Hogwarts: I, The Strongest Dark Lord In History!

168. The Sneaky Hermione And Qiu Zhang, The Test Set By The Two? (Kneeling To Customize!)

After Halloween, the month officially enters November.

The weather is getting colder tomorrow.

But the Quidditch match at Hogwarts had just begun.

Last year because of the Chamber of Secrets incident.

The Quidditch match fell by the wayside.

This disappointed many Quidditch fans.

Especially those seniors.

Lucas walks down the hall with the book in his arms.

Last year he has verified that the coach does not get achievement points for winning.

So much so that this year he doesn't even want to go to the stadium.


Plans can't keep up with changes.

Achievement points are now earned simply by breaking records.

What about breaking the record for fastest race win?

Lucas felt compelled to give it a try.

"Mr. Grindelwald!"

Looking at Cedric who appeared behind him.

Lucas smiled and said, "Didn't I say that? Just call me Lucas.

Seeing that the other party was wearing a Quidditch uniform, he said again: "Ready to go to training?"

Cedric nodded.

Before I had time to speak, I heard Lucas continue: "That won't bother you, I'll go first.

"Lucas, medicine!"

Lucas stopped in his tracks and looked at the other side puzzled.

After Cedric's hesitant explanation.

Only then did he realize that he had a little fan in Hufflepuff.

"In that case, let's call them to get to know each other."

It wasn't long before several members of the Hufflepuff team joined hands.

Sent away a few fanboys.

Lucas continued on to the Quidditch pitch.

Although he has not played and trained for a long time.

However, he was still a member of the college Quidditch team.

He just walked to the gate of the field.

I heard roars coming from one side of the viewing platform.

"Everyone, I'm already in the seventh grade, and I want to get a championship cup before graduation."

"Harry, against Hufflepuff the day after tomorrow, can you catch that bloody Gold Snitch?"

"I can!" Harry replied loudly.

"Very good, Fred, George, you must protect our players and don't let the Bludger hit anyone, can you do it?"

"Yes!" The twins also answered Wood's question loudly.

Then all members of the Gryffindor team formed a circle.

"come on, come on, come on!"

I saw them yelling and stamping their feet.

Lucas suddenly remembered the previous life in his mind.

Those employees of beauty or real estate agencies seem to be very similar to the current Grant staff.

Especially the mental state, it was as if he had been beaten with chicken blood.

Lucas gave Wood a sympathetic look.

The dutiful captain probably doesn't know yet.

The day after tomorrow their Mr. Seeker will be attacked by dementors for his feats.

Not only that, but even his broom will be cut into eight sections by the Whomping Willow.

Silently sympathized.

Lucas turned and walked in the direction of the Slytherin team.

As for reminding Harry to be careful tomorrow?

Don't be funny, let alone whether the other party will appreciate it.

Just what good does it do Lucas?

There is no benefit, why should he be thankless?

Quidditch training didn't last long.

Or that Lucas didn't stay on the court for long.

Looking at the gradually gloomy weather.

Lucas on the stand closed his book, turned and walked towards the castle.

Passing by the Black Lake.

Lucas suddenly saw Hermione and Cho Chang hiding behind a big tree.

"What are these two doing~~?"

He was just about to go up to greet the two of them.

I saw that Qiu Zhang changed his appearance using body deformation.

Gradually, a strange boy appeared behind the tree.

at the same time.

The figure of Ginny Weasley also came out of the castle.

You probably guessed what the two of them were going to do.

Lucas cast the Disillusionment Charm on himself, and approached Hermione step by step.

"Hermione, is it really okay for us to do this? Will Lucas be angry?"

"Why is he angry? We didn't do this for him, so change your voice quickly, otherwise your voice will be yours when you open your mouth, and you'll be exposed!"

Qiu squeezed his throat clumsily.

Try to make the voice sound like a boy.

The two don't know.

Right next to the big tree beside them, Lucas was watching their mischief invisibly.

at this time.

Ginny came from afar.

"Strange, why is there no one, didn't you tell me to come here?"

After all, she took out a piece of parchment.

After re-reading the content above, Ginny still couldn't help being shy.

Put away the letter from Lucas.

Ginny was going to her usual place to wait.

"Honey, I miss you these days.

The explicit words made Ginny blush.

She turned to look elsewhere.

But before she had gone far, she stopped.

Because the female voice behind him was too familiar.

If she heard correctly, it should be Hermione Granger's voice.

Ginny could no longer be shy.

She turned back and walked towards the big tree.

It seemed that he wanted to make sure that he had heard correctly.

next to the big tree.

He heard Ginny's footsteps.

Hermione and Qiu are like children who succeed in pranking.

Qiu said in a low voice: "What do you think Ginny will look like later?"

"Angry? Maybe I will run to find Lucas, and we must stop him then, otherwise I won't be able to explain it clearly."

Hear what the two said.

Lucas raised an eyebrow and looked at Ginny.

Seeing that the other party has even drawn out his wand.

He also just sympathized with the two women in his heart.

It happened to use Ginny's hand to teach them a lesson.

Let's see if they dare to mess around in the future.

He also studies advanced spells, and it turned out that the purpose of learning human body transformation from him is for this.

Lucas leaned against the trunk beside him.

An expression of watching a big show.

But the wand was tightly held in his hand.

In case the situation gets out of control, he can act in time.

"Torn apart!"

The sudden spell startled the Hermiones.

Watching the trunk split several times.

The two didn't care about acting, and quickly took out their wands.

"Ginny, you listen to our explanation."

"Explain what? Mr. Grindelwald has been so kind to you, how can you

Ginny didn't finish her sentence.

Instead, a spell hit the boy that Cho Chang had transformed into.

Hermione blocked the spell.

Turning his eyes, he immediately said: "He divided one love into two, which is too unfair to me.

"If it were you, would you be willing to do this? Share your love with others!"

"I..." Ginny didn't seem to know how to answer.

Seeing this, Hermione immediately said, "Look, you don't want to either, so just pretend you didn't see anything today."

"Honey, let's go!"

Hermione took Qiu's hand and planned to go back to the castle first.

But I haven't taken two steps.

Ginny's voice came from behind him again: "The Bat Curse!"

Hermione turned hastily to block.

The Bat Spirit Curse is a very insulting curse.

"I would, as long as Mr. Grindelwald is willing, even if it is only a little bit of love, I would."

See Ginny's firm eyes.

Hermione breathed a sigh of relief, and she put down her wand with a chuckle.

"Okay, you can also cancel the transformation."

"I can't get rid of it, I don't know why, I tried several times but I can't get rid of it."

"々`Huh?" Hermione didn't expect such a thing to happen.

Ginny came back to herself.

Seeing that the two of them actually dared to behave indiscriminately in front of him.

The wand in his hand was raised again.

"Ginny, listen to our explanation, it's not what you think!"

"That's right, Ginny, listen to my voice, I'm Qiu!"

The two girls really panicked now.

Seeing that the spell was about to fly out of the wand.

Suddenly, a voice came from the big tree beside him: "All freeze!"

The three female statues are in slow motion.

Immediately afterwards, Lucas' figure appeared in front of the three of them.


Lucas waved his wand, and the immobilization of the three was lifted.

At the same time, Cho Chang's Transfiguration was released.

"You guys are just fooling around."

Seeing Lucas was a little annoyed.

The two women are like children who have done something wrong, with their hands in front of them and their heads lowered.

Only then did Ginny realize that she had been cheated.

Remember what you said just now.

Her cheeks became flushed, and she wished she could escape from this place as soon as possible.

Hermione stole a glance at Lucas.

Then he dragged Qiu to Lucas.

"Honey, instead of bringing it back by yourself in the future, it's better for us to help you. Ginny and Qiu both agree."

Qiu Zhang nodded aside.

The two women immediately ran to Ginny and pushed Ginny towards Lucas.

It seemed that the two were planning to use Ginny as a distraction so that they could escape before Lucas got angry.

Looking at the backs of the two women going away, Lucas sighed helplessly.

Mr. Grindelwald. "

"Didn't I say, just call me by my name."

"Mr. Lucas," Ginny said again.

Lucas smiled and shook his head: "No, it should be Lucas."


Seeing Ginny's surprised eyes.

Lucas held his hand tightly.

"Let's go, let's go to them to settle accounts."

Ginny let the blond boy lead her forward.

Seeing that his hand was completely wrapped by the opponent's big hand.

A charming smile appeared on the corner of Ginny's lips.

the next day.

Sure enough, it began to rain lightly.

This may be the last rain of the year.

It wasn't even cold weather.

Change because of this rain.

The little wizards changed into winter wizard robes.

Winter scarves are also beginning to appear around the neck.

Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom.

Lucas was scolding Hermione the little witch.

The other party promised that what happened yesterday was the last time, and they would never do it again.

But when Lucas turned around, she whispered something.

It probably means "get cheap and sell well"


The classroom door was suddenly opened.

A figure hurried in.

Seeing the person coming, the classmate of the savior immediately stood up and exclaimed: "Why are you?".

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