Hogwarts: I, The Strongest Dark Lord In History!

149. The Counterattacking Slytherin, The Fact That The Savior Fainted Is Exposed! (Kneeling To Custo

Lucas stepped out of the car and saw dementors everywhere in the passage.

The Slytherin students had already received the news though.

But really face the dementors.

The Patronus Charm, which was easily cast in the past, seemed to be malfunctioning.

Fortunately, the little snakes locked the doors of the carriages.

Even if you can't use the Patronus Charm, your safety is still guaranteed.

Lucas glanced in the direction of Prefect Gemma.

She is currently leading the senior students to protect the freshmen.

Seniors were not affected.

The patron saints play around them, and when they encounter dementors, they will step forward and drive them away.

Gemma also found Lucas at this time.

She was about to come to meet her, but was stopped by the other party raising her hand.

I saw Lucas draw out his wand and point it at his throat.

Amplify your own voice enough for the entire train to hear.

"Listen, all Slytherins, raise your wands, and follow me in the spell."

Hear Lucas' voice.

The younger Slytherin students who were still timid before suddenly had the courage to face it.

"It's the chief!"

"The chief is right outside, let's go to Batian!"

"I don't want to be looked down upon by the Chief!"

Some people who didn't have the courage to raise their wands.

He did raise his wand high at this moment.

At this moment, the Slytherins seemed to have reached some kind of magical tacit understanding.

No need for Lucas to count down.

No one needs to be reminded.

Everyone raised their magic wands and chanted the spell together: "Call the gods and summon the guards!"*N

Silver White's light illuminates one car after another.

Even students with poor grades can still cast the Patronus Charm in the white mist state at this moment.

Lucas held his wand aloft as well.

An oriental dragon flew out from the tip of his staff.

The whole body of Shenlong is silver and white, and the transparent body seems to contain the starry sky.

Lucas didn't know why his Patronus was like this.

Probably it has something to do with his elven blood.

The patron saint of dragons swims in the train passage. 823

Every time it passes through a carriage, the patron saint light will melt into its body.

As a result, Shenlong became stronger.


The size of the patron saint of the dragon overwhelmed the train.

From a distance, the Hogwarts Express seems to be covered with a silver coat.

If you look carefully, you will find it.

It wasn't a coat at all, but a silver dragon that swallowed the entire train into its belly.

The dementors had left the train long before the Patronuses had been cast.

But due to the order of the Ministry of Magic.

They still float around the train and refuse to leave.

Seeing this, Lucas waved his wand again.

Shenlong raised his head and let out an ear-splitting roar.

The silver light formed a huge wave of light, driving the dementors far away.

The Hogwarts Express train that had lost its power came back on.

Everyone felt a wave of warm air brushing against their cheeks.

The chill brought by the dementors was instantly dissipated.

"Chief of each grade, go to Dellako Malfoy to get chocolates, one for each student."

"Students in grades five to seven, take chocolates to other compartments, and make sure that the other three colleges and freshmen can get them."

"Everyone on the train listen, I'm Lucas Grindelwald, the dementors have been expelled, chocolate can effectively alleviate the effects of dementors, please don't refuse.

"Prefect Gemma Farley, please go to the front of the train and inform the driver immediately, and trouble him to start the train as soon as possible, we need to get to Hogwarts as soon as possible."

After Lucas finished speaking, the Slytherin students sprang into action.

Della Branch opened a suitcase.

The box was enlarged by Lucas with the No Trace Stretch Charm.

Definitely can fit all the chocolate you need.

"Thanks Merlin! Those horrible things are finally gone."

"I must write to my family and ask them to complain to the Ministry of Magic."

"That's right, let the dementors get on the train, did the person who came up with this idea have his head stepped on by the troll?"

Students from several other colleges couldn't help complaining.

They slumped in their seats.

When receiving chocolates from Slytherin students, they will politely express their gratitude.

This time, the little snakes got a wave of favorability in front of other academies.

Especially Lucas.

Originally, his popularity in other academies was not low.

It's even more welcome now.

After all, he saved everyone's life this time.

at the same time.

The freshmen who just entered this year are also curious about Lucas.

Most of these quasi-first graders don't understand the horror of dementors.

They just think those disgusting guys are awesome.

The one who just spoke and the students of Slytherin House are even stronger.

After being frightened, the first reaction of these little guys was very exciting.

Astoria Greengrass held her head proudly.

"The Chief is really good, everyone is also good, I have to work hard.

Come to take care of my sister Daphne feels a headache.

This is great, just listening to her before, my sister has already worshiped the chief.

Now see the opponent's strength with your own eyes.

This is not lost to find the north?

'Father, mother, I am afraid that your little daughter will be sent to the tiger's mouth by herself.

Daphne Greengrass looks out the window.

Send a message to family members as far away as Hampshire.

If they can actually receive it.

clap clap!

Hear applause from behind.

Lucas turned around and looked over calmly.

"Professor Lupine, what is this?"

"A wonderful Patronus Charm. This is not a compliment, but a sincere statement. I have never seen such a powerful Patronus in so many years."

"Professor, I think you have misunderstood, it is not me who is powerful, but the entire Slytherin Academy.

Hear what Lucas has to say.

The little snakes around raised their heads one by one.

Students from other colleges looked at them enviously.

At this moment, the other three colleges actually felt that they should also have a chief system.

In this case, maybe there will be a responsible and kind head of the academy like Lucas among them.

Lupine has suffered all kinds of hardships in these years.

I think I'm pretty good at seeing people.

He was also struck by Lucas' humility at the moment.

I even feel that Sirius' analysis should be wrong.

Just when he was about to ask why Lucas' Patronus Charm absorbed other Patronuses.

Ron's anxious shouts came from the compartment beside him.

"Harry, Harry, wake up!"

Lupine turned hastily.

It was a relief to see that Harry just fainted.

(daei) When he looked at Lucas again.

The other party had already returned to his compartment.

Beside him, there were students from other colleges.

"Harry Potter fainted?"

"No way? So timid? I doubt his remarks about the Chamber of Secrets even more now."

"Compared with Mr. Grindelwald, I am more willing to trust Mr. Grindelwald, at least the other party will not faint because of the dementor."

He heard the whispers of the people outside the door.

Ron got up angrily to defend his friend.

"Harry was just attacked by a dementor, that's why he fainted, don't talk nonsense if you don't understand."

"Ron Weasley, whatever we say is our freedom, and it's not just Harry Potter who was attacked."

"That's right, several people in Hufflepuff were attacked, and they didn't pass out."

Harry woke up from a coma, just in time to hear a few people arguing.

Seeing him sitting up, Ron hurried forward to care.

The others didn't continue to say anything, but they always looked at Harry with some mischief in their eyes.

Harry's face flushed instantly.

Just when he didn't know what to do.

Lupine stood up.

"Sir and ladies, the train is about to arrive, please go back to your compartments, please?"

The status of a professor is still very useful.

The people around the door gradually dispersed.

But Harry knew things were far from over.

It won't be long before the students of the four colleges will know what he did just now.

Plus the summer vacation of the Daily Prophet.

I am afraid that he will once again become the laughing stock of everyone after dinner.

Harry nibbled at the chocolate in his hand.

I blame Lucas in my heart.

If the other party speaks clearly earlier.

He will not be so ugly.

The Hogwarts Express was coming to Hogsmeade station soon.

Astoria walked up to Lucas with cheerful steps and said.

"My lord, I will report first, you can rest assured that I will definitely enter Slytherin.

Lucas smiled and said "come on"

I saw the girl happily running to Hagrid in the distance, even if she was wet by the rain, she didn't care.

"Look, everyone has already left."

He heard Hermione's jealous voice behind him.

Lucas turned and hugged him in his arms.

"Since he is a child who is going to enter our academy, I must give him some encouragement.

Hermione's face was reddish, and she raised her hand to pull Lucas' hand away.

"Let's go, or the carriage will be full in a while."

The three of them searched all the way.

It was only in the second half that I saw a vacant carriage.


Hermione let out an exclamation, and hurried to one of the carriages.

Lucas followed and saw the ethereal girl at a glance.

Dark Gold long hair, silver eyes, carrot earrings and a wand behind the ear.

It all makes her look so special.

"Senior Granger, Senior Zhang."

Luna Lovegood's speaking voice is as ethereal as her person.

Greeted the two girls.

Luna looked at Lucas again, and nodded curiously.

"Are you the only one in this car?"

Seeing Luna nodding, Hermione immediately asked Lucas and Zhang to get into the car.

"We'll be with you, don't you mind?"

"I don't mind."

After Luna finished speaking, she looked at Lucas again.

This made the three of them very curious, and Lucas couldn't help asking: "Why are you looking at me like this?"

"I see reflections of thestrals in your eyes, can you see them too?"

Lucas froze for a moment and said, "Yes, I can see it.

The corners of Luna's lips rose slightly.

Probably because he thought he had found a companion.

She has asked many people, but no one can see the Thestral figure.

With gradual understanding.

There are more and more topics for the four of them.

When they came to the castle, Lucas was a little bit unconvinced.

Although this girl Luna always has some weird ideas.

But sometimes the questions asked hit the nail on the head.

It might even give Lucas some inspiration.

Such a unique girl is really attractive.

After entering the castle, the four separated and returned to their colleges.

It was exactly Lucas who was separated from the other three.

After all, they are all from La Wen Keluo.

Return to Slytherin's queue.

Lucas led the little snakes to the auditorium.

Just climbed the stairs.

I saw Professor Snape standing on top.

I haven't seen him for a while, and the other party's temperament looks even more gloomy.

He received the look from the other party.

Lucas nodded slightly.

Then walked to the Slytherin table.

After a while, the school-opening dinner began.

With the admission of Professor McGonagall, the new year's sorting ceremony is coming. .

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