Hogwarts: I Became the Third Dark Lord

Chapter 241 I Have No Experience

Falling in Love with You Reading Network, Hogwarts: I Became the Third Dark Lord

Although Wentworth was full of doubts at this time, he read carefully after taking the delivery note from Cassandra, because Wentworth knew that Cassandra sent this delivery note Give it to yourself, there must be something worthy of attention inside.

Although the delivery list was densely filled with names and quantities, Wentworth saw what Cassandra wanted to show him at a glance because it was too obvious.


The first name on the delivery list is Gringotts, and the number of purchases from Gringotts far exceeds that of other buyers.

At this time, Cassandra also explained:

"According to my father's investigation, just the day before the Hogsmeade incident, Gringotts purchased a large amount of floo powder from the Floo Pom Company, far exceeding the amount that Gringotts usually purchases. Wentworth , you must know what that means."

Wentworth nodded, put away the delivery slip in his hand calmly, and said:

"Of course, either, Gringotts is about to have a large-scale personnel transfer, so prepare Floo powder in advance. Or, there was a large-scale personnel transfer at Gringotts not long ago, and now come to replenish the consumed Floo powder."

"In short, the goblins in Gringotts must have moved on a large scale during those few days."

Cassandra nodded, then said softly:

"Wentworth, Gringotts, I'm afraid there is something wrong!"

Hearing Cassandra's words, Wentworth turned his eyes to the distance, which was the direction of Hogsmeade Village. After a long time, Wentworth sighed and said meaningfully:

"I'm afraid, it's not the problem with Gringotts, but the goblins, what's the problem!"

But at this moment, a call suddenly came from not far away.

"Wentworth! Wentworth!"

Wentworth frowned involuntarily, as if he was dissatisfied with someone ruining the two-person world between himself and Cassandra.

Looking in the direction of the sound, Wentworth saw Harry and Draco trotting towards him.

"How did they come here?"

Cassandra stood up, looked at Harry and the others who were gradually approaching, and asked involuntarily.

Wentworth shook his head and said helplessly:

"I don't know, but I know, there must be nothing good!"

After a while, Harry and the others ran up to Wentworth panting, and said:

"Wentworth, I didn't expect you to be here. We have worked so hard to find you!"

Wentworth smiled slightly, and answered:

"It's been so hard to find, so don't look for it!"

Harry: "..."

When Harry revealed his reason for coming and told Wentworth that he wanted to go to Snape's office to steal something and hoped to get Wentworth's help, Wentworth said angrily:

"Are you guys crazy? Who is that? It's Severus Snape, the Potions professor at Hogwarts, and the Head of Slytherin!"

"Steal something from his office? You might as well just kill Voldemort! Believe me, the current Voldemort is easier to deal with than Snape!"

"That's the end of my words. If you have to go, I won't stop you, but I have nothing to help you. After all, I don't have much experience in such things as death."

The scene fell into embarrassment for a while.

Although Harry and the others thought that Wentworth would refuse, they did not expect Wentworth to refuse so simply,

For a while, I didn't know what to say.

But at this time, Cassandra on the side said:

"Why did you come to Wentworth?"

Hearing Cassandra's inquiry, Harry replied absent-mindedly:

"Because among the people I know, Wentworth is the only one who has the hope of persevering under Snape for a while. For some reason, I always have a feeling that as long as Wentworth is willing to make a move, this matter will be sure." The feeling of being able to succeed!"

Hearing Harry's explanation, Wentworth said angrily:

"Thank you, when you jumped into the fire pit, you didn't forget to take me with you!"

Hearing what Wentworth said, Harry immediately explained anxiously:

"I'm sorry Wentworth, but that paper crane is really important to me!"

"No matter how important it is, you can't... What thousand paper cranes?!"

Wentworth froze for a moment, and asked with some doubts.

Hearing Wentworth's inquiry, Draco quickly recounted to Wentworth what happened that night.

When Wentworth heard that Snape saw the origami crane that fell from Harry's mother's notebook and snatched it away, Wentworth couldn't help but murmured strangely :

"I understand now why they liked to tease Professor Snape so much back then!"

It's just that Wentworth's voice was too low for the rest of the people to hear clearly.

When Wentworth came back to his senses, looked at Harry who was a little lost in front of him, and comforted him:

"Harry, Snape's office is not so easy to enter! Even I am not sure that I can break all the defensive magic in Snape's office."

"Also, even if we were lucky and didn't touch those defensive magics, how can you be sure that the thousand paper cranes were placed in Snape's office, what if the thousand paper cranes were carried by him?"

Hearing Wentworth's words, Harry and the others were stunned for a moment, and Draco blurted out directly:


Wentworth glanced at Draco, but he was very sure in his heart, this is really very possible! Compared to Snape keeping the thousand paper crane in his office, Wentworth believed that Snape would carry the thousand paper crane close to his body.

And Harry thought about it carefully, and found that Wentworth said it was really possible, so he couldn't help but asked in frustration:

"Then what should we do? Are we really going to directly attack Professor Snape?!"

Wentworth: "...Why don't you go and apologize to Professor Snape, just say that you violated the curfew that day and sneaked out at night. You have realized your mistake and are willing to accept punishment, but still Ask him to return your mother's belongings to you."

"Harry, Snape is our Hogwarts professor after all, your punishment is indispensable, but I think Snape is too embarrassed to take your mother's relic and refuse to return it to you."

Hearing Wentworth's words, Draco, Hermione and the others looked at Harry worriedly.

Sure enough, in the next second, Harry's eye sockets were bloodshot and turned red, and Harry said angrily:

"I will not apologize to the murderer who killed my parents!"

Hearing Harry's words, Wentworth was taken aback, and Cassandra on the side was even more puzzled and said:

"The murderer who killed your parents? Wasn't it Voldemort who killed your parents? This is something that the entire wizarding world knows!"

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