Chapter 554 Dumbledore’s Army!!

Zacharius didn’t go, which meant he relented.

Although he didn’t seem to be relenting, he still seemed to have an opinion about what Hermione said.

Darren tapped the table with his wand.

Then he said, “There is no need to fight about this kind of thing, as you said, it is unknown whether the Ministry of Magic will want to fire me because I made a mistake.”

But I think that the name spread outside, it may not be really good, it will make many people feel very strange.

I get an army of my own, this is really…”

Darren shook his head.

He finally said: “It’s called Dumbledore’s Army, the abbreviation is unchanged, or DA, I think, only Dumbledore’s Army will be better convincing.” ”


Darrenjun is a little too middle two. Also brought him. An embarrassing comparison to Darren.

He would rather choose Dumbledore’s army, although he is in the second place, but it is Dumbledore who is a shame.

And also show loyalty.

Otherwise, the little holy father will make an army of his own, and it will definitely collapse when it is passed out.

“So, does anyone object?”

Hermione asked. No one objected.

So she wrote the abbreviation DA on the parchment with a pen. Darren nodded.

Then he was ready to sit down.

But he found that everyone was watching him, seemingly waiting for him to give orders.

Darren really wanted to say that Harry was in charge of these people.

But after he looked at Harry with an expectant look on his face, he could only continue: “Whether it is Dumbledore’s army or Umbridge against the team, I think my request for everyone now should be to practice magic.”

I remember when we were in first grade, the first thing we should learn was, except for your weapons.

This mantra, many people, should find it easy and simple.

But if you watched the duel club held by Professor Snape and Professor Lockhart in the second year.

In it, Professor Snape used the spell to remove your weapon to make Professor Lockhart fly.

Of course, I think some students may feel that the spell other than your weapon was used by Professor Snape, so it is very powerful.

But if anyone remembers last year’s Triwizard Tournament, where Voldemort and his brother fought at the end, then you’re going to remember.

When my brother fought with Voldemort, he was in front of Voldemort and used the weapon to remove you.

Anyway, he saved his life and saved me! ”

[Ding, Father +100]

[Ding, Father +100]

[Ding, Father +100]

[Ding… ]

In addition to the role of your weapon, Darren said clearly, naturally no one asked Harry what was the use of your weapon as in the original book.

“Very good, it seems that everyone has no opinion… Then everyone will be in pairs now, and my brother will help you correct your mistakes.

After all, my brother has also really faced Voldemort with magic, and you can’t underestimate anyone who escaped from Voldemort’s hands.

You know, even Mr. Diggory died there! ”

[Ding, Father +100]

[Ding, Father +100]

[Ding, Father +100]

[Ding… ]

After Darren finished speaking, he showed a melancholy expression.

Hermione, they knew he had been worried about it. At one point, it was even a little devastated because of this matter.

Bringing this matter up again now, Darren must be very uncomfortable. So they tried not to disturb him.

They began to organize all the students on their own to start sparring. Darren pretended to be reluctant and picked up an anime book. But no one will think that he is lazy.

People just think he’s uncomfortable. Anyway.

The sound of sparring finally sounded in the room.

Harry was in the crowd, constantly correcting everyone’s use of magic. And then they found out.

It’s really a chore.

Because although this group of people feels that the weapons are very low-level except for you, they really don’t even know the basics.

Many people can’t use your weapon against people, especially Neville, who uses the weapon to remove you, and as a result, his wand actually flies.

And also sparks all the way with lightning. Harry and they quickly dodged. But there are many more people behind.

Darren didn’t want to care, but looking at them so embarrassed. Or can only wave the wand.

Neville’s wand returned to his hand.

They looked at each other, and only then did they realize that Darren had done it…

This made many people intuitively feel the power of Darren again. Darren had no intention of pretending to be in front of this group of children.

After he returned Neville’s wand to its place, he went on to watch anime. When he finally finished reading the anime book, he looked at the time. It’s almost curfew.

So he waved his wand, turned the anime book into a whistle, and blew the whistle at everyone.

“Very good, everyone is exercising very well, but it’s late now, I think, the training after that will be carried out next time!”

Everyone nodded.

Then Harry arranged for them, in teams of two or three, to go out of the room one at a time.

They looked at the Marauder’s Map and finally sent everyone out.

Darren yawned and said to Hermione to hurry back as well, and he staggered towards his Slytherin common room.

Harry behind him showed a worried expression.

“It can’t always be like this, Darren looks more and more listless, obviously he is catching up on sleep in the school infirmary, why does it still not seem to be very functional?”

“Anyway, after a while, let Darren go to the school infirmary to sleep again, if we don’t know him, we might think he is too lazy.”

“Nonsense, how can Darren be lazy?”

Hermione glared angrily at Ron.

It was Ron who said that just now. This made Hermione extremely angry.

She put her schoolbag on her back and said angrily: “When is it, you still have such a thought, who is Darren, don’t you know?” Others can think like this, you absolutely cannot!

If you’re okay, I’m going back to sleep now!” ”

Hermione turned and left.

Ron looked blankly at Harry.

“What I just said clearly is that I thought Darren was lazy… Did she listen to me properly? ”

Harry nodded in agreement.

He looked worriedly at the name that represented Darren, and slowly returned to Darren’s dormitory.

He then put down the map and asked, “Hey, where’s Hermione?” ”

Ron was speechless.

“You two don’t even listen to me well, are we still not good friends?”

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