy said with a wry smile.

Voldemort smiled back and nodded in agreement.

He himself was not optimistic about Neville, because this child who had overcome adversity all the way had some extreme ideas in his head.

Among the Death Eaters who spoke volumes about Voldemort, this was of course no problem, because that was not a place that could tolerate sand.

But in the Ministry of Magic... let's forget it.

As for Crouch Jr., he is smart and capable, and as he got married and had children in recent years, his personality has become more gentle, so he is suitable for this role.

Of course, his father Crouch Sr. also gave him a lot of credit. After all, the old man retired not long ago, and there are still many old subordinates in the Ministry of Magic.

These people are the political legacy of Old Crouch, so if he becomes Minister of Magic, the shock within the Ministry of Magic will be particularly small.

"Okay, I'll let Crouch know, Percy."

Voldemort stood up from the chair. He was ready to leave, but he still said before leaving, "If Draco has any requirements, you know."

Percy nodded, of course he understood what Voldemort meant, and immediately said that he would make it convenient for him.

"This is important to us, Percy."

Unable to resist giving another instruction, Voldemort left the Office of the Minister of Magic and then apparated back to his castle.

When he got home, the first thing he did was go to the basement, where he did magic research.

Entering the basement, Voldemort immediately abandoned this body and entered a magical body composed entirely of perpetual magic.

Compared with the divine body, the magical body feels lighter to him, lacking in power, but more in terms of the heaviness of the magic power.

He felt that this divine body made by the God of Death was not prepared for ordinary wizards, but for wizards like the God of Death who had embarked on the path of evolution.

This is also the reason why the magic power of this divine body is not as abundant as that of the magical body.

"According to 'Dumbledore', one needs to touch the limits of this world in terms of strength. The magic power contained in this body now should be considered the limit."

Voldemort murmured, waving the Elder Wand vigorously, and cast a death curse forward.

Green light flashed across the dark basement and instantly hit a doll not far away.

There is no real harm, this magic cannot cause damage to inanimate objects.

But Voldemort himself fell into deep thought after using magic.

"The feeling of being bound has become clearer. Perhaps the critical point has been reached, but this magic power is not enough. It seems that more permanent magic power will be created."

Voldemort murmured, pulling a rope hanging from a golden snake head pendant beside him, and Bella appeared in front of him soon.

"I need more permanent magic, Bella, and this requires your cooperation." Voldemort said with a smile.

Bella nodded vigorously, and then picked up the time conch not far away.

Next came the repeated manufacturing process, and this time, Voldemort lasted three months.

Three months later, he finally clearly touched the non-existent "membrane".

That is the limit of the world. As long as he is in this world, his magic power cannot be stronger.

"If the energy is enough, then all that remains is cognition."

Voldemort said, but couldn't help but frown, just because this realization was really difficult to achieve.

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