Chapter 569 A person who sincerely apologizes!!

Darren doesn’t think so.

It was rare for him to come like this, how could he not say more? He put the photo ball aside.

Pretending not to spot Hermione and Ginny, they carefully stole the photo ball.

He pushed Harry and said: “Brother, don’t come over, I apologize to Professor Lockhart, I was wrong, I must let Professor Lockhart accept my apology sincerely!” ”

Harry tried to make him understand that it was Lockhart’s fault, not his, but Lockhart’s doctors pulled them all out.

She said in a virgin-like tone: “Darren Potter is right, he should apologize to Rollo.”

But I believe that Luo Luo will definitely accept his apology, after all, Luo Luo also did something wrong! ”

Harry, they all wanted to spit it out. But they held back.

Because Hermione poked them hard with her elbow.

They saw the photo ball that Hermione wanted to show them. This brightened their eyes.

They watched as the Lockhart physician was still making a Virgin gesture at the door of Lockhart’s hospital room, and quietly slipped out of there.

“Hermione, what are your thoughts? Are you going to release the photo ball in the hospital? ”

Harry asked curiously.

Ginny and Ron looked at her excitedly.

They really wanted to let people know right away what Lockhart had done.

What does Darren mean to harm him?

Obviously, he almost killed Darren, and as a result, his brain-dead fans always scolded Darren. For so many years, because of his kindness, Darren was always reluctant to tell the truth, and he was unwilling to let the photo ball pass out.

But now when they saw Darren being pointed at the nose by Lockhart fans, he scolded. They finally couldn’t help it.

They must speak out, and they must let Lockhart’s affairs be known by everyone!

“No, I’m not going to release this inside the hospital, Darren will know it’s what we did, and I don’t want him to be angry with us.”

But I know there’s another person in the hospital, and if it were her, Darren wouldn’t suspect that we did it… Look, isn’t she right here? ”

Hermione suddenly turned around and clasped a beetle in the palm of her hand.

“Oh, Ms. Rita Skeeter, we meet again, can you do us a favor?”

While Harry and they were communicating with Rita Skeeter, Darren was also having a ‘friendly’ communication with Lockhart under the watchful eye of Lockhart’s doctor.

“Professor, you know what?

At that time, I was really guilty, I never thought that you actually went to see the basilisk in the eyes, if I knew…”

He looked down and smiled widely.

In Lockhart’s ear said: “Hehe, I specifically exposed a gap for you, just to make you see, aren’t you just looking?” ”

Lockhart’s eyes were full of fierceness.

“Professor, you know what?

Not long after you started school, you encountered some small attacks, such as falling down stairs, such as being attacked by armor, such as…”

He lay down in Lockhart’s ear and whispered, “I pretend to be pitiful, they specially clean you up!” ”

Lockhart’s angry eyes were red. Darren also burst into tears. He wiped the corners of his eyes again.

In Lockhart’s doctor’s opinion, it was pitiful. A person who sincerely apologizes.

Darren said again: “Professor Lockhart still remembers that after you were seen by the basilisk, I quickly went to rescue you, and only one of your eyes moved…”

He whispered in Lockhart’s ear: “Of course it was intentional, you didn’t find that all the students in the school who had a feud with me were petrified.”

As for you, threatening me, you still want to retreat with your whole body? Don’t think about it, why do you still have one eye that can move?

I just want you to see me laughing at you, and make you speechless and can’t accuse me.

No way, I’m such a good person, you ponder, who will say I have a problem? ”

Lockhart’s whole body convulsed. It seems like a burp is about to burp.

Darren showed a mocking expression.

Like a great villain.

“By the way, to tell you the good news, I just asked Hermione to take out the photo ball.

Immediately, others will know that you tried to push me down and ended up falling yourself.

And your stupid self looking into the basilisk in the eyes, causing yourself to almost die, or I saved you.

Guess what, will you still be so comfortable being served later? ”

Darren saw Lockhart rolled his eyes at his anger, his face livid, his eyes showing fear and anger.

He then looked at Lockhart’s physician and said in a simple and kind tone.

“Thank you for giving me and Professor Lockhart such a nice and comfortable environment to talk to, Professor Lockhart forgave me.

I don’t really know what to say, thank you.

I saw that Professor Lockhart was sleepy, and I was now ready to leave.

Also, don’t say anything about Professor Lockhart pushing me.

Only you know about this except Hermione, and don’t let me down Professor Lockhart.

Otherwise, Professor Lockhart will be very sad, thank you! ”

Darren showed a shy expression.

This pleased Lockhart’s doctors. That’s what she likes to do to Lockhart’s people. Who let Lockhart be the best in her heart?

So she said in a tone full of distress: “I will definitely not say it, I will definitely not let Luo Luo be insulted by those people!” ”

“Then thank you, and then I won’t bother you and Luo… It’s time for Professor Lockhart to get along! ”

Darren laughed. Then he walked out of the ward.

Harry, they were standing honestly outside the ward. Looks more innocent than him.

As soon as they saw him come out, they asked worriedly: “Lockhart, cough, Professor Lockhart didn’t bully you, did he?” ”

Darren immediately showed an expression of disapproval.

“How come? Professor Lockhart was as lenient as before, and when I asked him to forgive me, he really forgave me, and he tried his best to smile at me.

Although he can’t laugh… I’m so useless, why can’t I use that ability?

If Professor Lockhart had been cured then, then now, he would not have to lie there so alone, looking full of pity.

His writings are very useful, and perhaps they can be of great help to the lives of ordinary people! ”

[Ding, Father +100]

[Ding, Father +100]

[Ding, Father +100]

[Ding… ]

“Oh, Darren, don’t be sad, he got what he deserves… Treatment? Anyway, maybe he lies there to benefit the people! ”

Ron muttered…

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