Hogwarts: I Became the Third Dark Lord

Chapter 213 Fusheng Steals Half a Day's Leisure

Since it's Christmas time, Hogsmeade looks like a Christmas card, with thatched cottages and shops covered in fresh snow, holly wreaths on the doors, and strings of flowers on the trees. String enchanted candles.

Wentworth first accompanied Cassandra to the Fengya wizard clothing store. Although Cassandra usually had a cold look, as soon as she entered the store, Wentworth saw Cassandra In the eyes that glanced over the hanger, there seemed to be flames burning.

Cassandra tried on the clothes one by one, but after admiring in the mirror for a while, she walked past Wentworth as if nothing had happened, as if to feel whether the clothes fit .

And Wentworth faced Cassandra who was going back and forth, although he didn't say a word, but at some point, when Cassandra passed by Wentworth, Wentworth would make an exaggerated sound exclamation.

Similarly, at some point, when Cassandra walked past Wentworth, she would see Wentworth shake her head silently. In such a situation, Cassandra would often throw back the clothes she was wearing to the clerk without any regrets.

After picking out a few outfits at the Fairy's wizarding clothing store, Cassandra asked the clerk to put the clothes away and send them to Hogwarts.

Seeing that Cassandra finished choosing the clothes, Wentworth was about to get up and leave, but Cassandra pulled the corner of the clothes and dragged her back.

Wentworth showed a puzzled expression, while Cassandra unceremoniously took out a men's dress from the hanger, pushed it on Wentworth's chest, and said:

"Go and try!"

There is no room for negotiation.

Seeing this, Wentworth had no choice but to shuttle back and forth between the dressing room and the lobby of the clothing store, and whenever Wentworth came out of the fitting room, Cassandra would circle around him, only Two sentences:

"wrap up!"

"Change one!"

In this way, although Cassandra did not delay, Wentworth still found that he spent more time in the clothing store than Cassandra.

When Wentworth finally walked out of the Fengya wizard clothing store, he couldn't help thinking of the fear of being dominated by shopping in his previous life.

Later, when the two passed by Zuko's joke shop, Wentworth ignored Cassandra's objection and insisted on pulling Cassandra into Zuko's joke shop.

Afterwards, under Cassandra's disgusted eyes, Wentworth happily played in Zuko's joke shop,

It really explained what it means for a man to die as a teenager, not to mention Wentworth's current appearance is originally a teenager.

It wasn't until Wentworth, who ate the burp candy, "accidentally" threw the nose-biting teacup in his hand at Cassandra, causing Cassandra's nose to be tightly bitten by the teacup, that Wentworth didn't Cassandra took him out of Zoko's joke shop.

Wentworth said loudly to the clerk until he walked out of the store:

"The ones I selected just now, send them to Hogwarts!"

After some fittings and some slapstick in Zuko's joke shop, both Wentworth and Cedric felt hungry.

But on the issue of where to eat, the two had disagreements.

Cassandra insisted on going to the Hog's Head, wanting to experience what it was like to eat with a mask or a cloak. You might even want to try the Hog's Head, where the famous Butterbeer tastes.

But Wentworth knew that the owner of the Pig's Head Bar was none other than Aberforth Dumbledore, the younger brother of his headmaster, Albus Dumbledore.

Violating the Hogwarts school rules, and grandiosely taking female classmates to drink in the bar opened by the headmaster's relatives, Wentworth felt that he was not that brave.

So, Wentworth insisted, wanted to go to the Three Broomsticks, Wentworth swears, Wentworth really just wanted to try, the red currant rum unique in the Three Broomsticks, absolutely Not interested in Ms. Rosmerta, a bar owner in her 40s who still looks good.

But Cassandra firmly opposed it, no matter what Wentworth said, Cassandra did not agree.

In the end, in desperation, the two had to compromise with each other, neither going to the Pig's Head pub nor the Three Broomsticks pub, but came to Mrs. Padiff's teahouse in Hogsmeade village.

When Wentworth and Cassandra came to Mrs. Padiff's teahouse, they passed by the fat golden angel who threw sweets to the crowd from time to time, looked at the small and steamy teahouse in front of them, sat on their seats, and reflected The eye is full of lace decorations all around.

And looking around, there are some young lovers, sitting in pairs in the teahouse, and even many lovers leaning their foreheads or shoulders together, whispering quietly, the atmosphere of the scene is extremely ambiguous.

Feeling the atmosphere of the scene, Cassandra's cheeks seemed to become more rosy, and Wentworth also looked embarrassed.

However, neither of them proposed to change the place. Afterwards, the two had their own lunch here with their own concerns.

And when the two had lunch and were about to leave, at the door of Mrs. Puddiff's teahouse, the owner, Mrs. Puddiff, smiled and gave Wentworth two heart-shaped cloud candies. and Cassandra.

In this way, when Wentworth and Cassandra walked on the streets of Hogsmeade Village again, each of them held a heart-shaped cloud candy in their hands, as if they were each holding a red heart, which attracted many people. Less eyes from passers-by.

Just as Wentworth and Cassandra were going to the Dukes of Bees Candy Store to buy some candy and then returned to Hogwarts, not far from the Dukes of Bees Candy Store, they were surprised to find , a brand new marble building, is being renovated.

In this wizard village, which was dominated by wooden thatched roofs, a marble building suddenly appeared, and both Wentworth and Cassandra felt a burst of surprise.

Moreover, both of them felt that they had seen this building under construction before?

Until the two goblins came out of the building and ordered something to the construction workers, Cassandra and Wentworth looked at each other and exclaimed at the same time:


After arriving at the Honeydukes Candy Store, after asking the clerk, Wentworth and Cassandra learned that the building opposite was really Gringotts, but it was only Gringotts in Hogsmoor. Tokumura opened a branch.

Although Wentworth felt a moment of curiosity, it seems that there is no description in the original book that Gringotts established a branch in Hogsmeade village.

But thinking about it carefully, Hogsmeade Village is the largest gathering place for wizards in the UK. It seems that there is no big problem with Gringotts opening a branch here, so Wentworth no longer thinks about it.

Afterwards, after the two bought a lot of candies from the Honeydukes candy store, Cassandra, led by Wentworth, walked back to Hogwarts quietly through the secret passage of the Shrieking Shack.

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