Hogwarts: I, The Strongest Dark Lord In History!

152. A New Way To Get Achievement Points, That Scary Lucas Is Back! (Kneeling To Customize!)

the next day.

The continuous heavy rain continued.

Gloomy weather combined with visible dementors.

It made the little wizards feel extremely heavy.

Of course, this does not include Lucas.

He is skilled and bold.

He even looked forward to the dementors coming to trouble him.

In this way, it can be justifiably captured.

On the morning of the first day of school, Professor McGonagall taught Transfiguration as usual.

Enter third grade.

Lucas they will also face electives.

In addition to regular courses such as charms, transfiguration, history of magic, potions, etc.

Year 3 students also need to choose three electives from five subjects: Arithmancy, Divination, Muggle Studies, Ancient Runes and Care of Fantastic Beasts.

Lucas chose ancient runes, protection of magical animals, and divination.

Runes can help him better complete the research of alchemy.

And divination is because of talent, his awakened divination talent, it would be a pity not to use it.

The last protection of Fantastic Beasts.

Chosen entirely for the care of the magical creatures in the secret garden.

As for Miss Hermione who is stronger, choose from all five as in the original book.

Lucas persuaded Qiu many times together.

But Miss Hermione, who is very stubborn in her studies, just doesn't listen.

Transformation classroom.

Children around the age of 13 change very quickly.

It's only been a summer vacation, and many people have grown their heads.

Enter third grade.

The basic courses will be taught together by the four colleges.

These 30 things will save some time for the little wizard's elective class.

Listening to Professor McGonagall talking about today's class on it.

Lucas gradually lost his mind.

Since the end of summer vacation.

He never got achievement points again.

In fact, in the last school year, Lucas discovered that answering questions in class on weekdays could no longer earn achievement points.

This is not good news for him.

'Have to find new ways to earn achievement points. '

The thought lingered in Lucas' mind.

I can't think of a way for a while.

His thoughts turned to another matter.

Sirius Bu Laike is missing.

Members of the Saints trail each other into Hogsmeade.

The trace of Sirius is completely lost.

Lucas guessed that the other party did not enter Hogwarts through the Honeydukes tunnel.

It is through the secret passage of the screaming shack that he entered the school grounds.

If so.

That would be a little troublesome.

Hogwarts is so big, it is not easy to find a dog.

Maybe try with Peter Pettigrew?

Just when Lucas was thinking of a way to find out Sirius.

Ron was also whining under his breath with his buddies.

"Hell, there's been a fat ginger cat coming into our dorm since last year.

"Fat cat? Why haven't I seen it?" Harry asked curiously.

"Of course you can't see it, because it always comes in the middle of the night. Don't you realize that Scabbers has lost weight recently? It's because of that damned cat."

"Uh..." Harry thought about the way Scabbers looked.

I really didn't see the other party getting thinner.

However, he saw his friend frowning tightly.

He felt that it was better to follow the other party's words.

"You said it like this, it seems that you have lost some weight. By the way, you didn't ask other people, whose cat is it?"

"I asked."

"who is it?"

Facing Harry's curiosity, Ron looked helplessly at Lucas on the other side.

To be precise, he looked at Miss Hermione Granger beside Lucas.

"It's the pet of the know-it-all lady, what bad luck, why would it have anything to do with that guy Grindelwald.

Ron's annoyed voice startled Professor McGonagall in the lecture.

Seeing Harry didn't know what he was talking about.

Professor McGonagall's stern voice rang in their ears.

"Mr. Potter, Mr. Weasley, please stand up."

Wait until the two stand up dejectedly.

Professor McGonagall also came to the two.

"Now take out your wands and complete the transformation I just described."

The two didn't listen to what the other said at all.

Look up at the blackboard.

But I found that none of the above characters could be understood.

Seeing the two slowly lower their heads, Professor McGonagall's face became very ugly.

"Potter, Weasley, for disrupting class, four points for Gryffindor, two points each.

Still that familiar taste.

The first college to lose points at the beginning of each year must be Gryffindor.

Especially the two years since the savior students entered school.

This unspoken rule has hardly changed.

People from the other three colleges in the classroom let out low laughter.

A person's laughter is small, but a group of people seem to be very loud.

The two of Harry blushed with embarrassment at the laughter coming from behind them.

"Gentlemen, I don't want a next time."

Seeing the two nodding, Professor Rogge asked them to sit back in their seats.

Immediately afterwards.

Professor McGonagall called the Excellent student representative.

"Mr. Lucas, come and show us.

Lucas didn't even hear what Professor McGonagall was saying.

"Mr. Lucas?"

Hear Professor McGonagall calling Lucas' name again.

Everyone in the classroom looked to the first row on the right.

Harry and Ron looked at Lucas who was distracted, covered their mouths and secretly laughed.

Unexpectedly, they still had the opportunity to see the scene where Lucas was punished by the professor in class.


Lucas felt his calf being kicked by his girlfriend next to him.

About to ask the other party what happened.

When he looked up, he saw Professor McGonagall's serious face.

"Mr. Lucas, please demonstrate to everyone what I'm going to say today.

"Sorry Professor."

Lucas apologized first.

Then he looked at the blackboard with his wand.

He just glanced at it, and he knew it clearly.

The wand became very flexible in Lucas' hands.

When he waved the books on the table, it turned into a White cat.

Immediately afterwards, Meow jumped up into the air, and turned into a flying snow in the air.

The birds chirped and flew around the classroom for a week.

Finally, he swooped into the fish tank on the podium.

The fish tank, which was originally empty, now not only has water, but also a red carp swimming back and forth.

clap clap!

Professor McGonagall clapped his hands with a broad smile.

"Very well, I'm afraid I have nothing left to teach you about the Transfiguration Charm.

Heard such comments.

There were exclamations in the classroom.

"Because of Mr. Grindelwald's Excellent performance, I decided to give Slytherin five points, which should have been ten points, and you should know why.

Lucas apologized to the other party.

When he sat back to his seat, a reminder from the system suddenly came from his ear.

[Ding, the host has gained new achievements due to joy: unprecedented: rewards: 200 achievement points. 】

Lucas turns the system on.

Unprecedented achievement, he was rewarded for breaking the record of casting the compound transformation spell the fastest.

A distant memory suddenly appeared in Lucas' mind.

He remembered that he had just entered school.

Also in the Transfiguration class, he once made a record-breaking thing.

At that time, it was the third place in history, and the system also rewarded achievement points.

‘Break Hogwarts records to earn achievement points!

Lucas seems to have found a new way to earn achievement points.

And this method is very challenging.

No one knows exactly how many records Hogwarts has had over the millennia.

But Lucas wanted to try to see if he could change these records into his own name.


[Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining a new achievement: winning the top spot (shattering curse) for rewarding: 200 achievement points. 】

Potions class.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining a new achievement: potion master; reward: 860200 achievement points. 】

for the next period of time.

The students of the four colleges rediscovered Lucas' unrivaled strength in the first year.

The entire Hogwarts third graders were overshadowed by his light.

The dust-laden records were also broken one by one by him, and he left his name on them.

This situation continued for several days.

until the arrival of electives.

Lucas sat on a cushion.

Looking at the teacup on the table, I already knew what to do next.

Just then, Sybill Trelawney, the divination professor, walked in.

"Come here, you will travel in the world of divination.

"Having come here, you will find out if you have vision

As soon as Professor Trelawney finished speaking, he bumped into a low table.

This sudden slap in the face.

Make a few chuckles ring out in the classroom.

Professor Trelawney seemed used to it.

She introduced herself.

Begin to explain the first stage of the course, tea accounted for getting out of bed.

Lucas listened to Professor Trelawney's mysterious speech with great interest

Those who engage in divination and prophecy seem to like to speak in this tone.

"It's just nonsense!"

Suddenly a familiar voice came from beside him.

Lucas turned to look at Hermione, eyes full of scrutiny.

"What's wrong? Why are you looking at me like that?"

"What do you think, Miss Hermione, your dean is really kind to you, to give you that thing."

Lucas' gaze went to Hermione's neck.

There is nothing but the heart of the ocean necklace he gave to the other party.

There is also a chain of Gold.

Hermione's expression changed, and she suddenly covered her chest with her hands.

Professor Flitwick said at the beginning, you can't let yourself see another self.

But the other party didn't say what would happen if his boyfriend noticed it!.

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