Hogwarts: I Became the Third Dark Lord

Chapter 263 Knockturn Alley and Diagon Alley

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When the people at Wes's house had breakfast, they gathered by the fireplace at home, planning to use Floo powder to go to Diagon Alley.

This was the first time Harry used Floo powder, and he couldn't help but look at everything in front of him curiously.

Ron volunteered to do a demonstration for Harry. Ron first walked into the fireplace, then grabbed a handful of green Floo powder, shouted "Diagon Alley", and immediately threw the Floo powder To the ground, and with the flames rising instantly, Ron also disappeared in front of everyone.

Harry looked at everything in front of him in astonishment. He didn't recover until he heard Mrs. Weasley's shout, and then he also walked to the fireplace.

However, when Harry used Floo powder, he had an accident. He was hesitant to use it for the first time. Harry didn’t pay attention, and he was choked by the powder of Floo powder. Alley", but became "Knockturn Alley"!

Harry looked at the dim room in front of him, and the various skeletons in the room, as well as the unknown items soaked in the unknown liquid. Harry knew that he had come to the wrong place.

And at this moment, the severed hand attracted Harry's attention. Harry gently stroked the severed hand, but he didn't want the severed hand that looked scorched to grab Harry.

Just when Harry was struggling to break free, a figure outside the house attracted Harry's attention.

"Draco! Draco Malfoy! I'm here, help me!"

At this time, Draco, who was walking in Knockturn Alley, suddenly heard a familiar voice, looked in the direction of the voice, through the glass, Draco also found Harry!

"God, Harry, why are you here by yourself?!"

As soon as the words fell, Draco hurriedly pushed the door and entered, followed by Draco's father, Lucius Malfoy.

Fortunately, at this moment, the severed hand let go of Harry slowly.

Seeing this, Draco yelled excitedly:

"Cool! Harry, how did you do that?!"

As he said that, Draco also reached out to the severed hand, but was slapped back by his father Lucius.

Lucius also greeted Harry with a smile, and then asked Harry and Draco to wait for him outside the door.

Afterwards, Lucius took out some black magic items and planned to sell them. The vast majority of them are related to Voldemort.

The reason why Lucius hurriedly sold these magical supplies related to Voldemort was because in the eyes of the Malfoys, since their son had already boarded the big ship of the Witch Party, and the family kept Voldemort's things, Something is out of place.

If Wentworth had a whim that day and wanted to visit Malfoy Manor, but found that there were still Voldemort's things in Malfoy Manor, it would be very detrimental to his son.

Therefore, although Lucius still hesitated, under Narcissa's insistence, Lucius followed Narcissa's suggestion.

After selling the things, Lucius took Draco and Harry to Diagon Alley together. Draco asked why Harry didn't write back to him. When he learned what happened to Harry, Draco was angry Endless, and Lucius on the side said meaningfully:

"Harry, don't forget, you're a wizard!"

Hearing what Lucius said, before Harry could speak, Draco said first:

"Father, we can't use magic outside the school! Let alone in front of Muggles!"

Lucius slapped his son on the head, and then said slowly:

"You don't need to tell me this!"

However, Lucius still turned his gaze to Harry, smiled and said:

"So, you need someone who can speak up in the Ministry of Magic as your backer! Or, it can be someone who makes the Ministry afraid to speak."

Hearing what Lucius said, Harry nodded thoughtfully.

But at this moment, the three of them were attracted by the voices in front of them,

Draco looked forward on tiptoe, and said with some doubts:

"It's Lihen Bookstore! What happened there?"

Just as Lucius took Draco and Harry into the Lihen Bookstore, Wentworth also walked into Florin's Cold Drink Shop.

"Wentworth, here!"

As soon as Wentworth entered the door, Cedric's voice came. Wentworth looked in the direction of the sound and saw Cedric, Green and Cassandra sitting In the store, eating ice cream.

Wentworth walked over and sat down. Green curiously approached Wentworth and asked in a low voice:

"You called us here, is it the voodoo party's action?"

Wentworth nodded, then looked at Cassandra at the side, and asked with a smile:

"how was your vacation?"

Cassandra ate ice cream and said with a smile:

"not bad!"

Hearing Cassandra's answer, Wentworth pretended to be sad and said:

"What a pity answer, don't you feel sad without me by your side?"

Cassandra rolled her eyes at Wentworth, while Green and Cedric looked down at the ice cream on the table, as if there were some secrets worth studying.

Afterwards, Wentworth glanced at the time, stood up, and said to Cassandra:

"There are many kinds of gems in the vault of our Grindelwald family. Are you interested in picking a few?"

Seeing this, Cassandra frowned, and said to Wentworth in disbelief:

"You really decided?"

Wentworth nodded without hesitation.

Seeing that Wentworth had made up his mind, Cassandra didn't say anything more, and then they stood up, followed Wentworth, and walked towards Gringotts together.

On the other hand, in Lihen Bookstore, because of Harry and others, they finally figured out the reason why Lihen Bookstore was full of people.

It's because Gilderoy Lockhart, the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts next semester, is holding a book signing here.

And Harold was also very happy to see Harry, and even couldn't wait to take a photo with Harry.

As soon as Draco and Ron met, they mocked each other as usual.

Seeing this, Harry sighed helplessly, but didn't say much, because he was really used to it.

But Harry was used to it, and the others weren't.

The ridicule of the two quickly attracted the attention of Lucius and Arthur.

As a result, the object of the quarrel gradually changed from Draco and Ron to Lucius and Arthur. However, the Weiss family gradually gained the upper hand in terms of momentum by virtue of their innate advantage-the large number of people.

Seeing this, Lucius sneered a few words, and then, while everyone was not paying attention, he stuffed a notebook into the pile of books that Ginny had bought.

But at this moment, Bill Weiss from the bookstore suddenly felt that the pendant hidden under his clothes on his chest became a little hot!

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