Hogwarts: I Became the Third Dark Lord

Chapter 275 Harold's Bank

Harold's voice fell, and the scene fell silent. Even Rita Skeeter couldn't help opening her mouth wide, unable to speak in surprise.

When Rita Skeeter received the note, the Deathly Hallows logo on the note had already clearly told Rita Skeeter that what Harold was about to do represented the symbol of the witchcraft. the will of the party.

And what Rita Skeeter has to do is to cooperate with Harold.

Even the questions asked by Rita Skeeter were prepared for Rita Skeeter on the note.

However, Rita Skeeter did not expect that the Wuzi Party played so big this time.

But at this time, Harold saw that after his voice fell, the scene became so quiet, and even many people began to whisper, and the cheers in his image did not come, so he couldn't help but feel a drumbeat in his heart.

But at this moment, Mrs. Weasley suddenly stood up and said loudly:

"Mr. Harold, there may be something you don't know. When the goblins rebelled, after we human wizards signed a truce agreement with the goblins, we also signed a power of attorney, authorizing the goblins to open the only bank in the wizarding world. That's where Gringotts came from."

"If someone violates this power of attorney, they will be jointly cursed by the most powerful wizards and goblins of the year! Mr. Harold, we accept your wishes, but for your safety..."

However, before Mrs. Weasley finished speaking, she was interrupted by Harold. Harold waved his arms and said loudly:

"Thank you, thank you for reminding Madam, of course I know about this!"

Having said that, Harold suddenly paused, and then roared angrily:

"However, just now, during the conflict at Gringotts just now, this power of attorney has been destroyed by the voodoo party!"

Hearing this sentence, the wizards at the scene were in an uproar, and Harold continued to speak:

"Besides, the reason why the power of attorney was destroyed was because of the goblins themselves! I saw with my own eyes that the goblins of Gringotts took out the power of attorney and handed it over to the voodoo party!"

"And the Witch Party, in front of the goblins, destroyed that power of attorney!"

Having said that, Harold's tone suddenly became low. I saw Harold with a disappointed expression on his face, and continued to say sadly:


I wanted to salvage this power of attorney, and this was the beginning of my battle with the voodoo party, but because the goblins gave up, it fell short! "

When Harold said this, his tone became high again, and Harold said loudly:

"The goblins and Gringotts can't even protect something as important as themselves. How can we believe that they can protect our property?!"

"So, I want to set up a new bank, the safest bank in the entire wizarding world! A bank that belongs to our wizards themselves!"

Accompanied by Harold's loud shout, the scene finally burst into thunderous applause again. Almost all the wizards present were moved by Harold and applauded warmly for Harold.

When the applause at the scene reached its peak, Harold suddenly waved his hand to signal everyone to be quiet. When everyone gradually became quiet, Harold continued:

"Not only that, but I have decided that the bank I will open, all vaults, will be exempted from renting fees for you! That is to say, if you deposit Galleons in my bank, I will not charge you Any fees!"

Hearing Harold's words, the wizards at the scene were stunned again, and this is not over yet, Harold went on to say:

"Not only do I not charge you fees, I will also give you fees for all wizards who deposit Galleons in my bank, which is what Muggles call interest! As long as you have ten Galleons, deposit them in my bank One year, after one year, you will get eleven Galleons!"

Hearing Harold's words, the eyes of many wizards who were stunned in place, such as Mrs. Weasley, lit up.

On the other hand, some people's eyes were full of doubts, wondering what exactly Harold wanted to do?

If Harold hadn't just gone through the bloody battle at Gringotts and protected everyone's property in Gringotts, many people might have started to wonder if Harold was going to run away with everyone's Gallon? !

After all, although Harold has written many best-selling books in the past few years, which can be regarded as a small fortune, it is definitely not enough for him to have the money to pay such a huge interest.

But soon, what Harold said later dispelled everyone's doubts. After Harold motioned for everyone to be quiet again, he continued to speak:

"Do you think that the only benefit I give to everyone is interest? No! Of course not! I will give you gold Gallona!"

"I know that many wizards and wizard families occasionally encounter cash-strapped situations! At this time, you can come to my bank, and my bank is very happy to lend you money!"

Hearing this, even Mrs. Weasley, Harold's diehard fan, couldn't help but stop cheering, and looked at Harold with a strange expression.

After all, everyone is not an idiot, and the pie that Harold drew is so big that even wizards start to be a little scared.

But at this moment, Harold suddenly changed the topic, a little shy, and said embarrassingly:

"Of course, if you come to borrow my money, I'd be happy to lend it to you, but I can't work in vain, right! There is a charge for this!"

Hearing Harold's words, there was a sound of exhalation at the scene, as if everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and some people even said impatiently:

"You deserve it, Mr. Harold, you deserve it."

Someone even asked how Harold planned to charge.

And Harold thought for a while, and then said directly:

"How about this, if you borrowed ten Galleons for a period of one year, then you have to leave one Galleon as a handling fee for the loan, and after one year, you need to return thirteen Galleons !"

"Of course, if you can provide real estate, or magic items with a certain value after my evaluation, or even magical creatures as collateral, then I don't need to charge that Galleon fee!"

Hearing this, most wizards are still a little hazy and don't know what to say, they can only understand the general meaning.

However, some wizards began to react and quickly realized the huge benefits of this transaction, such as Lucius Malfoy who had been watching coldly.

Lucius Malfoy looked at Harold in front of him with bright eyes, and said in disbelief:

"This guy, actually knows how to do business like this?! Could this be..."

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