Hogwarts: I Became the Third Dark Lord

Chapter 199 The Strange Battle

Latest URL: Seeing this scene, Wentworth couldn't help being stunned for a moment, but unfortunately, after Draco's spell hit the troll, the troll only shook a few times, but it didn't Suspended in mid-air by Draco.

The troll touched his head suspiciously, and then he was about to raise the wooden stick in his hand again.

Cedric on the side asked Wentworth:

"Aren't we going to make a move yet? The troll itself has a certain degree of magic resistance, and, with such a big body, Draco's magic power is not enough to cause damage to it!"

But Wentworth signaled Cedric to wait a little longer, even so, Wentworth also held the wand in his hand, ready to rescue at any time.

Seeing that the troll was about to raise the wooden stick in his hand again, Harry, who was throwing stones at the troll, rushed forward with a stride, hugged the troll's arm, and was taken advantage of by the troll. Raised above the head.

Then, Harry let go of his hands, which happened to land on top of the troll's head.


Draco yelled anxiously.

Harry, on the other hand, kept slapping the troll on top of the troll's head, and even pulled out his own wand, and inserted it into the troll's nostril.

The troll, whose nostrils were stuck by the wand, was obviously angry. The troll grabbed Harry from under his head, grabbed Harry's legs, and hung Harry upside down in front of him. About to swing the wooden club and smash it at Harry.

At the same time, Harry also said aloud:


Hearing Harry's call, Draco raised his wand again, held his breath, and prepared to release the spell again.

At the same time, Ron also rushed forward with a stride, and hugged the giant's wooden stick at once. The giant shook the wooden stick a few times, trying to shake Ron off the wooden stick , but Ron just held the wooden stick tightly and refused to let go.

After two more failed attempts, the angry troll raised his stick high up, as if he was about to smash it to the ground!

If the blow was real, Ron would be bloody on the spot.

And this time,

Draco was finally ready, and Draco raised his wand and shouted again:



There were two fuchsias in a row, but the target was not the troll, but Harry and Ron. Harry and Ron, who were hit by the fuchsia, hung upside down involuntarily and flew towards the ceiling.

However, at this time, both of them were held in the hands of the giant monster, and the giant monster was like holding a hydrogen balloon in one hand, being driven by it, and slowly drifting into the air.

And Wentworth, who witnessed the whole process from the side, muttered with a strange face:

"This style of painting is really getting weirder and weirder!"

And outside the door of the girls' bathroom in the basement, a slender figure was hiding behind the pillar and also witnessed the whole process. This person was none other than the student team who had been evacuated from Hogwarts and saw Wen. Tevos's departure, so as to keep up with Cassandra.

I saw that Cassandra was not only very calm, but also looked at this place from the beginning with a scrutinizing gaze.

Just listen to Cassandra muttering to herself:

"Harry Potter? There is no lack of courage, but at present, it is just a little courage. On the contrary, it is our little boy from Slytherin."

Having said that, Cassandra involuntarily turned her attention to Draco who was wearing a Slytherin uniform, with a hint of appreciation on her face, she said:

"Draco Malfoy? Whether it is the reaction speed or the ability to adapt to changing situations, it is commendable! The spell release is also good! At this age, being able to do this has the potential to become an excellent wizard in the future , perhaps, is worth an identity card."

While Cassandra was looking at Draco, the troll who was sent to the sky by Draco seemed a little scared. Leaving the ground always makes it feel a little unsteady.

Then, the giant monster that was holding Harry and Ron closed its eyes, let go of it, and fell from the sky.

As soon as it landed, the troll casually picked up a long wooden stick from the ground, looked at Harry and Ron who were hanging upside down from the roof, and seemed to throw the stick at them again.

At this time, Draco raised his wand again, but Wentworth not far away found that Draco's face was pale when he continuously used spells beyond his age. , sweating profusely.

Seeing this, Wentworth shook his head, but he no longer hesitated, and said to Cedric beside him:

"Let's do it together! Stunning Curse!"

Having said that, in order to ensure the safety of Harry and Ron, Wentworth was the first to release a disarming spell.

"Disarm you!"

The wooden stick in the troll's hand was instantly sent flying.

Just as the troll raised his arm, looked at his palm with doubts on his face, and was still struggling in his mind, when the stick that was still in his hand went, Cedric's spell had already arrived!


I saw that Cedric's spell hit the giant monster, but the giant monster is indeed a magical creature with inherent magic resistance. After being hit by Cedric's stun spell, his eyes were a little blurred, and his footsteps were constantly moving. Spinning, but not falling down immediately.

This scene surprised Wentworth again.

You know, Cedric's strength is already considered the top among his peers, and in Lupine's words, Cedric's magic power storage is far superior to that of young wizards of the same age.

But even so, Cedric's stun spell still failed to knock down the troll in one blow. This also shows that in the original book, Professor McGonagall later said that the three of Harry were lucky, and it was really not just talk.

And Wentworth also understands why the troll in the original book was stunned by physics, because it is impossible to defeat the troll with magic based on the current level of magic of Harry and the others.

Although many things flashed through Wentworth's mind, the movements of Wentworth's hands did not stop.

After knocking away the wooden stick in the troll's hand, and seeing that Cedric failed to stun the troll with one blow, Wentworth no longer hesitated, and also began to cast a stun spell on the troll.



Under the attacks of Wentworth and Cedric with several consecutive stun spells, the troll finally couldn't hold on anymore, closed his eyes, and fell heavily backwards.

And Hermione, who was squatting aside, avoiding the giant monster, was startled by the giant monster that suddenly fell towards her, and ran out rolling and crawling.


The troll's body hit the ground heavily, splashing a burst of dust, and even the ground couldn't help shaking, and Hermione couldn't stand still and almost fell to the ground.

But fortunately, Draco, who was closest to Hermione, stretched out his hands subconsciously, and hugged Hermione at once.

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