Chapter 513 The Psychiatrist is Coming!!

Darren was about to tell the portrait how many noble bloodlines he had, when he suddenly found that many pairs of eyes were quietly staring at him.

He was speechless.

He wanted to say something about the Holy Father, but he found that the voice of Mrs. Black’s portrait was too high-pitched, and whatever he said, he would only be silenced by her voice.

The main thing is that ~ the noise makes the ears hurt.

So he had to let the system secretly impose a closed earplug on himself. Then he felt very quiet.

Everything was comfortable.

He thought it would be better if he could cast another deadbolt sealing spell on Mrs. Black.

Just after he got himself earplugs to listen to the spell, and studied by the way, how to use the spell on the portrait, he was patted on the shoulder by Harry. He looked back.

Harry was looking anxiously at him about something.

He reacted with his earplugs closed, not even knowing what Harry was saying.

So he asked the system to cancel the spell effect again. He was finally able to hear.

Mrs. Black’s voice had disappeared.

Because Sirius closed the curtain in front of Mrs. Black’s portrait at this time.

Darren looked at Harry.

He smiled and asked suspiciously, “Brother, what are you talking about?” It was so noisy just now that I didn’t hear it. ”

Harry’s face turned pale. He even wanted to take a deep breath.

But in Darren’s eyes, he hurriedly said: “It’s nothing, just let you go over to eat, Mrs. Weasley called us.” ”

After he finished speaking, he seemed to be about to cry and quickly left. Leaving Darren staring blankly at his back.

He suspected that Harry had misunderstood something. But he had no evidence.

So he looked at Sirius. Blake forced a smile.

“Darren, welcome here, maybe this is the first time you’ve seen me here, but I’ve seen you a few times.”

Darren nodded obediently. There is no rebuttal in the slightest.

After all, this is a normal thing, he came here the first day, was pulled by Dumbledore, and then slept.

The next day he was also cast a stun spell.

It wasn’t until the third day, which was today, that he really walked around the room, so it was normal for Black to see him a few times.

But I don’t know where he said that there is a problem, compared to Harry, Black’s face is even paler.

He wanted to say something, but in the end he held back.

“Let’s go eat! Molly, they’re all waiting for you. ”

Black finally said.

Darren could only nod and walk towards the dining room. The dining room was full of people.

Before Darren passed, they were all worried about what to say.

Darren wanted to sneak a secret, but in the hallway, Black cleared his throat, as if to remind the men that he was coming.

Then there was silence in the room. Darren was speechless.

He is now beginning to wonder, is he really a little sick? These people are discussing his condition behind his back?

But he really felt that after he woke up, he didn’t do anything out of the ordinary! He was afraid that these people would be weakened by him, and he was absolutely safe and guarded today!


It may be that they also feel something strange.

Mrs. Weasley quickly stood up and said: “Oh, Darren, sit down quickly, just wait for you, let’s have some stew, it’s made by Hibiscus!” ”

She chuckled.

Darren saw Fleur.

She sat unpowdered next to an empty seat and was waving at him to sit down.

“Aren’t you supposed to be in France?”

Darren showed a puzzled expression.

It was as if she didn’t know that Fleur had returned to work here.

“I work in your Ministry of Magic now, and Headmaster Dumbledore has helped me with some help… Well, you try this! ”

Fleur scooped him some soup.

Darren tasted it and thought it was great.

He praised, then lowered his head and drank. Only then did the table become lively again. Fred and George were talking about the telescopic ear thing. Harry was secretly discussing him with Hermione.

He listened intently.

Darren was looking at the portrait in a daze just now, and you all know how bad Mrs. Black scolded, but he didn’t seem to hear it.

I called him several times and finally patted him on the shoulder before he reacted, and I almost thought he was going to break down. ”

Forehead. All right.

He was working on how to cast magic on the portrait. Shut them up without destroying them.

Forget about it.

“Who says it isn’t? Just now their wands are ready! ”

It was Ron’s voice. Darren was speechless.

Boy. Do these people really want to sneak up on him?

This time he was not prepared to be sneaked in.

A group of people actually asked for five thousand Saint Fathers, more than Dumbledore wanted.

“It’s not a way to go on like this, I don’t know who the psychiatrist Dumbledore will find.”

Harry whispered.

“Muggle psychiatrists are actually useless to Darren, he can deceive those people, I suspect he secretly modified the memories of those people, don’t underestimate him, he can do it!”

It was Hermione’s voice.

Even at this time, as always, Darren was declared powerful.

“No one doubts that he can’t do it, it’s just that he can’t always be like this, and I dream now that he goes to Voldemort and dies!”

All right. Darren was helpless.

It turned out to be because he acted too much like that day! Now they are shocked by everything they see.

“Darren, Darren, are you okay?”

It’s Tonks.

She called Darren’s name worriedly.

It seemed to realize that he hadn’t eaten just now and thought he was going to collapse.

Because of Tonks’ words, everyone at the table stopped talking. They looked at him in unison.

Darren was speechless.

But he still said politely: “I’m fine, very good…”

He was now looking forward to the arrival of the psychiatrist that Dumbledore had said so that he could have an excuse to get better.

He pretended to be so serious before, just thought that Dumbledore would erase his memory.

But who knew that Dumbledore did not choose to do this, but chose a psychologist to treat him.

It won’t appear until school starts. This is really… Speechless.

He can’t say he’s okay now, right?

And what he said, it is estimated that these people do not believe it either. Misstep.

But after Darren stuffed a piece of sausage into his mouth, he decided to forget about the sad thing.

Because the rice is so fragrant!

After tossing for so long, the feeling of finally being able to eat a meal is such a joy.

Of course, this happiness became double happiness after Dumbledore appeared with one person.

Psychiatrist. All right!

He really didn’t expect that Dumbledore’s psychiatrist meant her. Luna Lovegood of…

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