Hogwarts: I, The Strongest Dark Lord In History!

062. Snape Is The Bad Guy? Della Ke Actually Believed It? (Begging For The First Order!)

"Even if the matter is urgent, you still need to tell me what happened first?"

Outside the Slytherin break room, Lucas followed Dellako suspiciously.

"Hurry up, there's no rush if you're late!"

"What's the hurry?"

"Dragon, the Norwegian Ridgeback is about to break its shell!"

Lucas shook off Dellako's hand and stopped his steps.

"If it's watching a big lizard break its shell, then I'm not interested.

"Hey, that's rude of you, that's a dragon, not a lizard!"

For Lucas describing the dragon as a lizard.

Della Branch expressed great dissatisfaction.

Just when he was planning to correct the other party's wrong thinking.

Finding that Lucas, who was about to go back, stopped.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I just thought you'd cause trouble if you went alone, and that dragon was too dangerous at school."

"Then what do you mean..."

Lucas didn't continue to answer, but turned around and walked towards the exit of the basement.

Seeing him like this, Della couldn't understand.

"Wait for me, I'll show you the way!"

Lucas wasn't that kind.

He just thought that Harry and the others would be punished to patrol the Forbidden Forest because of this incident.

Such a great opportunity.

Of course Lucas didn't want to miss it.

The Forbidden Forest is a great place.

Inside are countless herbs and hundreds of magical creatures.

It is simply a super big treasure chest containing countless treasures.

Besides, he still has the achievement of exploring the Forbidden Forest to complete.

to this end.

Lucas also specifically called Hermione out.

In the original, several people found Della Ke peeking out the window.

Worried that Hagrid's secret of raising the dragon would be exposed, he had no choice but to send it away.

But now Dellako obviously won't do that.

Then it's up to Lucas and Hermione to do the persuasion.

The three came outside the castle and successfully joined Harry and Mr. Weasley.

I saw Lucas coming towards me. 30

Ron subconsciously dodged backwards.

Although there was no evidence, Ron's intuition told him.

Last flying lesson, it was Lucas who put a spell on his broom.

As a result, he lay in the infirmary for a day, and had to endure the pain of bone healing.

"Harry, they're here anyway."

I saw the unhappy expression of my friend.

Harry smiled and comforted: "Come on, Lucas is Della and my friend.

While speaking, the three of Lucas had already walked in front of Harry.

Saw Ron Weasley's disgusted expression.

Lucas frowned: "Mr. Ron Weasley, is your injury healed? Be careful in the future, broomsticks are also very dangerous.


Seeing Ron's flushed face.

Della covered his mouth and snickered.

While Harry kept smoothing things over and making jokes.

The atmosphere on both sides became much more relaxed.

Several people walked towards the edge of the Forbidden Forest together.

On the way, Harry mentioned the special gift he received during the Christmas holiday, the Invisibility Cloak.

And about his suspicions about Snape.

"I was standing next to Snape that day, he couldn't see me because of the invisibility cloak, but I could hear him clearly, he was threatening Professor Quirrell."

"Harry, Dean Snape is a professor of the school, he will not do anything that harms the interests of the school."

Lucas couldn't help reminding the other party.

But the stubborn Harry decided that Snape was the villain.

"No, Snape was too suspicious, and then I went out again at night, at the door of an empty classroom, and heard Professor Quirrell's cry from inside.

"He must have been unable to withstand Snape's torture, so he surrendered!"

Harry had just finished speaking.

Ron went on to say, "The last Quidditch match, Snape cursed Harry.

He looked specifically at Lucas and Dellako as he said this.

There is also a hint of gloating on the expression.

Reminded by Ron.

Hermione and the others also remembered what had happened on the Quidditch pitch.

"So, Professor Snape was indeed suspicious, and it couldn't be a coincidence that Harry's broom immediately stabilized when we ignited his robes."

Hermione looked at Lucas beside her after speaking.

Want to hear his opinion.

Lucas, on the other hand, looked at Della.

He'd heard that Professor Snape was also responsible for burning Professor Snape's robes that day.

"I, I don't really dare to believe it, but it is indeed a bit suspicious."

When Dellake said this sentence, his expression was very tangled.

'Merlin, Dellaco Malfoy, Snape and your father are good friends, is it really okay for you to doubt him so much?'

I complained silently in my heart.

Lucas gave ambiguous answers.

"I reserve my opinion, sometimes those who look bad, actually have a very delicate heart.

"And those guys who seem harmless to humans and animals, maybe they are murderous demons behind their backs?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Ron Weasley made fun of him.

"Oh, Mr. Grindelwald is very kind, you look quite harmless."

Fortunately, at this time, everyone had already arrived outside Hagrid's hut.

See Hagrid open the door.

Everyone tacitly stopped talking about Snape.

"Oh~ you are here, come quickly, the little dragon is about to break its shell!"

For the arrival of everyone, Hagrid was very happy.

This big man with a height of more than three meters likes dangerous creatures very much.

He also called those dangerous creatures cuties.

It's right to think about it carefully.

For his size, most dangerous creatures are cuties.

Invite people to their seats.

Hagrid looked at Lucas and Hermione and asked, "Are you new friends?"

"Hagrid, this is Lucas, and beside him is Miss Hermione Granger."

"Oh!" Hagrid's eyes widened in surprise.

"Are you Lucas Grindelwald?"

See Lucas nod.

Hagrid smiled and said, "I've heard of you, or everyone at school has heard of you.

"Dumbledore also said, you are a very interesting little guy, nice to meet you, my name is Rubeus Hagrid, gamekeeper.

After introducing each other.

Hagrid couldn't wait to walk to the fireplace.

A dragon egg the size of a football is stored there.

"Look, the little guy is about to break his shell!"

Everyone immediately stepped forward to stare at the dragon eggs that kept moving on the table.

Accompanied by a crisp sound.

A crack appeared at the top of the dragon egg.

Just when everyone was about to exclaim.

A small, ferocious dragon head broke out of the shell.

"Oh, the little guy is out, mom is so happy, come on, crawl out of this damn eggshell hard.

Lucas frowned, looking at Hagrid with distaste.

He really couldn't stand a strong man three meters tall exuding maternal love for a palm-sized baby dragon.


See baby dragons fully emerging from their eggs.

The strong man also showed a look of crying with joy.

Merlin! Come and take this monster away!

Thankfully the sensual Hagrid only lasted a short time.

Soon he turned back to the old rough guy.

Look at the Norwegian Ridgeback in the palm of your hand.

It was as if Hagrid saw a rare treasure.

"Hagrid, let's see it too!"

Della Ke stood on tiptoe and looked up at the opponent's palm.

Hagrid smiled shyly, and put the baby dragon on the round table.

"Merlin, it's so beautiful!"

"How big do you think it can grow?"

"What a beautiful cutie."

The reactions of the three of Harry made Hagrid very happy.

This strong man with half titan blood is really innocent sometimes (stupid?)

Lucas and Hermione looked helplessly at the few people who had fallen into obsession.

Listen to what they said? Cutie?

This little cutie was able to swallow their heads in one gulp after a month.

This little cutie can start a monstrous fire with just a breath of dragon breath!

I saw a few people still commenting on the young dragon.

Lucas coughed deliberately.

"Let me tell you a few, should we give this young dragon a name?"

Several people suddenly realized.

Dellako looked at the baby dragon and said, "How about calling it 'Duke'? I've been thinking about that name for a long time.

"No!" Harry shook his head: "I think 'Locke' is fine."


This name is not recognized by everyone.

Then Ron and Hermione had a few more conversations.

But they are all popular names.

It is worth mentioning that Hermione named several of them.

Also includes "Crookshanks".

It seems she has wanted a pet for a long time.

As the master of the young dragon, Hagrid vetoed everyone's name.

He thought hard for a long time, and finally said the representative name "Noble".

Lucas saw several people around the young dragon yelling "Noble" and "Noble".

He patted his forehead helplessly.

"Della Ke, are you reading all those books for nothing? This Norwegian Ridgeback is obviously a female dragon, and the name Norber is not suitable for her."

Hear what Lucas said.

Hagrid immediately held the baby dragon in his hand to observe.

Finally had to admit that Lucas was right.

I saw a few people falling into the trouble of naming again.

Lucas sighed, "How about calling her 'Nobeta?"

[Congratulations to the host for completing the new achievement: Dragon and Elf; reward: 20 achievement points. 】

The baby dragon seems to like the name Lucas took.

She let out a dragon cry, and crawled along the elf breath on Lucas.

The issue of names is resolved.

The rest is to discuss the fate of the young dragon.

Hear Lucas say to send Nobeta away.

Hagrid hastily shook his head and refused to agree.

Even though Norbeta burned his beard with a breath of the dragon, Hagrid did not put the dragon down.

The same goes for Harry and others, who felt that it was too cruel to send the newborn Norberta into the wild.

"Hey, you have to understand that the Ministry of Magic has a clear regulation that no teacher is allowed to raise dragon 050 without permission."

"If found out, Hagrid may have to leave Hogwarts forever."

Lucas' words made several people frown.

Seeing a few people talking, Hermione immediately understood what they were thinking.

"Don't take chances. It only takes one month for Nobeta to grow bigger than this house."

"At that time, what are you going to do with her? Get her up?"

"Oh no, Nobeta, mother can't bear you." Hagrid cried bitterly while hugging the baby dragon.

Lucas' eardrums hurt from his crying.

Lucas turned his head to the window, trying to distract himself.

Coincidentally, there was a human face looking inward by the window.


Hearing Lucas yelling, the people outside the house immediately fled to the distance.

look at that far

go figure.

Della Ke frowned: "Oops, it's Angus Selwyn, my sworn enemy, he will definitely tell the professors about Norberta. y

Lucas stood up from his seat.

He said in an irresistible tone: "Hagrid, Norbeta must be sent away, otherwise you will be in danger.

Lucas applauded the Selwyn boy in his heart.

The opponent appeared in time.

For fear of Selwyn's whistleblowing.

Hagrid was forced to agree to send Norberta away.

But where to send it became a problem.

I can't find a place to throw it in the wild.

Lucas actually knew the solution.

But with the relationship between him and Ron, it is really impossible to say it.

So he reminded him on the sidelines: "It would be great if someone had the permission to raise dragons."

"Charlie! Ron's big brother Charlie Weasley raises dragons in Romania!"

Mr. Harry, the witty Mr. Potter, was quick to respond.

When everyone heard his words, Sunset looked at Ron.

Ron, who was in the spotlight for the first time, immediately patted his chest and made a promise to Hagrid.

On the way back to the dormitory.

The three of Harry were still chatting about dragons.

I noticed that the eyes of the characters in the portrait looked at me and the others vaguely.

Lucas knows.

Dumbledore should have known by now that his savior boy was in danger.

So, is Dumbledore involved in this matter?

Lucas put the question to the back of his mind for a moment.

All he needs to do is follow Harry and the others.

Then he was fined and sent to the Forbidden Forest.

Noseless socket, we will meet again soon!.

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