Chapter 190 I want to know the truth!!

Thinking of Darren, Harry was a little sad again.

He even thought that Darren might have been captured and was even being tortured now.

Maybe those people are going to kill him…

Thinking about it like this, Harry felt that he couldn’t breathe easily.

“Dumbledore, maybe you should come to the edge of the Black Lake… There was an unusual silver-white tabby cat rushing between Dumbledore and Snape, and it said these words in Professor McGonagall’s voice. ”

Harry noticed that before the tabby cat finished speaking, Snape had already left in a black robe.

And even Dumbledore, who had been trying to keep calm before, trotted out with some gaffes for the first time at this time.

“On the edge of the Black Lake… Oh, my God! ”

Harry heard Hermione’s voice, and he looked back to see that Hermione’s eyes were already filled with tears.

“I passed there several times in the morning, but I never thought to look there.

Maybe Darren was there, he might have been tortured at the time, maybe he watched me pass by…”

Harry suddenly felt his stomach hurt.

Because he also passed by there in the morning.

“Guys, don’t say anything, are you going to the Black Lake?”

Ron said anxiously.

If they don’t go, they may have to wait for afterthought.

Harry and Hermione, who were reminded by Ron, quickly ran and chased Dumbledore away.

They are no longer willing to hide their footsteps, which will slow them down.

“This is it!”

While they were running out of breath, they finally saw where Dumbledore was staying.

The scenery was similar to usual, but except for Lockhart, the other professors were dignified and tapped their wands in the air.

“I’ve seen this before, and that person is trapped in this spatial position.”

Our reality is a day, probably the people inside have been going through it for a hundred years.

Lockhart said enthusiastically.

Harry couldn’t imagine Darren turning gray-haired.

Lockhart continued.

“Of course, it is also possible that this is a time node, after he enters here, he will be thrown into the past and grow up from the past…”

Harry began to desperately think about whether he had ever seen anyone similar to Darren before, because he understood that Darren had traveled back in time and would definitely want to find him.

“There is a confusion spell cast here, and an invisibility charm…”

Professor McGonagall said solemnly.

Lockhart quickly changed his words.

“Yes, yes, I remember, I used to see this in Volland.

There was a confusion spell and an invisibility spell and opened it, and inside was a large area of corpses, it turned out to be a battlefield.”

Harry was on the verge of crying.

He imagined Darren appearing on the battlefield.

Darren must have been terrified.

He has always been so kind, how could he be willing to see a corpse?

“Found it!”

Dumbledore’s voice interrupted Harry’s fantasy.

Then he saw Dumbledore knock somewhere in the air, and then chanted some spell in his mouth.

Suddenly, the surrounding scene changed rapidly.

Just now, the green grass was stained with blood.

There was a strong smell of blood in the air.

And there were a dozen people lying on the ground.

Harry saw Darren at a glance.

He clutched his wand in his hand, as if he was still confronting someone before he fell.

His body was almost stained red with blood.

Harry almost threw himself on Darren.

He touched Darren’s nose with shaking hands.

That’s a sigh of relief.

“Get out of the way!”

An annoyed voice appeared next to Harry, and before Harry could react, one hand lifted him up and threw him aside.

Harry stood up angrily, and then saw Snape.

After he used his wand to cast a few spells on Darren’s body, he then felt several bottles of potions from his body and poured them all into Darren’s mouth.

Because Snape’s expression was so vicious, Harry almost thought it was poison.

Fortunately, Professor McGonagall next to him had been holding a wand and probing the state of Darren.

After a few bottles of potions were poured, she breathed a sigh of relief.

But he still swallowed a little and said: “Albus, I’ll send this child to St. Mungo’s first, the other students… The rest of you send it! ”

St. Mungo’s…

Harry had heard of this place.

This is the hospital of the wizarding world.

Madam Pomfrey’s medical skills are very high, and under normal circumstances, if students have any questions, they will send them to Madam Pomfrey.

But Professor McGonagall wants to send Darren to St. Mungo’s.

“Professor, Darren, he…”

“Good boy, you guys go back quickly, Darren will be fine!”

Professor McGonagall wiped her tears as she hurried away with Darren in her arms.

Harry could barely control his tears.

He found that Hermione was just like him.

They were all crying.

At this time, none of the professors could afford to drive them back to the castle.

They looked ugly and probed one student after another.

In the end, Professor Flitwick reported: “In addition to Darren, there are a total of 15 Slytherin students, nine students have died, and only six students are still alive.

They were not too badly injured, and they believed that after drinking the potion that Severus had just brought for Darren, they would be able to wake up immediately. ”

Everyone looked at Snape.

Snape sneered sarcastically, “How can I have so many precious potions?” Those precious potion herbs, even if they are for me, I have to save them!” ”

Harry thought he was lying, because when he had just poured Darren with medicine, he didn’t look like he had any pity.

So he felt that Snape was just too lazy to take the medicine.

But he didn’t understand a little, why was Snape willing to give Darren the medicine?

Was it for Dumbledore?

Maybe really, after all, Darren was his younger brother.

He defeated Voldemort as a child, and although he didn’t know how, Dumbledore still valued him.

Because of the importance attached to him, Darren is often suspected of doing bad things.

And Snape received Dumbledore’s salary.

He definitely couldn’t refuse Dumbledore’s request, so he would be slightly nicer to Darren.

Snape was as nasty as ever!

“I brought the medicine, perhaps, Dumbledore, need to wake up these students now and explain what happened?”

Madam Pomfrey came from a distance and said in an angry tone.

“Thank you, Poppy, for waking them up as soon as possible, we need to know the whole truth before the Ministry arrives…

Just to my office! ”

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