Ollivander didn’t lie to Darren.

It did say 10,000 gold gallons, and the money was not all for Ollivander, but half for Ollivander, and the other half to be mailed to them.

Ollivander said that Darren could choose two other wands instead of buying them, and those two were very cheap.

His tone was quite sincere.

Apparently did not fool Darren.

Darren sighed fiercely, if he could, he would also want to put this wand down.

But thinking of the figure of the Azure Dragon, his shameful heart moved.

Lean, if it doesn’t work, he will be developed in the future, and he will definitely go to that dragon to return!

“Passie, pay the bill…”

Darren looked at Pasy and said with a painful heart.

Pasy accepted it well.

When it used to take Jaime’s master, it was tens of thousands of gold gallons at every turn.

And they also buy things like figurines that aren’t practical.

Darren’s little master has spent very little.

The only problem is that it has to put making money on the agenda.

After paying the price of 9999 galleons and 493 nats, Ollivander told Darren that the dragon asked him to take it.

It’s a book.

“Journey to the West”

Darren waited for Ollivander to tell him more, but Ollivander shrugged his shoulders and said he didn’t know.

“I studied the book and knew it was a novel from ancient Oriental times.

But I really don’t understand what this means, I think it may be the pit left by the Azure Dragon in order to make people pay 10,000 galleons, right? ”

Ollivander had a playful expression.

Apparently he really felt that this was the case.

After all, he had been making this wand for ten years, and in the first few years, he often studied it.

For this he also learned Chinese, but it turned out to be of no use.

Darren secretly despised him, how can you fully understand the breadth and depth of my Chinese?

A minute later.

Holding his own ten thousand gold gallons, no, wand, Darren walked out with a hollowed out look.

As he walked out, Ollivander quickly wrote down two letters and sent them.

One letter was sent to the East, with five thousand gold galleons.

One to Hogwarts.



In Dumbledore’s office.

The owl dropped a letter.

An old hand couldn’t wait to open the letter.

Dear Albus:

I received that kid, and as you might guess, he caused a big stir in the wand shop, and almost all of my treasures were taken away by him.

You read it right, it’s all!

He resonates with all wands, including some extremely evil.

I don’t know if it’s good or bad, so I’ll leave it to you.

However, to my surprise, he was not interested in those powerful evil wands, he only liked some wands that symbolized goodness.

Maybe he’s building a kind persona?

Just kidding, it is impossible for anyone to give up great power for the sake of the so-called persona, even you.

Well, Albus forgive me, I’m not accusing you, I’m just too angry.

Do you know?

I was about to lose nearly 100,000 gold gallons to receive this child, and God, my heart resisted strongly at the thought of this number.

Forget it, I don’t want to talk to you about this anymore, my heart aches when I mention it.

In addition, he took the wand that I showed you a long time ago and paid ten thousand gold gallons, I think he was deceived, that wand is not worth so much.

But you know, wizards can also choose wands, and he likes that wand.

Okay, here it is, I’ll have to take a good look at the gold gallons I stored in Gringotts, maybe tomorrow at the earliest, I may lose most of it.

Your friend: Garrick Ollivander

Dumbledore put down the envelope and wrote back very slowly.

Every word seems to be being considered.

Finally, he finished writing his reply.

Summoning the owl, he sent the letter to his friend, Ollivander.

“Dumbledore, is there a problem with that child?”

A portrait on the wall suddenly asked.

Underneath her portrait is written: 1741-1768, Dalis. Dewant.

She was the only headmistress at Hogwarts and a prominent therapist.

St. Mungo’s also hangs her portrait.

Dumbledore looked at her and shook his head, and said in a brisk tone

“No, Darren has no problem at all, but I don’t want the news that he caused all his wands to shake out.

According to my limited knowledge, there has never been a single person in history who has been able to make all wands a sensation, not even Merlin. ”

Dumbledore made a joke.

But Dalise already understood what he meant.

Rare means important.

Spread the word, Darren is likely to be targeted by many people.

“Ha, then just lock up that kid directly, so that others can’t harm him!”

A portrait on the wall suddenly opened his eyes and said excitedly.

“Phineas, you are the most annoying principal, no wonder the children don’t like you!”

Dalyss looked at him in annoyance.

That kid didn’t make a mistake, just because he was different, he had to be locked up?

“So what? I don’t rarely like stupid children, I usually hang children who make mistakes upside down in black prison.

I think Albus is too kind to them now, like those two Gryffindor twins, they are so lawless that in my day, they would have been expelled long ago! ”

Phineas Black said angrily.

Dumbledore shook his head with a smile, ignoring his seizures.

Instead, he said in a deep voice

“I need to keep Ollivander a secret, but this old friend of mine is a person who likes to show off, and maybe I should go and talk to him in the near future.”

Dumbledore’s wise blue eyes twinkled under the lenses.

Soryu from the East….

“Journey to the West”

Is it really just a pointless offer?

And Darren’s kid, he thought might be more suitable for the cypress phoenix tail feather wand.

He sent it to Ollivander the other day, but the child didn’t choose.

You must know that the godfather of this child, Remus Lupin, used the cypress phoenix feather wand, and he thought they should be the same.

There is still a gap.

How could an Eastern Azure Dragon be better than his Phoenix?

This kid chose the wrong one!

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