Chapter 595 Want to see Sirius?!!

The day before the Easter holiday.

Harry was in a daze in the Gryffindor common room.

Although Darren let him know that making an antidote was easy, which relieved him, he now had other things pressing on his heart.

That’s what he saw in the meditation basin of his mom and dad.

In the past two days, he has been trying to find out what Snape did wrong in his memory.

Come and find some reasons for his dad.

But every time he thought of his mom rushing out and questioning his dad, “Where did Snape mess with you?” ”

And his dad answered.

“Actually, it’s mainly his existence, if you understand what I mean…”

It’s clear. His dad did it on purpose.

To get his mother’s attention.

It could also be because Sirius was saying boring inside. So he did this kind of thing.

For almost five years, no matter what, he and Darren thought of their dad and thought of him as a hero, a good man who made people feel noble.

But now, he didn’t even dare to tell Darren about it. The Easter holidays are over.

For three days of Easter, Harry was in a bad mood.

He made others think that his bad mood was caused by Darren’s poisoning and the upcoming exams.

But Darren quietly debunked him today.

“My brother, you can hide it from others, you can’t hide it from me.

Although you are a little worried about my poisoning, but more thinking about something else. I was listening to you muttering something like Dad is a bad guy two days ago.

Well, I think your bad mood should be related to mom and dad, can you tell me? ”

Darren showed a curious expression.

Harry struggled for a long time, but still rejected him.

“No, I can’t tell you the news, because I haven’t confirmed it, if only I could meet Sirius…”

Harry blurted out.

Then he saw Darren’s thoughtful expression.

“If you want to meet Sirius, it’s not impossible.”

He said thoughtfully.

Harry jerked back at him.

“Don’t think blindly, don’t do dangerous things!”

Darren laughed.

“Indeed, I also think my plan is a bit reckless, I have to discuss it with Fred and George!”

Darren walked away in a hurry.

Harry didn’t even stop the pulling strap.

He thought in horror what horrible decision Darren could make under the discussion of Fred and George.


For two days, Harry noticed that Darren hadn’t mentioned it again.

He thought Fred and George had dispelled Darren’s idea. He had a new impression of Fred and George.

I think they are quite reliable.

Before he wanted to thank them, he suddenly noticed that the school’s bulletin board was suddenly posted with employment advice.

And there are also a lot of magic brochures and even flyers.

This made him forget about thanks, and he immediately understood how important the upcoming exam would be.

Of course, Professor McGonagall’s employment consultation at two o’clock on Wednesday afternoon is also important, and they must figure out what they will do later by today.

This is a very important thing.

Harry had to go to the library and check with Hermione and Darren about their possible future work.

“Darren, if you want to stay in school, you must take every ordinary wizard level exam, above E, but I think these should be nothing to you.”

Hermione pulled out a form and looked at the request on it with a happy smile.

“E is nothing? Well, for Darren, he can get an O in each of his courses.

He can choose every profession he can choose if he wants. However, if you want to stay in school, you still need the consent of the principal.

I feel like the current Umbridge shouldn’t agree, but maybe Darren will graduate in two years, and Dumbledore will be back long ago! ”

Ron analyzed carefully.

Each of them knew that Darren would love to stay in school. Because he, like Harry, made Hogwarts home.

And let Darren do other work, they are not at ease, staying in school is safe and not dangerous for Darren.

But Darren hesitated.

He looked at the form and said softly, “I don’t know if I want to stay in school, if Voldemort has not been eliminated, I can’t teach in school with peace of mind.”

I’m going to be an Auror, I’m going to fight on the front lines.

Brother, Hermione, and Ron, only live once, so I wish I had died in battle, not in the rear.

Moody’s is right, I should stand up! ”

[Ding, Father +100]

[Ding, Father +100]

[Ding, Father +100]

[Ding… ]

“Little Darren has grown up!”

“It’s just that if my mother knew about your decision, she would be very worried.”

It was Fred and George. They came over.

They patted Darren on the shoulder, then looked at Harry’s horrified expression, and said with a smile: “Don’t worry so much, I think that after Darren graduates, maybe the mysterious man has been killed by Dumbledore, or Harry has already killed the mysterious man Darren, then he will think how wonderful it is to stay in school, unless he meets two students like us!” ”

Fred and George laughed out loud. This made Harry relax as well. Also.

If Voldemort had never died, Darren was teaching at Hogwarts and might have encountered danger.

And if Voldemort died, then Darren was an Auror, and maybe nothing happened?

They thought so. His expression relaxed.

And just as they relaxed, Fred and George began to whisper, “We discussed with Darren before, how to let Harry see Sirius…”

Hermione exclaimed.

“You’re going to see…”

She was covered by Darren.

“Oh, Hermione, if you are too loud, others will know.”

Hermione was a little embarrassed to be pulled into his arms.

Her face was flushed. At the same time, he closed his mouth.

“At the moment only Umbridge’s stove is not under surveillance.

We talked to Darren about just luring Umbridge out of her office and letting Harry in, which was pretty simple.

Let Darren call Umbridge out and then cast a Oblivion Charm on her to get her…”


Harry refuted this opinion. Fred and George nodded up.

“This is what Darren came up with himself, and we have vetoed it, because we are not going to get him fired, so there is only another way.”

Let’s do this, we’ve been stockpiling our weapons lately…

We’ve already done what you’ve customized, and we’re going to throw them into Umbridge’s office.

But since you can make some time for Harry, then, why not?

How long can we get Harry? Twenty minutes?

Darren, you guard the door of Umbridge’s office, and there is not a single decree that prevents students from standing at the door of the principal’s office.

After that, I thought, everything can be made, can’t it? ”

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