Hogwarts: I Became the Third Dark Lord

Chapter 232 The Voice Behind the Head

Afterwards, under the leadership of Dumbledore, several people walked out of the dense forest together.

At this time, Harry finally couldn't help but ask:

"Principal Dumbledore, I want to know, who is that mysterious man wearing a cloak? Why, when I see him, my head hurts?"

Hearing Harry's question, Draco also looked at Dumbledore curiously, only Wentworth looked calm.

But soon, Wentworth could not calm down.

I saw Dumbledore glanced over the three people beside him, and finally stopped on Wentworth, and said:

"It seems that Wentworth has already guessed who that person is, right?"

Hearing Dumbledore's words, both Harry and Draco looked at Wentworth in surprise.

But Wentworth resisted the urge to roll his eyes, and said in his heart:

Why is it me again? Why is it always me? Can't you explain yourself? This is what their "chopstick brothers" do, I'm just a passerby! Can you, old man, stop adding so many scenes to me?

Although he kept complaining in his heart, Wentworth smiled slightly, and then said:

"Harry, Draco, what was he doing when we saw him tonight?"

Hearing Wentworth's question, Harry and Draco were taken aback for a moment, and then Draco quickly said:

"He looks like he's drinking unicorn blood!"

Wentworth nodded slowly, and then continued:

"That's right, unicorn blood can extend your life, even if your life is dying, but just drinking a sip of unicorn blood can also keep you alive temporarily!"

"However, unicorns are sacred creatures. The moment your lips touch the blood of a unicorn, you will be cursed forever!"

Having said that, Wentworth paused for a moment, then fixed his eyes on Harry, and said slowly:

"As for why your head hurts? That's because that guy who wore a cloak and didn't dare to show his true face left this scar on your forehead!"

"I don't have time to care about the curse. You need to use the blood of a unicorn to continue your life. This scar is left on your forehead. Tell me, who is that person?"

As Wentworth narrated, the identity of that person became clearer and clearer, but it was precisely because the identity of that person was almost revealed that Harry and Draco were completely stunned.

After a while, Draco suddenly let out a scream, which even startled Wentworth:

"Ahhh! Is it true what you said Wentworth? Is it really that person? I mean, is it really that person who can't name it? Is it Vol... Earth... Demon?"

Facing Draco, who was already a little crazy,

Wentworth nodded with great certainty.

Afterwards, Draco danced and danced, as if he wanted to say something, but he didn't know how to say it.

On the other hand, Harry stood there completely stunned.

At this moment, there was a sudden sound in front of the Forbidden Forest, followed by dense footsteps. There are many people.

Seeing this, Wentworth quickly reminded:

"I would like to give you a piece of advice. It is best not to tell others about Voldemort's return. This is not only for your safety, but also for the safety of others!"

Hearing what Wentworth said, Dumbledore's eyes were full of admiration, and Harry and Draco nodded repeatedly. The two of them can be said to be convinced by Wentworth.

At this moment, Hagrid's voice came from ahead:

"Thank goodness Dumbledore found you in time, it's great you're all right!"

I saw Hagrid running over in great strides, while Ron and Hermione followed behind Hagrid.

Hagrid came in front of Harry and the others, and carefully looked at the three of them, trying to see if they were injured.

Hagrid breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that their clothes were a little messed up, but they didn't suffer any harm.

And at this moment, footsteps came from behind Hagrid again, it was Professor McGonagall, Professor Snape and others.

After talking with Dumbledore, several people escorted Wentworth, Harry and others back to Hogwarts Castle.

At this time, in Hogwarts Castle, Filch, who was patrolling the castle, seemed to feel something flashing behind him.

However, when Filch looked back again, he found nothing.

So, Filch was about to continue to inspect forward, but he didn't take a few steps, but Filch found that his cat was standing still in front of a door behind him, as if something attracted him behind the door. took it.

Filch squinted his eyes and said while walking backwards along the corridor:

"Which cutie is it, who didn't sleep, and sneaked out? Who is there? Come out, I've seen you!"

Filch was very happy, and he left in a leisurely manner. The other party had nowhere to go. Filch had even thought about how to punish the student who stayed up all night when he caught him!

However, when Filch walked to that door, he frowned, because he discovered that this was actually the room of Professor Lodge, the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts this year.

Seeing this, Filch showed a disappointed expression, then kicked his own cat, and continued to patrol forward.

And behind the door, Professor Quirrell, who was close to the door, covered his abdomen with one hand and held a wand in the other. He didn't let out a long sigh of relief until he heard the footsteps going away.

But at this moment, an angry voice suddenly sounded behind Quirrell's head:

"You bastard, you screwed up again!"

The sudden sound revived Qi Luo, who had lost too much blood and became a little confused.

I saw Chilo said tremblingly:

"I'm sorry, my master, I... I didn't expect an ordinary second-year student to be able to use such powerful black magic! I..."

It's just that Quirrell hadn't finished speaking, only to hear the voice behind his head sound again, and it seemed even more angry than before:

"Idiot! What an idiot you are! An ordinary second grader? Until now, you think he is an ordinary second grader?!"

Hearing the voice behind his head say this, Quirrell immediately changed his words and said:

"Sorry, my master, I made a mistake. He is a relatively good second-year student!"

However, just after Quirrell finished speaking, he felt that the voice behind his head seemed to take a long breath, and then he didn't speak again for a long time. This made Quirrell, who was used to being scolded, a little uncomfortable up.

After waiting for a long time, Quirrell called softly:


A moment later, the voice behind Quirrell's head sounded again:

"Are you really a Ravenclaw? Is that old hat getting old and blind?"

The voice at this time was full of exhaustion.

Hogwarts: I became the third Dark Lord

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