Chapter 0100: Mr. G’s Vision, a Brilliant Future Combining Magic and Technology!!!

When is the happiest time to be a student?

That, of course, is the time when the homework is written and the final exam is finished.

This is especially evident at Hogwarts.

In the days that followed, the little wizards had no lessons, no more worrying about homework in the library all day, and no need to review exams.

The little wizards are all in a relaxed state, and in a few days, they will have a holiday when the results are announced.

But now the summer solstice can’t relax at all.

He leaned back on the pillow on the hospital bed and looked out the window at the cheerful crowd.

The joys and sorrows of people are not connected, I just think they are noisy.

Xia Solstice suddenly remembered this sentence.

At this time, Kassandra sat in front of his hospital bed, with a cold face, and used a fruit knife to cut apples for him.

Summer Solstice didn’t understand what she asked without a wand.

But seeing that she had a hundred million points of hatred for the strength of the knife, Xia Solstice sensibly chose not to ask.

Summer Solstice feels, is Kassandra taking the apple in her hand as herself, or is it a part of her body?

It took a while before Kassandra handed him a pothole, an apple that was twice as small.

Xia Solstice took the apple with a smile, took a bite, and directly bit the apple core, but he had to pretend to be delicious.

“Your apples are sweet.”

It’s that the apple core is a little sour.

“Hmph. Don’t you like it? ”

“Of course! So sweet…”

Before Xia Solstice finished speaking, he saw Kassandra stab into an apple and got up and left.

“Ah this… This apple is indeed sweet…”

Xia Solstice was a little puzzled, and did not understand why she was bullish.

At this point, Hermione came in, still holding a large book in her hand.

Even on vacation, she would take all kinds of books with her ‘pastime’.

She looked curiously at the departing Kassandra, and then saw the summer solstice eating apples.

“Are apples sweet? This is what I wrote to my mother and asked her to buy it for me, and the owl had just arrived in the morning. ”

Hermione put the miscellaneous book in her hand on the chair next to her, and then suspiciously picked up the apple that had been stuck in the fruit knife.

Hermione struggled to pull out her fruit knife and began to peel the apple as well.

Her apple peeling technique was much better than Kassandra’s, and she only peeled a thin layer of skin when the blade passed.

Xia Solstice scratched his head, “It turned out to be the apple you sent, I still wonder, where did Hogwarts get the apple…”

Now he finally understood why Kassandra was a little upset.

However, the apples Hermione sent were indeed sweet…

It was a pitch black room.

There is only one stone bed in the room.

An emaciated figure curled up on a stone bed, his body covered with a tattered thin blanket.

In this darkness, it seems that even time has stopped.

Suddenly, in a crack in the stone on the wall that could barely be called a window, a paper airplane flew in.

The huddled figure suddenly moved, and he grabbed the paper airplane and couldn’t wait to open it.

The paper airplane was flattened, and this turned out to be a letter, the flowing font shimmering in the darkness.

The emaciated figure’s originally empty and godless eyes suddenly seemed to have a glimmer of brilliance.

“Mr. G, who is inconvenient to be named:”

Hello, I’m sorry.

I’ve been busy with some things lately, so I’m only free to write back to you now.

I do have some different views on the point you mentioned last time.

Last time, you said that the flame of magic will only bloom in the blood of a few, and those Muggles who can’t do magic should be ruled by wizards.

I disagree with this opinion.

First of all, I will not say that this point of view of yours is correct, but I will just say one point.

That is, can wizards rule Muggles, can they succeed?

In terms of population base, how many wizards are there in the world? And how many Muggles are there?

You might think that it’s easy to use wizarding magic to rule Muggles who can’t magic.

Because Muggles can’t do magic and are weak.

But are Muggles really weak?

In fact, those Muggles also have their own magic.

Their magic is called technology.

I don’t know if you have ever thought of a question? When we send letters with owls and laugh at Muggles for not understanding magic.

Those Muggles had been able to communicate over long distances. As far as I know, recently they also invented a machine that acts like a double-sided mirror.

It allows people who are thousands of miles apart to communicate face-to-face at any time.

This kind of machine was invented by Muggles without relying on any magical power

And in the near future, it will become widespread.

Think about it, in the wizarding world, double-sided mirrors are such precious alchemical products?

So are Muggles really weak, they are numerous and growing rapidly, can we really rule them?

Recently, Muggles have officially flown into space and successfully landed on the moon. Yes, Muggles didn’t use any magic, but they boarded the moon.

In the wizarding world, what wizard can board the moon?

They easily did what we couldn’t! This is enough for us to be vigilant.

They are constantly improving, and what about us wizards?

Many talented wizards are still holding ancient magic books and delving into the obscure magic above.

But few people look at it and imagine what the future of the wizarding world will be like.

For nearly a hundred years, the wizarding world has been standing still, and the development progress is almost zero.

With the development of Muggle technology, can the wizarding world really stay hidden?

I think that with the development of Muggle technology, sooner or later the wizarding world will be exposed to Muggles.

When they have thoroughly studied the mysteries of our magic and seen all our tricks, what are we left with?

But we should be thankful that Muggles can’t learn our magic, but we can learn Muggle technology.

Why not? In fact, whether Muggles or wizards, we are all human.

Whether Muggles rule wizards or wizards rule Muggles, these results are not the future of humanity!

What we want to promote should be the development of human society, not obsessed over whether the ruler is a Muggle or a wizard.

I’ve been wondering what it would be like if magic and technology could work together?

Muggle technology can improve the quality of life of wizards by many levels, and wizards’ magic can help Muggles solve many problems that they cannot solve.

The flame of magic and the light of science and technology are intertwined, and together they form a more brilliant human civilization in the future.

Isn’t such a future beautiful?

Of course, such a future cannot be achieved overnight.

Although the existence of secrecy law is a protection for wizards, it is also a shackle that hinders the progress of the wizarding world.

Perhaps in order to achieve such an ideal, the entire wizarding world may be pushed into a hot scene, but reform has always been accompanied by pain.

And since ancient times, there have been no eternal friends, no eternal enemies, only eternal interests.

When Muggles and wizards recognize each other’s benefits to them, cooperation between the two becomes inevitable.

I remember many years ago, a wizard once came up with the slogan “For the greater good!” ”

This sentence is actually very good, but it is a pity that he is wrong about what this interest represents.

Hide the X of the name.

The emaciated figure slowly put down the letter paper in his hand, and then stood up tremblingly.

He looked up through the narrow window and looked at the bright moon in the sky, and he was a little foolish for a while.

Suddenly, he was filled with hope for the bright future described in the letter, where magic and technology intersected!

His already exhausted, gray heart, at this time, seemed to be ignited by a fire… Under……

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