Hogwarts: I, The Strongest Dark Lord In History!

122. The Dementors Who Fled In A Hurry, Fuji Issued A Military Order To Arrest The Murderer? (Kneeli

A Dementor is like a skeleton wrapped in a Black cloak.

This guy has no facial features, and can only use his sense of smell to judge a person's position.

And there is a circular hole in the mouth.

Every time a dementor passes by, it will take away the happiness nearby.

They are the Wardens of Azkaban.

I wander around the island in front of me all the year round.

No wizard is willing to face such a horrible, rotting creature.

If you are unfortunate enough to be imprisoned in Azkaban.

You better hope you don't get 'kissed' by a dementor

Because it will completely take away your soul.

In fact neither Azkaban nor Dementors.

They are all man-made.

In the fifteenth century, a dark wizard named Aike Stice lived here.

Azkaban was built by him.

Ridiculous until Aike Stice dies.

At that time, the Ministry of Magic discovered this hidden island and a large number of dementors.

Lucas recalled the introduction.

The soles of his feet have already stepped into the island.

In the next instant, the dementors flying around pointed their heads at his position.

Feel the abundance of happiness in Lucas.

The dementors grew violent.

They come in groups.

Fly to Lucas' location.

Prisoners who have not yet fallen into despair in the prison are aware of the strange situation outside.

Bellatrix came to the prison door and laughed wildly.

This crazy beauty probably thought it was her companion who came to rescue her.

"Call the gods and summon the guards!"

The white, holy light illuminates the small island in the sea.

Lucas' Patronus Charm continuously spread around like a shock wave.

The dementors fled after being hit.

After a while, all the dementors on the entire island disappeared.

The cold feeling subsided, and the sea breeze mixed with the warm current entered Azkaban.

The loud shouts in the cell stopped abruptly.

These Death Eaters know it well.

Those who can use the Patronus Charm must not be their own companions.

Lucas is wearing a black robe.

Walk past each cell.

The imprisoned Death Eater banged on the cell door.

Begging to be released.

Lucas turned a deaf ear to this.

Until it stopped in front of a prison cell.

Looking inside, there was a skinny middle-aged man with black mid-length hair.

Lucas laughed and said, "The heir of the famous Laike family has become like this."

Sirius Boo Laike ignored what the man outside the door said.

The reason why he stayed in Azkaban for more than ten years.

More for redemption.

Because in his opinion, he killed his best friend.

Lucas seemed to have expected this to happen.

He took a photo from his pocket and threw it into the cell.

"It's a pity. I planned to tell you about Peter Pettigrew, but now it seems that it's useless even if I tell you."

Hearing Peter's name, Sirius finally reacted.

He looked at the photo that fell not far away.

I saw a photo of the two of them.

A boy with black hair and glasses smiled happily.

And another boy with red hair was holding a huge mouse in his hand.


"Wait, tell me who's in this photo? Tell me!"

Hear a growl behind him.

Lucas smiled slightly: "The one with black hair is called Harry Potter, and the one with red hair is called Ron Weasley.

After saying that, Lucas tore apart the space and disappeared in Azkaban.

"Harry?" Sirius picked up the photo.

Look at the faces above that are similar to those of your friends.

Tears suddenly overflowed his eyes.

"Is it already this big?"

Sirius, who was originally sad, suddenly noticed the mouse in the photo.

"Peter? He's with Harry? He's at Hogwarts? No, I can't put Harry in any danger, I'm going out!"

Sirius is no longer decadent at this moment.

He looked at the cage beside him and the dementor flying back from the sky, his eyes thoughtful.


Lucas didn't fall asleep when he got back to the dormitory.

He walked out of the room again.

Seeing that Professor Snape was still sitting on the sofa, he made him a cup of black tea.

"Headmaster, have a drink.

"Mr. Grindelwald, if tomorrow's Potions class has problems due to lack of sleep, I will definitely deduct your marks severely."

"I'm sorry for the dean, but as the chief, I know that everyone is very scared, so I plan to go to each dormitory to inspect it."

Lucas puts down his teacup.

Turn around and walk towards the boys dormitory.

The reason why he did this was to be seen by Professor Snape.

Azkaban must not be hidden.

Although there is no Ministry of Magic on the island to take care of it.

But on the shore not far from the island, there are people who monitor Azkaban's every move all the year round.

The Ministry of Magic has an agreement with the Dementors though.

But obviously don't trust them.

The facts are as Lucas expected.

Minister Fudge hadn't finished dealing with the Hogwarts wounding.

Just received the news that Azkaban was invaded.

Fudge, who hadn't come home for a few days, beat the desk violently.

"Go and inform the Daily Prophet that this news must not be reported, if the news of Azkaban's invasion leaks out, my approval rating will be greatly reduced.

"Yes, Minister!" Pine Carrow turned to leave the Minister's office.

As soon as he went out, he met Pierce, the deputy director of the Department of Legal Enforcement who rushed over.

"Deputy Director Pierce, the Minister doesn't want to see anyone at this moment."

"Get out of the way!"

Pierce roughly pushed Pine away.

After a while, there was a quarrel in the office.

As the deputy director in charge of Auror.

When Pierce heard about the accident in Azkaban, he immediately planned to send Aurors to investigate and provide support.

But most of the Aurors were sent to Hogwarts by Minister Fudge.

The two had a dispute over this matter.

Fudge was already tormented by the endless Howler letters.

Now Pierce delivered to the door, just became his punching bag.


The relationship between the two also deteriorated further.

As the night passed, the sun rose from the east.

It's a new day at Hogwarts.


The brows of the little wizards were full of sorrow.

The monster that attacked the wizard reappeared.

This time even Dellaco Malfoy was petrified.

This news was a disaster for the little wizards of the four colleges.


When Ron heard the news, he wanted to laugh in public.

"Harry, don't frown, didn't you say that Malfoy was just petrified? There is still salvation, don't worry.

When he said this, Ron's eyes were full of regret.

He is probably the person in the school who most wants Della to die directly.

Harry shook his head: "Ron, did Della find out something? Otherwise, why did he risk leaving the dormitory at night?"

"Maybe, but now he is petrified, don't worry, I will help you find out everything, you have to trust me."

Look at the confident eyes of your friend.

Harry nodded eccentrically.

Just when the two were talking in a low voice.

The familiar scene reappeared.

Facing the overwhelming owls.

Dumbledore, who had experienced it once, immediately clapped his hands at the owl.

The powerful magic forces the owl to let go of the Red Roar letter from its talons.

"Oh~ there are so many letters again, it seems that I can't eat breakfast, I need to go back to the office to deal with a little trouble."

Dumbledore put the envelopes away calmly.

Leaving the auditorium and walking to his office.

Such a small episode did not affect everyone's eating.

Lucas tasted today's freshly baked bread.

—310 while watching the latest "Daily Prophet"

Secretary Fudge spoke early this morning.

There has been conclusive evidence of the perpetrators at Hogwarts.

He said that he would personally lead the team to Hogwarts to catch the murderer.

If you can't catch it, Linji intends to resign!

Fudge's military order seems to have played a certain role.

At least those parents who cursed the Ministry of Magic for being incompetent were willing to give him some more time.


This does not include Mr. Lucius Malfoy.

Learned that his son was petrified.

Lucius was angry and terrified.

Anger was directed at Dumbledore's incompetence.

As the principal and the greatest wizard of this century, he couldn't even protect a student well.

The panic was because he guessed that the whole thing might have something to do with the diary he discarded.

Lucius was worried that the petrification of the Della family might be a warning from the Dark Lord to himself.

But no matter what, you should seek justice for your son first.

So Lucius Malfoy summoned the remaining eleven Hogwarts trustees again.

Hogwarts School Board.

This low-key but powerful organization has once again converged on the Malfoy Manor.

The other eleven directors are aware of recent events.

Naturally, there were dissatisfaction with the way Dumbledore had handled it.

Before you know it, it's evening.

Found by the little wizards who had dinner.

A large number of Aurors entered the school from the outside.

Minister Fudge did what he said, and he really led a large number of people to arrest civilians.

Perimeter of the Forbidden Forest.

Looking at the dozens of Aurors behind him.

Fudge's face was full of confidence.

On the terrace of the castle, Lucas looked at Fudge with a successful smile.

Finally, we can start the last step of the plan."

After all, he entered the Forbidden Forest one step ahead of the Aurors.

Get ready to enjoy the next performance of the Ministry of Magic. .

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