Hogwarts: I, The Strongest Dark Lord In History!

206. The Foolishness Of The Messiah, Lucas Enraged! (Kneeling To Customize!)

Crouch Jr. as an Excellent Death Eater.

In terms of combat, it is not inferior to the Aurors of the Ministry of Magic.

So facing the disarming spell flying towards him.

He didn't panic.

Instead, he calmly drew out his wand to deal with it.

"Torn apart!"

"Bones to pieces!"

"Thunderbolt Explosion!"

"Raging fire!"

Lucas wasn't about to stop.

Throw four spells at the fake Moody in a row.

Force the opponent to fight back.

Whether it's Crouch Jr. or Mad-Eye Moody.

But they are not the ones who swallow their anger.


A battle begins between professor and student.

The little wizard in the classroom ran to the walls on both sides, looking worriedly at the two people in the field.

"How did it become like this?"

"What's wrong with Mr. Grindelwald? Why does it sound like he's deliberately troubling Professor Moody.

"Would you be angry if you were subjected to the Killing Curse? That would be a joke with your own life."

Someone in the crowd stood by Lucas and spoke for him.

Others chose to defend Mad-Eye Moody.

The Savior and his companions, obviously, are on this list.

Harry looked at Lucas who was casting the "two one three" curse with Professor Moody, with envy in his eyes.

He didn't know when he would reach this level.

"Ha! Just watch, Professor Moody will definitely teach that arrogant Grindelwald a lesson."

Ron simply looked at Lucas annoyed.

And he believes that Mad-Eye Moody will win the final victory.

The curse of the two is still going on.

And the spells used are getting more and more advanced, even dangerous.


"Fire shield!"

The Unforgivable Curse and Fiendfyre appear in the classroom.

This can be called an endless battle.

But both of them restrained their strength.

The fake Moody's Cruciatus seemed to miss Lucas' body on purpose.

Lucas' Fiendfire just raged around him.

They didn't burn everything they could see like they did in the Forbidden Forest.

Both of them understood in their hearts.

If they really fight, none of them can escape the investigation.

But if it goes to the end, it can still be fooled by the excuse of a duel.

The two seem to have reached a strange understanding.

Lucas raised his wand again.

Just when he was about to cast the spell.

A loud shout came from behind: "Disarm you!"

The disarming spell hit Lucas' wand.

He turned his head to look at the savior classmate differently.

I saw that the other party was pointing at himself with his wand.

"Lucas, Professor Moody is our teacher, you shouldn't write about what he did.

"Harry Potter!" Lucas read the other party's name in a low voice.

at the same time.

Fake Moody pointed his wand at Lucas and cast a silent stun spell.

Lucas dodged the spell, waved his right hand, and the parchment on the desk flew up.

Those parchments revolve around the fake Moody.

From time to time, there are one or two pastes on his face.

Lucas took the opportunity to get close to the opponent and performed a jaw kick that smashed the fake Moody's jaw.

At the same time Gryffindor's sword appears in the left hand, swinging the sword and cutting off the fake Moody's prosthetic limb.

The other hand is the Wand of Recall.

Before the savior student reacted, he used the disarming spell to knock him into the air.

Harry bumped against the classroom wall, still not recovering from the pain.

I saw countless magic wands appearing in front of my eyes.

The first to bear the brunt is Hermione's little witch's vine wood wand.

See the hatred in Hermione Granger's eyes.

Harry suddenly realized that he seemed to have done a very stupid thing just now.

When Dumbledore arrived with several professors.

It was a fake Moody in distress and Harry surrounded by students from Slytherin House.

"Lucas, what the hell is going on here?"

"Then you need to ask the famous Mr. Harry Potter."

See the anger on Lucas' face.

Several professors set their sights on Harry.

He hesitated for a long time, his face turned red and he didn't speak clearly.

In the end, students from Wen Keluo and Hufflepuff stood up and helped several professors understand the truth of the matter.

Dumbledore and Professor Snape looked at the Savior in disbelief.

Also understand why Lucas is so angry.

"And what about Professor Moody?"

Hearing Dumbledore's question, Little Badger and Little Badger started to explain again.

Knowing the detailed process, Professor McGonagall exclaimed: "Alastor, how can you use the Unforgivable Curse on students."

"You are absolutely crazy, Headmaster Dumbledore, and I recommend that Alastor Moody be disqualified as a professor."

Fake Moody is a little flustered now.

He looked at Dumbledore and said, "Albus, I didn't do it on purpose, and I didn't use a lot of force. Even the Cruciatus Curse later missed on purpose."

"Rather than saying that we are fighting, it is better to say that we are dueling. As for Harry, he is also helping me. Please don't blame him."

Hearing that Professor Moody did not forget to speak for himself at this time.

Harry was overwhelmed.

Dumbledore listened carefully, picking up on Moody's slurred words.

"Alastor, I think you need Madam Pomfrey's help right now."

"But before that, I need to punish you. For the next month, you will not be able to teach Defense Against the Dark Arts."

"I hope you can reflect on yourself these days, and Severus will help you with your lessons.

Under the watchful eyes of Dumbledore and several other professors.

Fake Moody nodded reluctantly.

This meant that his chances of getting in touch with Harry would decrease again.

So the fake Moody gave Lucas another look before being carried away.

His eyes seemed to be filled with only anger, but there was an inextricable hatred in his eyes.

See each other's eyes.

Lucas knew his job was done.

Wait until Moody is carried out of the classroom.

Lucas and Dumbledore exchanged glances.

Although there was a little accident in the process, the result is still good.

Before Lucas led the people from the academy to leave the classroom, he took a cold look at the savior sitting on the ground.

That look terrified Harry.

Wait until the other person leaves.

Harry saw Dumbledore and several professors walking towards him.

"Harry, you shouldn't attack your classmates at any time, let alone sneak attack from behind. In order to let you remember this lesson, I will deduct fifty points from Gryffindor.-.0"

Harry didn't expect the punishment to be so severe.

Before he could react, Dumbledore left the classroom.

Professor Snape let out a disdainful chuckle before leaving.

This matter is far from over today.

Under the promotion of the other three colleges.

Harry Potter sneaks up on Lucas who is dueling.

The thing that nearly got Lucas hurt.

It swept across Hogwarts like a gust of wind.

Harry Potter has completely become the sworn enemy of Slytherin Academy.

Even Della Ke, a good friend, no longer took the initiative to speak to Harry.

"Look, Harry Potter is here."

"How embarrassing, to sneak attack from behind!"

"If it wasn't for Mr Grindelwald's superior skills, he might be injured by now.

"To be able to win under conditions like Mr. Grindelwald's is amazing."

Harry walked through the corridor with his head down, not daring to look at the sneering faces of the crowd.

Hear the sound of discussion coming from the ear.

He quickened his pace and fled this place quickly.

This situation continued until the end of September.

With the arrival of October.

The attention of the little wizards was all attracted by another matter.

Beauxbatons School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and Durmstrang School of Witchcraft and Wizardry are coming soon.

The original dirty corners have been thoroughly cleaned.

Several unattractive portraits in the corridor were also taken down.

Even the ghosts tidied themselves up.

It's all for the upcoming two schools.

Not only that.

In order to welcome the arrival of the two schools.

The auditorium was also specially decorated.

The golden lion and red banner representing Gryffindor.

The silver snake green banner representing Slytherin.

The golden eagle and blue flag representing Rawen Klau.

The black badger and yellow flag representing Hufflepuff.

And most importantly, the Hogwarts banner surrounded by the four house emblems.

The whole auditorium was filled with the atmosphere of Hogwarts.

Even the magic on the ceiling turned into sunlight on Autumn 3.9.

With the arrival of October 30th.

The little wizards have been a little absent-minded all day.

The professors are also very forgiving.

Even Professor Snape didn't scold the little wizard too much for being distracted.

The sun was setting.

Today's class ends half an hour early.

Everyone put on clean wizard robes as required, and also put on Hogwarts cloaks.

The weather at the end of October is already very cold.

But the cold couldn't stop the enthusiasm of the students.

The four colleges gathered in the front hall under the leadership of their respective deans.

Get ready for the upcoming welcome ceremony.

The little wizards gathered together, guessing how the two schools will appear in a while.

Some people think that they came by train.

Others suggested that the other two schools would come on broomsticks.

Just then, Dumbledore came hand in hand with the professors.

He looked at the distant sky and said suddenly: "If I read correctly, it should be the delegation from Beauxbaton School of Witchcraft and Wizardry!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone immediately started looking for the so-called Beauxbaton delegation.

Until a student pointed to the distant sky and said: "Look, where is it!"

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