Chapter 584: Who Had an Accident This Time?!!

Darren shook his head.

“It seems that the forgetting is not complete enough, and it is all forgotten!”

Before Umbridge forgot, despair hung on her face.

Apparently, she guessed how she felt before she was forgotten.

But after she forgot, her arrogant smile hung on her face again.

She looked at Darren and said, “Continue tomorrow!” ”

Darren nodded palely. Umbridge subconsciously wanted to laugh.

But she shivered hard. It always felt like something was wrong.

Darren naturally did not dare to stay longer.

He hurriedly strode out, not giving Umbridge a chance to repent. But when he walked out, he saw Harry and Hermione. They were looking at him with worries.

Darren quickly comforted and said: “It’s okay, you look at me, there is no injury at all.”

But Harry and they couldn’t laugh at all, and they didn’t feel at ease.

Tortured from six o’clock until midnight, how could there be nothing to do? ”

“Darren, do you remember what torture she used on you?”

Harry asked as he clenched his fists.

Darren thought of many spells, some of which Voldemort had given him in his first year.

The other, of course, was a spell that he came up with himself.

For hours, Umbridge’s screams echoed through the office, and even the Oblivion Charm didn’t quench her fear.

Even Darren is a little magical. Obviously terrifying.

But Darren wasn’t going to tell Harry about them.

So he said softly: “Just copying things, just like the punishment my brother received…”

He said this, but Harry and none of them believed it. Just copying things?

Just copying stuff, and Umbridge will lock up Darren only come out now? Just using that weird quill can make Darren tired like this?

But if Darren didn’t say it, they naturally didn’t get any news. Hermione sighed.

She took out a bottle of life and death water and said, “This is what Professor Snape gave me, let me give it to you, he said he wanted you to get a good night’s sleep, I think, maybe he wants to please you?” ”

Darren looked at the bottle of life and death in silence. For a long time, he nodded. Enough gestures…….

Harry and they looked at Darren’s back with a puzzled and worried expression on their faces.

“I don’t know why, I feel that after Hermione gave that potion to Darren, Darren became even more strange.”

Ron said suspiciously.

Harry retorted, “Of course you’ll be upset if your enemy sends you something.” ”

“But according to Snape, they obviously didn’t reach the point of being an enemy, and Professor Snape said that he just disagreed with Darren!”

Hermione said with a frown.

She was now a little worried that giving the potion to Darren would make Darren feel even worse.

Perhaps she should use the words Snape had taught her and tell Darren that they had obtained it from Madam Pomfrey’s infirmary.

Perhaps, Darren should be able to drink. It’s a pity that she really doesn’t want to lie to Darren.

Unwilling to lie to Darren for Snape’s sake.

“Anyway, we should go back to sleep now, otherwise the fat lady will run away in a while, and we won’t be able to get in.”

Ron finally said.

They returned to the Gryffindor common room.

The Gryffindor common room, there are still many more people.

Fred and George enlarge the heads of Darren and Harry and hang them on the wall, making them yell that Umbridge is a waste and that the Ministry of Magic is a big fool.

It made Harry want to laugh a little. But Hermione disagreed.

She said to Fred and George: “Darren obviously wouldn’t shout something like that, and it was very weird. ”

Fred and George had to remove Darren’s avatar. Harry found that he was the only one left with his avatar shouting that. He also began to find it boring.

He declined some who wanted to ask him for details, and then returned to the dormitory with Ron.

While lying in bed, he kept clearing his mind, but he always wanted Darren to watch the potion that Snape asked them to give to Darren in a daze.

How did Darren and Snape become like this? Harry suddenly asked himself in his heart.

But just thought of Snape’s previous things. His scar suddenly hurt.

He held back and didn’t let himself call out.

Then he noticed that the situation in front of him had changed.

He stood in a room with a curtain and only candles. In front of him knelt a man.

“So, did my plan fail?”

Harry felt his anger at this point.

“Am I fooled?”

“I’m sorry, master…”

The man in front of him said tremblingly.

“I don’t blame you, Lukewood! At least you brought news… Voldemort thanks you… Go, go and call Avery over,……”

Harry felt like he was moving in front of the mirror. Then he saw himself.

A face whiter than a skeleton, and red eyes like snakes…


Harry was awakened by himself.

“Don’t move, or you might fall…”

It was Ron’s voice.

He helped Harry up. Harry was able to sit up.

Then he found out that he literally almost fell off the bed.

“Who happened this time?”

Ron looked at him worriedly.

Harry gasped and said, “No one is in trouble, Voldemort is angry.

He got the wrong information from Avery, but Lukewood got him back on the right path…”

“Be sure to tell Dumbledore about this!”

Ron said quickly.

But Harry shook his head, and he said silently: “I can’t tell Dumbledore, because I’m learning ×× Brain Occlusion Right Now I shouldn’t know about these things, and if I say it, then I can only be scolded!” ”

His words silenced Ron. Ron went back to sleep.

And Harry could only grit his teeth, feeling the pain of his scars all night.

He knew very well that the man named Avery should be punished at this time

Because Voldemort’s anger has not subsided until now.

Harry told Darren and Hermione about it the next day. But Hermione told him to stop dreaming of these things.

Because Dumbledore obviously didn’t let Harry continue to look at these things. He has to close his brain.

Harry was angry at the statement.

Of course, he also understood that the reason why he was angry was only because he had not been able to master the brain occlusion technique until now.

He felt he might not have the slightest talent for brain occlusion. This caused him to be full of anger whenever he mentioned it…

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