Hogwarts: I, The Strongest Dark Lord In History!

252. Voldemort, Who Is Warming Up, Is The First To Eliminate Furong! (Kneeling To Customize!)

Hogwarts, Quidditch pitch.

Cheers like a tsunami came from all directions.

The entrance to the maze.

Ludo Bagman said with a smile on his face: "You must know the third game very well, right?"

Hundreds of viewers answered his questions.

Of course, there are also many people urging Bagman not to waste time and start the competition quickly.

Bagman turned his head and waved his hands: "Next, let me re-introduce a few warriors and their scores at this time."

"First place, Lucas Grindelwald, 97 points, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry!"

The little wizards of Hogwarts cheered.

"Tied for second place, Viktor Krum and Harry Potter, 65 points, Durmstrang School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry."

This time it was Durmstrang's students who started cheering.

Bagman knows how to mobilize the emotions of the crowd.

Then he introduced the scores of Fleur and Cedric.

After each introduction, there must be an area in the stands that erupts in cheers.

Take advantage of this time.

Lucas carefully observed the surrounding situation.

It was found that other contestants were surrounded by their own relatives.

Even Harry stood beside Mrs. Weasley.

Seeing him looking around, Amos Diggory said in a low voice: "Mr. Grindelwald, thank you for taking care of my son during the competition, but I believe Cedric will win the final victory."

Lucas was stunned for a second, then turned his gaze to the entrance.

At this point the fake Moody is standing there, waiting for the bivouac to start.

As a professor at Hogwarts.

When the 06 game starts, he, Professor McGonagall and others will also enter the maze.

Their task is to protect the safety of the warriors.

After all, there are a lot of dangerous creatures in the maze.

Originally, the opinion of several referees was to let the professors wait around the maze.

The professor is not allowed to enter the maze unless he sees the contestant's red fireworks going up.

But due to an accident in the second game and the death of Barty Crouch.

Many accidents made several referees very uneasy about the third game.

So under Dumbledore's suggestion, it became the current rule.

This is definitely very good news for fake Moody.


This is also an opportunity created specifically for fake Moody by Lucas and others.

"Very good, next, we will invite our warrior who ranks first in points, Lucas Grindelwald, to enter the competition venue first!"

Accompanied by the sound of the whistle.

Lucas turned and walked towards the entrance.

Inside the entrance is a dark passage.

A 20-foot hedge shades everything around it.

Even the sounds from the surrounding stands.


Lucas raised his wand and walked into the depths.

After making sure that the people in the stands could no longer see him, he took out a complete map.

I'm afraid no one would think of it.

The venerable Dumbledore will help Lucas cheat.

"Let me see where the map fragments are!"

Maybe it's because of Lucas' relationship.

This third game is very different from the original.

It becomes more of a scavenger hunt.

Without a complete map, it is impossible to find the location of the Triwizard Cup.

The map in Lucas's hand is except for the location of the Triwizard Cup.

The hiding places of those map fragments are also marked.

In addition to eliminating other people, he also needs to let the savior collect the map fragments without anyone noticing.

Send the opponent to the front of the Triwizard Cup.

‘Hiss! How did I become a nanny again!’

Reluctantly, Lucas put away the map, turned and walked towards the nearest map fragment.

The whistle sounded again behind him.

It should be Krum and Mr. Savior who entered the maze

The whistle sounded more like urging Lucas to act quickly.

Maze entrance.

Enter with warriors one by one.

The professors also filed in and went to the area that the guest was in charge of.

Fake Moody finally no longer suppressed the excitement and excitement in his eyes.

He limped into the maze and began to look for the warriors in the maze.

The Triwizard Cup must be won by Harry Potter.

He had worked so hard to get the chance to place the trophy from Dumbledore.

It was to turn the trophy into a portkey, and then deliver Harry Potter to his master through the Triple Goblet.

Such a genius idea.

Barty Crouch Jr. couldn't help but praise himself from the bottom of his heart.

"Master, tonight is the time for you to return!"

Mr. Crouch, who was so complacent, didn't notice that there was a sneaky figure behind him.

Professor Snape heard murmurs to himself from ahead.

A merciless sneer appeared on his face.

at the same time.

Little Hangleton Cemetery.

The sound of Apparition sounded.

Peter Pettigrew appeared at a tombstone with "baby" Voldemort in his arms.

"It's finally about to start, is there any news from Crouch?"

The little baby made a hoarse, low voice.

Peter Pettigrew replied respectfully: "Mr. Crouch's letter was delivered not long ago, and the last game of the Triwizard Tournament has already begun."

"In addition, Mr. Crouch asked me to tell the master that Barty Crouch I has been confirmed dead, please rest assured, the master."

A low, weird laugh sounded.

Voldemort was very satisfied with Crouch's performance this time.

"Batty is indeed my most loyal subordinate, when I regain my body, I must reward him well.

"Wormtail, hurry up and get ready, I can't wait to meet Harry Potter."

Peter Pettigrew responded tremblingly.

He turned and led Voldemort into a house in the cemetery.

Not long after, he came out again alone.

This time he was holding a large cauldron in his hand.

Set the cauldron over old Tom Riddle's tombstone.

Peter Pettigrew put all the potion ingredients needed into the cauldron.

But he didn't notice.

A string of small magic characters suddenly appeared under the crucible, and these characters quickly rose and attached to the bottom of the crucible.

Lucas looked at the twisted rag in front of him, waiting for the transformation to end.

Follow the markings on the map.

The most recent map fragment is on a boggart.

He was very curious.

What are you afraid of in your heart.

A few seconds passed.

The Boggart transforms into a grim reaper wearing a black cloak and holding a scythe.

Before Lucas could see clearly, it changed again.

Immediately afterwards, Black and White Impermanence, Bull Head and Horse Face, and even Yan Luofeng in the underworld all appeared on the stage one by one.

Lucas smiled wryly.

He already knew what he was most afraid of.

It turns out that he, like Voldemort, is afraid of death!

It's just that he wasn't as sensitive as Voldemort, and he was aware of his fear early on.

But the price of thinking about longevity is to become a plastic surgery monster without a nose.

Lucas thinks it's okay.

Besides, when he completes the final achievement, maybe among the super-standard rewards he gets, there will be a way to make people live longer!

"Funny funny!"

Boggart was hit by the spell, and disappeared in a blink of an eye in a puff of blue smoke.

An irregular map fragment fell from the sky.

Just as Lucas was about to collect it, a familiar voice came from behind him.

"Lucas, I didn't expect to meet you here."

Putting away the map fragments calmly, Lucas naturally showed a gentle smile on his face when he turned around.

"Miss Furong, what a coincidence!"

Although the maze is dimly lit.

But with the help of the fluorescence on the wand, Lucas still clearly saw the blushing cheeks of the other party.

Although I feel that it is cruel to eliminate the opponent so early.

But who let Hibiscus deliver it to the door by herself?

Just when Lucas was about to approach the opponent, he found that Furong took a step back.

"Although I have no interest in the champion of the Triwizard Tournament."

"But I have come to this point, I still want to prove my strength."

After Furong finished speaking, she blinked playfully.

Obviously she had already guessed Lucas' plan.

Lucas smiled and shook his head.

"Okay then, but I still have something to say to you."

Seeing Fu Rong's puzzled eyes, Lucas continued: "That day at Mrs. Puddife's Teahouse, you ran away after saying those words. Don't you intend to listen to my answer?"

Fu Rong's face turned red.

After that day, she blamed herself for a long time.

Probably because the atmosphere in the teahouse was so good at that time.

She would have said those words impulsively.

So for so long, she was always avoiding Lucas, afraid that the other party would mention what happened that day.

But now there is no escape after all.

"You, what do you want to say."

Lucas put his wand back into his wizard robe, and walked towards Fleur with empty hands.

Maybe seeing that he didn't hold the wand, Fleur didn't choose to retreat this time.

"Miss Fleur Delacour, you seem to have underestimated your own charm. If I hadn't been attracted by you, how could I still be able to call your name after so long?"

Fu Rong raised her head in surprise.

Seeing Lucas' blue eyes full of smiles, he suddenly lowered his head shyly.

"This, so you also have a crush on me?"


As soon as the words fell, Fu Rong threw herself into Lucas's arms.

It wasn't just Lucas who was surprised.

Even Fleur was amazed at her audacity.

But the body was one step ahead of the brain, and took the lead in responding.

Lukas smiled lightly and patted the other person's back, then leaned into Fleur's ear and said, "I'm sorry, forgive me!"

"It doesn't matter, I'm very satisfied at the moment."

The next moment, a white light flashed on Lucas' finger.

Hold the comatose Fleur tightly.

Lucas gently placed it on the ground, and then fired red smoke into the sky with his wand.

The red fireworks are extremely dazzling in the night sky.

At this time, Harry and Cedric, who happened to meet at the same place, stared blankly at the sky.

"The competition has just started, and someone has already been eliminated."

"Lucas must be playing tricks, only he who enters the arena first has enough time to attack others.

See Harry's confident eyes.

Cedric hesitated for a few seconds and said: "Then you be careful, I'll go first!"

"You too, come on!"

After Harry finished speaking, he chose the diametrically opposite path to Cedric's.

at the same time.

Fake Moody also finally found a warrior, looking at Viktor Krum who was approaching him.

A cruel smile appeared on his face. .

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