Chapter 574: Darren’s Innocent!!

Darren felt very innocent.

Because it wasn’t that he had to let Dumbledore see those cruel pictures, but because the system always jumped out to make him falsify his memories.

Dumbledore’s entanglement and the pain he felt had nothing to do with him.

Darren thought so, and once again forged some memories.

The boy begged everyone to save Harry as he fell off his broom.

The boy stood in front of Hermione and faced the troll alone.

The boy raised his wand and recited the Patronus Charm, not thinking of happy things, but wanting to protect everyone.

The boy learns that he was thrown into the Triwizard Tournament by Cedric, and he looks at Cedric worriedly, afraid that he will be used.

The boy stood at Mr. Diggory’s funeral, guilt buried him, and for a moment, he even lost the will to live.


Dumbledore once again voluntarily withdrew from the Dementor.

He said solemnly: “Darren, you didn’t stop me hard, I went on a rampage in your memory, you didn’t mean to block it!” ”

Darren covered his face.

He whispered, “I can’t be wary of you at all…”

[Ding, Father +100]

Dumbledore was silent. His voice was a little hoarse.

“You can’t be wary of anyone, child, this is not right, you will die on this kind of character, maybe I have to teach you a lesson!”

Dumbledore said softly. Darren looked at him suspiciously. What lessons?

Do you still need to teach him a lesson as a little Holy Father? Wouldn’t it?

Dumbledore saw his doubtful eyes and smiled slyly.

“This can’t tell you, well, the lesson comes from the unknown, maybe I may also die because I believe in the wrong person!”

Dumbledore said with a smile. Darren was abrupt.

Did Dumbledore mean to say that next year, he planned for Snape to kill him? But no?

Old Deng now has a wife, and his sister’s soul is also there, so he won’t have to send him to death, right?

He felt that Old Deng might not be too big to die.

But he also felt that if he did not die, if he did not die, there would be no way to stop Harry at King’s Cross Station and let him continue walking.

So, Old Deng must die? Darren thought so.

But he always felt that Old Deng should not die this time. Hopefully, Old Deng came up with a better way.

After all, since knowing that Arianna was okay, Old Deng’s spirit was much better. And a little motivated.

Let Old Deng take the initiative to die, he should not be so stupid.

So it’s up to Dumbledore and Grindelwald to figure it out themselves.

As for Darren, he didn’t plan to participate, of course, he still honestly followed the plot.


Dumbledore’s cry made Darren put away his thoughts.

“Scare you? There is always a lesson for you, I think the betrayal of the second grade, you still haven’t written it down! ”

Dumbledore said angrily. Darren smiled sheepishly.

This made more of his anger disappear.

“That’s it, let’s try again, collect your memory, and take your mind!”

[Ding, sensing that the host is being taken by the mind, is the memory falsified?] ]


Darren felt, and should, not to let Dumbledore see it all. It has to be a bit of a blocker.

Otherwise, Dumbledore might be suspicious.

So he remembered that in the original book, Harry did not want Snape to see the scene where he was in love, and he also set the memory here.


The boy watched as a green light hit Mr. Diggory. He cried out in pain.

The boy saw the DA members and learned faster and faster. The boy stayed up late at night to make a gold coin liaison.

The boy saw a clear line written on the back of Harry’s raised hand: I will never lie again.

The boy was under the parasitism, and was kissed by Akibari, and Akibari’s moist lips touched…

Darren made a panicked look.

He fell to the ground, gasping for air. Dumbledore helped him to sit on the headmaster’s chair.

He said with interest: “So, you’re in love?” ”

“No, no… I can’t waste other people’s feelings, I don’t have the heart to think about these now, I will die at any time, why make others sad?

I watched Mr. Diggory being killed before my eyes, and I couldn’t sleep for a long time, let alone the death of my lover, for them, it must be very painful. ”

[Ding, Holy Father value +100] Dumbledore’s voice was mute.

Eventually he pulled out some chocolate.

“Eat them, it will feel better.”

Darren picked up the chocolate and ate it slowly.

After eating, Dumbledore handed him another glass of lemon juice. Darren just raised his cup and took a sip.

He showed a puzzled expression.

Because the cup contained Snape’s life and death water. The newest kind.

All it takes is a bite and just…

Darren narrowed his eyes, and before he was about to fall asleep, he heard Dumbledore say with a smile: “Child, sleep, I think you are also very tired, it will be fine here…”

Compared to Darren’s warmth here, Snape and Harry were a mess there. Snape hated Harry.

Harry hated Snape even more.

What made Harry even more angry was that Snape kept entering his memory. And watching 590 to the time of his confrontation with Voldemort, calling him a reckless and arrogant coward.

But what Harry gained was when he and Snape practiced ×× brain closure.

He suddenly realized that the corridor he dreamed of every night was the path he had taken with Mr. Weasley to the Ministry of Magic for trial.

It leads to the Division of Mysteries.

It was also the way Mr. Weasley was bitten by a snake.

He told Snape about it, wanting to see Snape’s reaction.

But Snape told him not to inquire about the Department of Mysteries, and not to call Voldemort’s name.

He even taunted that he and his stupid brother were fools. Harry glared angrily at Snape, but couldn’t help it.

As he slammed the door to leave, he heard Snape say in a mocking voice, “I hope you come by the same time on Wednesday afternoon!” ”

“Got it!”

Harry said angrily.

The moment he rushed out of Snape’s office, he suddenly turned his head thoughtfully, and he found Snape looking at him with disgust.

Snape hated him. Or hate him. Because of his dad? Harry thought subconsciously.

After all, that’s how Snape looked at him from the time he first entered school. It can be said that it has not changed.

Keep it up so good!

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