Chapter 723 Are You Threatening Me?!!

Hermione asked suspiciously.

She didn’t understand, how did Darren think that the mysterious man would get the old wand, obviously didn’t the mysterious man keep pressing Grindelwald where the old wand was?

“It’s clear that Grindelwald and Headmaster Dumbledore are good friends…

Headmaster Dumbledore’s wand, which I used to use, is very powerful……… I never felt that there was anything wrong with this, and now I want to come……… It was I who did not think of this.

The mysterious man will definitely go to Hogwarts and get his wand in his hand from Headmaster Dumbledore. ”

Darren said softly.

Hermione and Ron were shocked.

“Then let’s hurry up and stop it!”

“No, we can’t stop it!”

Darren said suddenly.

“We can’t get the Elder Wand, and I thought before if I got the Elder Wand, would I be able to kill the mysterious man.”

But I understand now that we shouldn’t go get the old wand………

Headmaster Dumbledore didn’t want us to take it, or rather, he didn’t want his brother to take it.

What we should be looking for now is the Horcruxes, let’s just do our own thing! ”

Darren said firmly.

Then he stood up.

“Come on, let’s go together, we need to go to Gringotts……… Brother, you did a good job, the pull ring is indeed what we need! ”

Harry and Hermione and Ron knew he was sure.

He’s going to Gringotts.

But despite their worries, they did not flinch.

They had decided to follow Darren all the way.

Darren walked out.

He looked at Bill and said, “Bill, arrange a ring for me, we need to talk to him?” ”

“Pull ring? It’s still sick… And your situation is not too good…”

“This is an order!”

Darren said solemnly. Bill was stunned. Then he laughed wryly.

He went and called the pull ring.

At this time, Darren was already waiting in the room to see the ring.

He said straight to the point: “I need to enter Bellatrix’s vault in Gringotts, you may be able to help me, if you need anything, just tell me!” ”

“Gringotts is not something that anyone can break into!”

La Huan said angrily.

Darren looked him in the eye.

“Don’t make me angry, if the goblins don’t plan to help wizards on either side, then their race may all disappear!”

“What do you mean? Are you threatening leprechauns again? ”

“That’s right, I’m threatening the leprechaun!

You know my strength, I think, my war with the mysterious man will only be five or five points, no matter if any of us win, I don’t think the goblins will end well.

And now, as long as you are on my side, maybe I can return the goblin to its former status again.

If you insist on not helping us, then we will use another way to enter the house-elf, for example, don’t you think that house-elves are better able to do the job of the vault? ”

La Huan looked at him in shock.

“You, you actually compare house-elves to us goblins?”

“I think that in my heart, house-elves are much more noble than you.

If you can’t beat us and have to be a vassal of wizards, then why can’t we choose something more well-behaved and obedient? ”

Darren’s words stunned Lahuan.

He thought that Darren would be the kind and simple person in the legend, obviously at the funeral of Peter Pettigrew before, Darren looked quite heartless.

Why is it that now, there are more eyes in the heart?

“Are you really Darren Porter?”

Darren chuckled.

“If you have to act with others every day for a year to survive, then you will grow up quickly!”

[Ding, Father +100]

[Ding, Father +100]

[Ding, Father +100]

[Ding……… ]

This time.

Hermione let out a sob.

Apparently, she had already fantasized about what Darren was doing at school.

Just thinking about it makes her feel painful.

“I’ll give you a few more days to think about it, I hope to be quick, I’m not willing to risk Passie.”

But if the time comes to last resort, maybe I will make some decisions that make you unpleasant! ”

Darren said seriously.

Then he strode out of the room.

Harry, they quickly followed out.

“Can we really use house-elves?”

Harry asked curiously.

Darren sighed.

“I don’t know, I don’t really want Packy to take risks at her age, so I didn’t try it at all.

I just scared him, in fact, I am not sure of winning, but brother, believe me, I will find a way to let more people live!

As for me, if I really die, brother, you can bless me! Bless me for another unknown path…”

[Ding, Father +100]

[Ding, Father +100]

[Ding, Father +100]

[Ding……… ]

Harry’s eyes reddened.

Hermione’s eyes filled with tears.

She covered her mouth.

They finally understood why Darren seemed less concerned about Grindelwald’s death.

He is not numb.

He just thinks he’ll go down that path right away.

He probably didn’t think he would survive this war.

Harry wanted to comfort him.

But he knew that at this time, it was useless to say anything.

Not to mention, he didn’t know if he would survive.

“Okay, next, we should go to Ollivander again to find out about my brother’s wand.”

Darren looked at them and said.

Then they walked into Ollivander’s room.

“Hello, we haven’t seen each other for a long time since the fourth grade meeting,” Darren said softly.

Ollivander said gratefully, “Thank you for your generosity…”

“No, if you really thank us, then help my brother see his wand, can it be repaired?”

If it can’t be fixed, see if you can make another one! ”

Darren took the shattered wand that Harry had taken out.

“Holly wood and phoenix feathers……… Very beautiful and flexible! ”

Ollivander looked at the wand in his hand, and a pitiful expression appeared on his face.

“There is no way for me to fix it, and according to what I know, the wand is damaged to this extent, then there is no way.”

Harry’s face showed a hint of sadness.

He already knew, but he still had a little hope.

“Can you make me another one?”

“Child… I was badly injured, not to mention, the Ministry of Magic had the materials to make wands, I don’t have anything now, I can’t make it. ”

Darren sighed softly.

He handed his wand to Harry again.

“It’s better that brother you continue to use my wand, I will have no magic anyway.”

[Ding, Father +100]

[Ding, Father +100]

[Ding, Father +100]

[Ding……… ]

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