Chapter 810 Fanwai—Come back, okay?!!

I didn’t come home for Christmas.

After all, Cont had been taken into Azkaban, and my mother gave birth, and they really didn’t think of me, so I was able to stay at Hogwarts.

To be honest, it felt like homelessness, but I think it was the most comfortable Christmas I’ve had in eleven years.

At the Christmas dinner, I saw Hermione pouring Darren glass of wine.

Finally, Hermione and they helped Darren, who seemed to be unconscious, away. I pinched my chin and felt that the little girl was really too unrestrained now.

It’s only the second grade!

You’re only twelve years old!

How can you just get drunk on a little boy?

Are you sure he can do that at twelve? I was amazed.

But I didn’t say anything.

Although Darren is a good person, but in his private life, I can be sure from the beginning that he is a little scumbag.

He was able to be drunk by Hermione and them, apparently of his own free will.

Since he volunteered, why should I care so much? I smiled and continued to eat and drink.

I’m kind of glad Hannah got home, otherwise she might have exploded if she saw Hermione drunk Darren and help her away.

After eating, I was ready to go back.

Hogwarts is still dangerous, especially when Darren is drunk, no matter what happens to them, at this time, obviously I have no backers.

I plan to go back soon.

But to my surprise, I ran into Darren on the way.

He walked forward alone with a cold face.

It looks very unpleasant.

I frowned at his back.

And he was followed by Crabbe and Goyle.

Really fake?

Will Crabbe and Goyle follow Darren?

I suspect that they were willing to follow behind him, and he was not.

After all, those two people are too stupid, too ugly, and have a bad reputation, and Darren wants to create a good character, and it is impossible to let these two people harm his reputation.

So, is this something that happened that I didn’t know?

I walked forward quietly.

Thinking about the plot.

Finally I was sure that Crabbe and Goyle should be Harry and Ron in disguise, as for that Darren… He’s in disguise, right?

It dawned on me.

Well, I should have misunderstood Hermione before.

She was eighty percent to get drunk on Darren and then go to Slytherin with Harry to talk.

The words said that Darren’s mouth was really tight, and he didn’t tell them a clue at all, which forced them to go to Slytherin in person.

That said, they really won’t be discovered?

If you don’t disguise Darren, you may not be discovered, but you disguise Darren

Have they forgotten that Miss Cassandra, who always followed Darren?

Malfoy couldn’t recognize it, Kassandra could not? I pay a moment of silence for them.

But there was no idea at all.

Anyway, they are not Darren, and they will not be expelled by Dumbledore, I still let myself be fine!

While staying in the dormitory, I was still wondering what Slytherins would do if they found them, but I got the news that Darren had entered the school infirmary and I was confused.

Wasn’t he drunk, how could he enter the school infirmary?

But from the words of the Hufflepuff students, it is speculated that Darren seems to have drunk and then slept deeply, frightening Harry and them, and they were sent to the school infirmary.

Madam Pomfrey scolded Harry and them.

But Darren still didn’t wake up.

I’m a little worried.

He didn’t look like someone who was willing to teach Harry Potter their lesson on this kind of thing, could something really happen?

Fortunately, the next day, news came that he woke up.

I relaxed and continued to read.

Hufflepuff is truly an amazing house.

Everyone rarely quarrels, they all have good tempers, and the house-elves are also partial to us, always putting all kinds of small cakes in the lounge.

I like these very much.

But I don’t usually eat.

Goyle and Crabbe were just stupid enough to eat the cake elsewhere before Hermione found an opportunity to drug them.

I’m not very short of food, so naturally I won’t touch those foods.

I watched my classmates eat unscrupulously, with a silly smile on their faces.

The recent days have really been very comfortable.

Originally, I thought that if I stole Ginny’s things, Ginny would be wary of me and even come to me.

But to my surprise, Ginny seemed to forget about that day.

She’s still that kind.

At one point, I also saw the diary in her pocket, and it was clear that Darren had no intention of changing the plot.

So, the last time he made such a big fuss, was it really just to help me solve Canter’s problem?

I laugh at myself secretly, how is it possible?

But I can’t help but think about the possibility of this.

If it’s true, then he’s really a very warm person! I thought secretly.

“Darren is missing!”

Professor Sprout announced this fact in the common room.

Then she continued with red eyes in our shocked gaze: “Everyone must be actively looking for Darren, and if anyone finds Darren, I will reward him… Poor child, he is now…”

Professor Sprout wiped his tears and left.

I saw Hannah’s anxious look.

They almost rushed out to find it.

I subconsciously understood that Darren would not have an accident.

How could something happen to him?

He has a golden finger!

I have been observing him for a long time, and his golden finger is actually very powerful, although it is not as powerful as the system of killing all sides, but it can definitely save his life.

So I told myself not to worry.

But I was wondering if he was going to run away, would he?

Wouldn’t he have found the world too troublesome, so he left with his golden finger?

My body trembled.

Hannah hugged me and comforted me worriedly: “Don’t be afraid, he will be fine, he came back safe last time!” ”

I closed my eyes and echoed her words in my heart.

Maybe this time he was calculated again, and then it will take a while to disappear, his old-fashioned methods, I just have to wait.

But that’s three days.

My things were already packed, and if he didn’t come back within a week, I would immediately break myself and contact my parents and ask them to pick me up.

The reason is that I found a way to get my brother out.

Maybe they’ll help me.

Then I figured out a way to leave.

I waited uneasily for the end and snorted.

Hannah thought I was too worried about Darren, and she was very touched and helped me make a blessing lamp.

Although I don’t think he should have had an accident, I still let go of that blessing lamp and came back, okay?

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