Hogwarts: I Became the Third Dark Lord

Chapter 224 Existence with Special Status

Falling in Love with You Reading Network, Hogwarts: I Became the Third Dark Lord

Soon, the Hogwarts Christmas vacation came to an end, and when the Hogwarts students got on the train and were about to return to Hogwarts, Cassandra also took the initiative to find Wentworth s.

But when Wentworth and Cassandra meet in the library, Wentworth is taken aback by Cassandra.

Although Cassandra wore light makeup today, it was still difficult to cover up the heavy dark circles, so that when they first met, Wentworth thought that Cassandra had put on smoky makeup.

Just when Wentworth was about to ask what Cassandra had been doing these two days, Cassandra threw a thick notebook to Wentworth and said:

"This notebook records all the fireplaces connected to the Floo network in Hogsmeade village, and the names of the people behind each fireplace are the wizards who have entered and exited Hogsmeade village through the Floo network recently."

Hearing Cassandra's words, and taking another look at Cassandra's slightly pale cheeks, Wentworth was moved for a while, and couldn't help but grabbed Cassandra's hands, and said emotionally:

"Thank you, Cassandra, leave the following matters to me!"

Hearing Wentworth's words, Cassandra pulled her hand back from Wentworth's hand very calmly, and said at the same time:

"No need, I've already screened for you, and I can tell you with confidence that none of these people have the wizard you're looking for."

Hearing Cassandra's words, Wentworth frowned and glanced at the thick notebook. After a long time, he asked slowly again:

"So, in Hogsmeade, are there any fireplaces that are illegally connected to the Floo network?"

Hearing Wentworth's inquiry, Cassandra shook her head without hesitation, and said:

"The so-called fireplaces illegally connected to the Floo network refer to those fireplaces that have been magically connected to the Floo network because they did not report to the Ministry of Magic."

"Unless such a fireplace is never used, it will definitely be detected by the Ministry of Magic."

"I don't know if there are fireplaces illegally connected to the Floo network in Hogsmeade village, but during this period of time, no wizard must have come to Hogsmeade through such a fireplace illegally connected to the Floo network. Decun."

Hearing Cassandra's answer, Wentworth's brows deepened, and he murmured in disbelief:

"It doesn't make sense! Didn't they come to Hogsmeade via the Floo network? Could it be Apparation?"

Having said that, Wentworth himself shook his head and objected:

"Impossible, not to mention that Hogsmeade village is so remote, and, because of the existence of Hogwarts, Hogwarts prohibits apparation. To use apparation around here, you must have a very high apparition technology, It also needs to be supported by huge magic power.”

Seeing Wentworth lost in thought, Cassandra on the side seemed to want to say something, but she held back and hesitated to speak.

But this scene was discovered by Wentworth, who couldn't help asking curiously:

"Cassandra, what do you want to tell me?"

Hearing Wentworth's words, Cassandra thought for a moment, then said slowly:

"Wentworth, there is one thing that I don't know whether I should tell you."

Hearing this, Wentworth waved his hands with a smile, and said nonchalantly:

"Cassandra, if it is inconvenient to say something, you don't have to tell me, don't force yourself."

Cassandra shook her head slowly, and finally said:


It's not something inconvenient to say. Rather, there is a slightly special place in Hogsmeade, where the fireplace is not supervised by the Ministry of Magic, so even my father doesn't know how that fireplace is used. "

Hearing Cassandra's words, Wentworth's heart throbbed. For a moment, Wentworth felt a voice in his heart, and that voice was telling himself:

that's it!

Therefore, Wentworth suppressed the throbbing in his heart and asked:

"Oh? Is there such a special place in Hogsmeade? You know, even the fireplaces on the Hogwarts campus are subject to the supervision of the Ministry of Magic if they want to connect to the Floo network. In Hogsmeade, who has such a big face that he can evade the supervision of the Ministry of Magic openly."

Facing Wentworth's doubts, Cassandra just looked into Wentworth's eyes quietly, and then slowly said a name, a name Wentworth was extremely familiar with:


When Cassandra talked about Gringotts, Wentworth was stunned for a moment, because this answer was really beyond Wentworth's expectation, but after thinking about it carefully, this answer is not surprising.

You know, when the goblins rebelled back then, as losers, the goblins were forced by human wizards and made many concessions, such as: it is absolutely forbidden for goblins to own and use magic wands!

The importance of wands in the wizarding world cannot be overstated, especially for humans.

You must know that before the invention of the wand, human wizards were often the ones who suffered in the duel with other magical creatures. Humans often take advantage of the number of wizards to compete with other magical creatures.

But all this changed after the invention of the wand.

In order to ensure the absolute control of human wizards over wands, for this reason, the International Federation of Wizards specially promoted a legislation, the so-called wand legislation, which legally deprived many intelligent magical creatures, including goblins, from using wands. s right.

As soon as this legislation was born, it received strong opposition from many magical creatures, including goblins, among which the goblins opposed it the most.

As opposition intensified, culminating in the eighteenth century, a massive goblin rebellion broke out.

It's just that the rebellion of the goblins was finally suppressed by the wizard.

However, at the end of the war, in order to speed up the end of the war and reduce the casualties of the wizards, the wizards and the goblins started negotiations, and granted some things that are not important to the wizards, but can reflect the dignity of the goblins. conditions of.

One of them is that the Ministry of Magic of each country will not monitor the fireplace of the goblin.

The knowledge about goblins is a very important test point in the compulsory course of Hogwarts—History of Magic, so, after a short memory, Wentworth remembered this content.

At the same time, more memories appeared in Wentworth's mind, for example, the goblin that appeared in the Pig's Head Bar that day, and inexplicably, suddenly appeared in Gringotts in Hogsmeade Village and so on.

Thinking of this, Wentworth had a bold guess, but he said to Cassandra:

"Don't tell anyone about this!"

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