Hogwarts: I, The Strongest Dark Lord In History!

176. Harry Confronts Lupine, Good News From Professor Snape! (Kneeling To Customize!)

Hogwarts Castle.

Office of Defense Against the Dark Arts.

Remus John·Lupine successfully passed the night of the full moon again.

Although there is wolf poison potion.

But every transformation still caused some discomfort to his body.

"What the hell weather."

Looking at the goose feather heavy snow outside the window.

Lupine cursed under his breath.

The voice just fell.

The door of the office was violently opened.

"Harry, calm down, we can talk about something."

Ron Weasley's voice came from outside the door.

Immediately afterwards, Lupine saw Mr. Savior with an angry face.

"Why are you lying to me?"

Facing Harry's questioning.

Lupine was still confused.

He first looked at Ron and Lavender, signaling them to go out first.

Wait until it's just me and Harry left in the office.

Only then did he ask, "Harry, what's wrong with you? What did I lie to you?"

"Why don't you say you and Sirius are friends?"

"Why didn't you tell me Sirius was my godfather?"

"And why didn't you tell me that my parents were tragically killed by Voldemort because of the betrayal of Sirius "920"?"

Harry asked three times angrily.

Caught Lupine off guard.

He was still discussing with Sirius how to explain the past to Harry.

Unexpectedly, I haven't figured out a way yet.

Harry already knew that.

Lupine didn't ask where the other party got the news from.

He bowed his head in silence.

Seeing him like this, Harry had a look of disappointment in his eyes.

Originally, he thought that when he met his father's friend, he could tell more about his parents.

Unexpectedly, this Professor Lupine was also lying to himself.

Remembering what Peeves had said to himself, Harry asked, looking into Lupine's eyes.

"So, what Pippi said is true? How many of you really bullied Snape?"

Seeing Lupine's slight nod, Harry sneered.

"No wonder Snape hates me. If it were me, I'm afraid I won't be happy when I face the son of my enemy all day."

"And what else? Where's Sirius Boo Laike?"

"I have no idea."

"How is that possible?" Harry snapped.

"How did Sirius get into the castle that day? Why didn't the professors search for him all night?"

Of course Lupine would not say that he was helping.

"Harry, please believe me. I don't know where Sirius is. The reason why I came to teach Defense Against the Dark Arts is because of you."

"Me?" Harry looked at him puzzled.

"That's right, when I saw Sirius escape from prison in the newspaper, I immediately thought of you."

"At this time, Professor Dumbledore just sent me an invitation, I thought about it and decided to accept the invitation to be a professor.

"Because in this way I can protect you at close range. For now, no one knows Sirius better than me."

"I'm so sorry, Harry, I didn't mean to lie to you, I just didn't want you to be disappointed with your father."

"Actually, your father is not as bad as others say. He is like a mischievous child who likes to play pranks, but never has any intention of harming others."

Lupin's sincerity seems to have touched the savior classmate.

Of course, the reason why Harry believed the other party's words.

Or because of the relationship between the two during this time.

At least in his heart, he is not a bad person.

Come to question, just angry that the other party deceived himself.

Harry calmed down and said in a low voice: "Sorry, Professor, it's just hard to accept this news all of a sudden.

"It's okay, but where did you hear the news? Can you tell me?"

"I met Dumbledore just now, and I heard these things from them."

Lupine suddenly realized: "I see, but eavesdropping on professors' conversations is not a good behavior.

"You must never do this again next time. If I find out, I will confiscate your invisibility cloak!"

Get Harry's assurance.

Lupine breathed a sigh of relief.

This most dangerous hurdle was finally passed.

And fortunately, he learned of Dumbledore's and others' plans against Sirius in advance.

He felt the need to renegotiate with Sirius.

Harry Stupid Potter didn't know that he was leaking important things.

At the moment he was regretting that he had questioned Professor Lupine just now.

"Young man, don't be dazed, let me see how you practice the Patronus Charm.

The short Christmas break is over.

At King's Cross Station, Lucas waited for his girlfriends with Crookshanks in his arms.

After a while.

Hermione, Cho Chang and Ginny ran towards him.

I saw the masters come.

Lucas was ruthlessly abandoned by Crookshanks.

Watching the big fat cat jump into Hermione's arms.

Lucas said "no conscience" several times

The Hogwarts Express runs through the countryside.

end compartment.

There used to be only three people in the carriage, and now there is one more person.

This attracted the attention of others.

Ginny had never enjoyed such treatment.

The shy girl blushed the entire time.

Hermione said with a smile: "It's like this with this guy, you just need to get used to it.

"And it's more than that." Qiu Zhang added.

Seeing Ginny's puzzled look.

She said mysteriously: "You will know soon."

As soon as the voice fell, the carriage door was slammed open.

The loud noise startled the people around.

"My lord, Merry Christmas!"

He looked at the blonde girl who appeared outside the carriage.

Hermione and Autumn Zhang looked like they knew it all along.

Ginny, on the other hand, looked at each other curiously.

"Astoria, come in and sit down!"

"Yes, Master Chief!"

Astoria seemed very nervous, step by step into the car well-behaved.

Even sitting on a stool straightened my waist.

"Astoria, am I that scary?"

"No, it's just the first time I'm sitting with the chief lord, I'm a little nervous. 0"

After finishing speaking, Astoria lowered her head shyly.

Seeing this, Hermione and Qiu got up and drove Lucas away.

After a while, the girls chatted chatteringly.

at this time.

Della Ke hurried into the car.

"Lucas, I heard from Captain Marcus that you are going to the Quidditch final?"

"That's right!"

"Merlin, why do you want to go on stage when it's time to show off!"

See Della's frustrated expression.

Lucas comforted with a smile: "Don't worry, I promise not to participate in a game next year."

"You said the same thing when you were in the second grade, but you didn't play in the end.

"Well, that's a special case.

After Lucas finished speaking, he looked at Qiu Zhang who was opposite him.

A few girls were chatting though.

But everyone paid attention to what Lucas was saying.

Qiu Zhang's cheeks were slightly red, and there was a sweet smile on the corner of his lips.

Obviously, she remembered the Quidditch match that was very important to her last year.

"In short, I promise that next year I will never participate in a game, even if the dean forces me, I will not play.

With Lucas' guarantee, Della's complexion improved a lot.

"I hope you keep your word, then this year's finals will be given to you!"

Wait until Della Branch immediately compartment.

Qiu asked curiously: "Are you really not going to participate in a single competition next year?"

"Of course!" Lucas affirmed.

Next year is the Triwizard Tournament, if there is no Quidditch match, how will he play?

Thinking of the joyful look of Della Ke when he left.

I hope that after hearing the news next year, the other party will not settle accounts with him.

'For the sake of friendship, it seems that we need to get some good positions for the Quidditch World Cup during the summer vacation.

After a few hours of bumps.

The little wizards arrived at Hogwarts when it was dark.

The hungry crowd 3.3 ran straight to the castle without waiting for Hagrid to greet them.

They need food now, good food.

Sitting in the auditorium.

The little wizards were feasting.

But Lucas noticed Professor Snape's eyes at the teacher's table.

Slightly nodding his head, Lucas concentrated on the food in front of him.

late at night.

It was supposed to be time to fall asleep.

Lucas walked out of the Slytherin common room instead.

Gently knocked on the door of the potions office.

The moment he opened the door.

Then I heard Snape say in a low voice: "Dumbledore is going to visit Gaunt's old house.

Lucas' eyes lit up.

Wait until the other party has explained Dumbledore's plan.

Lucas hurried to the office.

Professor Snape saw him take out a blank piece of parchment and write something on it with his wand.

"Professor, if Dumbledore wants you to follow into Gaunt's old house at that time, you must take this piece of paper with you."

Looking at the blank parchment.

Snape frowned slightly, but folded it up and put it away. .

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