Chapter 282 Threatened Darren!!

“What to go?” Didn’t you say the other day that you know exactly what the monster inside the Chamber of Secrets is? ”

Professor Flitwick pulled Lockhart.

Because Lockhart was already trying to escape.

“I really can’t. Let me go, right? ”

Lockhart said weakly.

He was just trying to disgust everyone, not really planning to die!

“Hmm, let you go?

Lockhart, I tell you, if you dare to run, tomorrow the news that Lockhart is a hypocritical liar will spread throughout the wizarding world! ”

Snape said menacingly.

“Yeah, you didn’t say that this thing should have been let go of you from the beginning.

Tomorrow, you go to the Chamber of Secrets, or the news that you are a liar will spread throughout the wizarding world! ”

Professor McGonagall followed.

“Let it go!”

“Yes, good news awaits you!”

“Don’t let us down!”

Professor Xiang said with a lot of tongues.

Lockhart’s face was extremely pale.

He said with trepidation: “I, too, need to prepare… Rest assured, I’ll go, I’ll do it tomorrow.”

While the professors were relaxing, he finally ran out with a cigarette.

The other professors then returned to their previous expressions.

“Well, this idiot is finally gone, and we should hurry up and inform the students…”

She sucked in her nose, and then she strode away from the faculty lounge.

Darren and Harry, along with Ron, returned to their lounges.

They were almost unprecedented in silence.

Because no one knows what the situation will be after that.

Even Ginny is probably dead.

Darren sat in the Slytherin lounge with red eyes.

It was Snape who brought him back directly.

He had planned to pretend to be a Holy Father and go to the Chamber of Secrets.

But Snape, after he and Harry got them out of the staff lounge, dragged him straight to the Slytherin Lounge.

“I want you to recognize your own strength, the Slytherin Chamber of Secrets, which even the professors may not be able to solve.

A student who is still in school recklessly wants to go to the secret room, is he trying to add chaos to the professors? ”

Snape was in the middle of the lounge, speaking sarcastically.

All of Slytherin’s students had their eyes set on Darren.

Apparently everyone knows that Snape is talking about Darren.

Darren pursed his lips, and his eyes were red and he said, “Professor, will you let me go?” I wasn’t optimistic about Ginny, I should have listened to her.

As a result, I persuaded her to go to the school doctor’s office, and it must have been at that time, she was taken away by the monster, all because of me.”

[Ding, Father +100]

[Ding, Father +100]

[Ding, Father +100]

[Ding… ]

He pressed against the pain, his face pale and weak, looking pitiful.

It’s just that Snape didn’t have the slightest softness.

What did he let this guy out to do?

Going out to die?

“Tomorrow, after sending you away, the professors will join forces with the Ministry of Magic to search the Slytherin Chamber of Secrets inside the castle.”

Tonight, I will be in the Slytherin Lounge, and I hope not to be caught by anyone! ”

Snape looked indifferently at Darren.

Darren sighed.

Couldn’t he brush the Divine Father’s value this time?

Have to let Harry go on his own?

He was very lost.

Frustrated, he returned to the Slytherin Lounge.

Thinking that tomorrow they might face Harry with the rumors that they had saved the world.

However when I got up the next morning, there was nothing.

Harry and Ron were also looking downcast.

Darren was shocked.

They didn’t even sneak out at night?

“Professor McGonagall was in the Gryffindor lounge, and the cloak of invisibility couldn’t hide her eyes.”

Well, professors have indeed gotten smarter.


Does this school just leave it alone?

“All students, get in the car as soon as possible!”

Professor McGonagall said solemnly.

Darren sighed and was preparing to leave with the current.


A magic wand was placed behind him.

“Don’t move, Potter, Darren Porter, after you get in the car in a minute, figure out how to get out, and then come over and wait for me here.”

If you don’t come, the last time you used the Fire Curse, I will pass it out!”

It’s Lockhart.

What does this product mean?

Didn’t he say all of his fire spells, was it a modified version?

“What an improved version, I have never heard of this statement at all, it must be the professors who comfort you, that is, the full version of the Fire Curse.”

If it is passed out, the brother of the famous Harry Potter actually uses a vicious spell and you think about how many people will mock Harry Potter, and the mysterious people will laugh! ”

Lockhart sneered at the threat.

“What do you want to do? If it was for me to do something bad, I would rather kill myself than go with you! ”

[Ding, Father +10]

Darren gritted his teeth and said.

His face was pale, but he looked determined.

Lockhart was slightly moved, but remembering the persecution of Snape’s people, he still said angrily: “They asked me to find the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets, I don’t dare, I think you have this strength…”

So, you come over in a moment, and then you find the Chamber of Secrets and rescue the girl, or rescue the girl’s bones.

I will make a bold and loyal curse with you, and I will never tell this matter out!

Lockhart gritted his teeth.

He felt those people were assholes.

He was forced to find the Chamber of Secrets, or else he would have been said to be a straw bag.

He should have packed his bags and left after Dumbledore had been driven away.

Instead of being intimidated by the letters left by Dumbledore, he really continued to be a professor here.

Damn it!

Lockhart had wanted to sneak away today, and who knew that these professors had blocked the door, and that no one could get out of here except the students.

Especially him.

He overhears their conversation, and they intend to expose him as long as he doesn’t find the Chamber of Secrets.

So, he had only one way to threaten Darren.

Because Darren is a good bully.

Also because he had the handle of Darren’s powerful fire spell.

He hadn’t heard of anything that could unleash a powerful fire spell with any kind of love and protection, and it was all those professors who were biased in favor of Darren Porter.

That is, Potter these children will believe.

He let Potter get on the train and leave, naturally just in case.

If Potter had died, there would certainly be no one on him.

Of course, even if Potter finally came out alive, he would definitely give Potter a blank slate.

All the credit is his loss.

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