Chapter 530 You Lost Your Memory Again?!!

Harry thought Professor McGonagall had told him to tell Darren that he must go back to class.

But Professor McGonagall said imposingly: “You go and tell Darren, he doesn’t have to go in the future, his ordinary wizard level exam will definitely be a full score!” ”

Harry was stunned.

He said with a little expectation: “Professor, then I…”

“You still have to go, and, Umbridge writes here, you have to go to her office this week to be locked up.”

Don’t ask me why you can’t not take her class, because you can’t get a perfect score.

If you can get a perfect score, then I will definitely help you apply without taking her course.

I also don’t want my student to be punished by her, but you are also her student, and she has the right to punish you!

Go, hurry up and get Darren back, where will he run at this time? ”

Professor McGonagall said worriedly. Harry shook his head. He felt miserable.

Rushed out like Darren and was given a week of confinement.

But he was also a little happy.

At the very least, Darren doesn’t have to go back to the Defense Against the Dark Arts course.

He suspected that if Darren appeared in Umbridge’s classroom again, Umbridge would take revenge on him!

The key now, though, is where Darren has gone. Harry searched around the school again and again.

It wasn’t until dinner time that he saw Darren. Darren’s face turned a little pale.

When he walked in from outside, he did not go to the Slytherin, but went directly to the Gryffindor table, looked at Harry and said, “Brother, I went to Umbridge, and she promised me to cancel your punishment and confinement.” ”

After that, you have a good lesson in her class and don’t provoke him again.

[Ding, Father +100]

[Ding, Father +100]

[Ding, Father +100]

[Ding… ]

“What? You went to Umbridge that woman? ”

Harry said in disbelief.

He looked at Darren’s pale face and clenched his fists and said, “Tell me, did you beg her?!” ”

He was furious.

He even wanted to grab Darren and shake him well. Why is he so stupid?

He went to beg the woman in Umbridge, just so that he would not be confined, what did he want?

How insulted he has been!

“It’s okay, I didn’t suffer a loss! By the way, I’ll go back to Slytherin first, don’t wait for me later, I still have Professor Snape’s confinement. ”

A smile appeared on Darren’s face.

Then he walked towards Slytherin. He did go to Umbridge.

Not begging her, of course. He threatened Umbridge.

Even though Umbridge had a delusion about him, Darren threatened her fiercely.

Threatened her with evidence of her corruption. This freaked her out.

Darren also asked her to copy some words that I was corrupt and I was not a good person.

Anyway, after Umbridge class until now, Umbridge was exhausted by him.

But he erased Umbridge’s memory before leaving.

To add to her some memories of how much he, the little holy father, had suffered a lot for Harry.

It also made Umbridge believe that her torture was carried out in secret

And she thought that when Darren was leaving, for Harry’s sake, he agreed to erase the memories of those tortures.

This made Umbridge happy, and he is still smiling badly in the office! Do a full set in order to make a play.

Darren walked out with a pale face.

There were no wounds on his body.

But no matter who it was, looking at his pale face, he couldn’t help but show a worried expression.

While Darren was eating in Slytherin, he also received the wound medicine that Malfoy threw him.

Of course, his excuse was picked up and prepared to be thrown away, seeing that he was too poor, he was given Darren and refused the wound medicine.

He said seriously: “Although I don’t have any memory of what I did inside, I checked and there are no wounds on my body.” ”

[Ding, Father +100]

[Ding, Father +100]

[Ding, Father +100]

[Ding… ]

“You lost your memory again?”

Malfoy looked at him sharply. Darren nodded.

Malfoy made a little grinding his teeth.

He gritted his teeth and said, “Scarhead is worth such a stupid effort from you? When you drop your life there, you will be able to be quiet! ”

Darren didn’t speak.

Head down and eat. This made Malfoy grit his teeth angrily.

But I don’t know what to do with him.

Scolding has also been scolded, mocked and mocked, and even yin and yang weird, but Darren just can’t enter the oil and salt.

On the contrary, it was himself, looking at Darren’s stupidity, defeating again and again.

“If it weren’t for… I don’t care about you! ”

Harry sat down at the Gryffindor table in pain.

He looked at Darren’s back and almost burst into tears.

What kind of torture Darren suffered, he didn’t know at all.

All he knew was that Darren had returned with a pale face.

He didn’t ask anything, because he didn’t even know if he would make himself feel the urge to leave again.

Moreover, the surrounding students looked at his expression, which was also an expression of disapproval and disgust.

They kept discussing the events of that night around him and asking him for confirmation.

It seems that he wants him to erupt so that he can tell more insider stories.

Harry said angrily, “They all know about that night, why do they look at me like this!” ”

“Actually, from our perspective.

You grabbed the trophy and went to another place, a man called himself Voldemort, and then Darren fought him…

Farce like… In the end, you came back with Mr. Diggory’s body, and we even thought it was an event of the competition.

You got trophies, you came back with loot… We didn’t know all of this until Dumbledore informed us.

It’s how Ron and I feel, and for everyone else, it’s all even stranger.

Harry, you never accept this, Darren has long thought of it, he is not willing to show his vulnerability anymore.

He knows very well that at this time, his every move represents everyone’s evaluation of you.

You really don’t understand, why even if Darren suppresses himself to the point of collapse, he must be calm and calm in front of outsiders?

He just didn’t want people to think he was a neurotic.

Only if he was normal would these people be able to think hard about whether the events of that night were true.

And today’s Defense Against the Dark Arts class, don’t you understand what he wants to do, right?

You just subconsciously follow him and want to rush out, and you destroy the situation he created! ”

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