On the way, Snape was the first to ask: "What does Quirrell want from you?"

"Professor Quirrell talked about black magic during class. He was afraid that I would be affected, so he just gave me psychological counseling."

What I said is all the truth! Whether you believe it or not is up to you, Snape, Jerry thought to himself.

"Huh!" Snape said nothing, but snorted coldly at Jerry. It was obvious that he didn't believe what Jerry said.

"Jerry Green, don't blame me for not reminding you, don't be clever and stay away from Quirrell."

Jerry nodded repeatedly, praising Snape for saying everything was right, and then asked: "Professor, who is looking for me?"

"Dumbledore is looking for you. Why, you couldn't have violated school rules and been caught by Dumbledore, right?"

Ignoring Snape's taunts, Jerry wondered, could Dumbledore know about what happened in Quirrell's office just now?

Gan! The news about this old bee is too fast!

Not long after, the two came to a gargoyle.

"Remember the password: sizzling bee sugar. Don't waste time, hurry in!"

Jerry looked at Snape standing there and couldn't help but ask: "Professor, won't you go up with me?"

However, Snape did not give any response. He stood there silently, as if thinking about something. Then, he suddenly turned around and strode away from the place.

Jerry came to the gargoyle and after saying the password, the stairs leading to the principal's office appeared.

After walking up the stairs into Dumbledore's office, you will find a spacious room with tall windows through which you can see the sky outside and the scenery in the distance.

The walls of the room are hung with portraits of past principals, while the tables and bookshelves are filled with ancient books and artifacts. There is also a sorting hat on the top of the bookshelf.

Next to the desk, there is a red bird standing on the bird stand. It should be Dumbledore's phoenix. However, Jerry looks at this phoenix, and it seems that its time is running out and it is about to reach nirvana.

"Headmaster Dumbledore, this is Jerry, are you there?"

At the door, Jerry stopped and shouted twice, but he didn't get any response. Just when he was filled with confusion, the Sorting Hat on the bookshelf spoke: "Boy, come in first, Dumbledore will be here soon."

"Long time no see, Mr. Sorting Hat!"

"Shut up, I don't want to talk to you!"

Just when Jerry was still trying to explain to the Sorting Hat, a portrait of the principal nearby shouted: "Kid, come here quickly."

"Look, he is our Slytherin student. Look how noble and elegant he is. Let me introduce myself, kid. I am Phineas Black. You can call me Principal Black..."

"Shut up, Black, you are the most unpopular headmaster at Hogwarts..."

Before Jerry could say hello to them, the portraits of the principal were painted in Blake's frame, which was quite interesting to watch.

"Sorry, Jerry, there was a delay!"

When Jerry turned around, he found that Dumbledore had returned to the office, accompanied by an energetic old man carrying a large box.

"You don't know him yet, let me introduce him! This is Newt Scamander, the expert on magical animals. Newt, this is the Jerry Green you are looking for."

Newt looked at Jerry carefully, then looked at Dumbledore, and said to Jerry: "Hello, Mr. Green, I am Newt Scamander."

Jerry was a little excited, took Newt's outstretched hand and said, "Hello, Professor Scamander, my friends and I really like your book "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them"."

The two had just met, and before they could say a few words in a hurry, Dumbledore interrupted the conversation and said to Jerry: "Jerry, today is mainly to introduce you and Newt. In the next few days, Scar will Mander will be at Hogwarts. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. Now you can go back!"

Jerry was a little confused. What happened to Dumbledore today? He was the one who called him here just now, and he was the one who drove him away now.

With a look of confusion on his face, Jerry left the principal's office.

After seeing Jerry leave, Newt's expression changed and he asked Dumbledore: "Albus, that kid just now was..."

Dumbledore smiled, not surprised by Newt's reaction, and said, "Do you recognize the child?"

Newt smiled bitterly and said, "People who have experienced that era will have some associations with this child after seeing him."

"You guessed it right, he is indeed a descendant of the Grindelwald family."

Seeing that Dumbledore did not hide his intentions, Newt asked curiously: "Does Gellert Grindelwald and those who are loyal to him know about the existence of this child?"

After Dumbledore thought for a while, he said to Newt: "Gellert knows that this child is the one he entrusted to me."

"Albus, are you sure that Grindelwald is still in Nurmengard?"

Dumbledore shook his head and said, "Ten years ago, after Gellert entrusted this child to me, he disappeared."

Newt asked in shock: "Why didn't you stop him? Have you forgotten how much we paid a painful price to deal with him?"

"For the greater good!"

Chapter 31 The Made Tom

Dumbledore said to Newt seriously: "For...the greater good."

"Albus, you..." Newt stood up from the sofa in shock. Now he couldn't tell whether the person in front of him was Dumbledore or Grindelwald.

"Albus, are you sure you know what you're talking about?"

Faced with Newt's doubts, Dumbledore said: "Of course, Newt, I'm not an old fool, and I'm not pretending to be Gellert, so don't be nervous."

After hearing Dumbledore's words, Newt took a long breath and said, "To be honest, I don't understand, after all..."

Dumbledore understood what he meant, but there were some things that Dumbledore himself couldn't explain.

"Newt, don't worry, I know what you are worried about. You don't need to have any worries, there are just some things that I can't reveal to you now. When the time is right, you will know everything."

After hearing Dumbledore's answer, Newt didn't ask any more questions.

As an old friend for many years, he understood Dumbledore's character and knew what to tell him, and Dumbledore would definitely tell him.

"As long as you don't tell me that you plan to cooperate with Grindelwald to rule the world!"

Dumbledore also laughed after hearing Newt's joke.

"Albus, does that child know his life experience?"

Dumbledore hurriedly replied: "Newt, this is what I want to tell you specifically. Jerry doesn't know his own life experience yet, so you must pay attention when getting along with him. Jerry is very smart. .”

Newt nodded and said, "Albus, aren't you afraid of training another Grindelwald?"

"No, you will know when you spend some time with him. Jerry is better than all of us, and I have always felt that his character is more like me than Garrett."

Newt: "..."

After coming out of the principal's office, Jerry went straight to the library.

"Hey Hermione, do you know who I just saw? Newt Scamander."

Hearing the news, Hermione jumped up excitedly and asked, "Is he the author of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them?"

Jerry nodded.

"You two, this is the library. Please don't make any noise. If you have anything to say, please go out and say it!"

Hearing Mrs. Pince's stern warning, Hermione's face became a little hot, and she took Jerry's hand and came to the corridor outside.

"I heard from Dumbledore that Mr. Scamander will be at Hogwarts these days. We will go to Hagrid's hut to find him after class in the afternoon. Mr. Scamander should be there."

"Dong, dong, dong~"

In front of Hagrid's hut, after class in the afternoon, Jerry hugged Tom who was napping on the grass, and he and Hermione ran straight here. The person who opened the door for them was Newt Scamander.

"Mr. Scamander, I didn't expect you to be here!"

Newt smiled and said: "I guessed that you would come to Hagrid, so I came here as soon as I came out from Dumbledore's place."

"Introducing you, this is my friend Hermione Granger. She loves your books very much!"

Hermione said with some excitement: "Hello, Mr. Scamander, it's an honor to meet you. I like your books very much!"

Newt also greeted Hermione with a smile and welcomed them into the cabin.

Jerry looked around but didn't find Hagrid. He asked curiously: "Sir, is Hagrid not here?"

Newt replied: "Hagrid is still in the Forbidden Forest, so you don't have to worry. However, he mentioned some things in his letter that made me feel the need to take a look at your pet first."

After Jerry nodded, he handed Tom, who was holding him in his arms, to Newt.

After Newt took Tom, he held it excitedly and examined it carefully.

A quarter of an hour later, Newt frowned and said to Jerry, "Mr. Green, can you tell me where you got this pet?"

Seeing Newt's expression turn serious, Jerry replied: "It suddenly appeared in my room before school. Is there something wrong with Tom, sir?"

After hearing what Jerry said, Newt said: "Tom looks like a crow or a raven, but if you look closely at its claws, you will find that neither crows nor raven have such cold and sharp claws."

"Also, I just used my wand to put an attack spell on Tom's feathers, but you see, it didn't leave any traces. Merlin's beard, this defensive ability is really exaggerated."

Jerry took Tom and touched the feathers that had just been attacked, but they still felt smooth.

"So Mr. Scamander, what do you mean?"

Newt answered seriously: "There are only two possibilities, either Tom is a type of magical creature that has not yet been discovered, or...or Tom was created artificially."

After hearing the second half of Newt's words, Jerry suddenly stood up from his chair, his face full of disbelief.

Seeing that Jerry was a little too excited, Hermione gently pulled his hand and told him to calm down.

After calming down his emotions, Jerry said to Newt: "Sir, Tom is obviously a creature of flesh and blood, how could it be possible that he was created?"

"Don't be nervous, Jerry, this is just a possibility. Maybe Tom is an extremely rare breed, and I may not have seen it."

Jerry understood that Newt was trying to comfort himself.

How could Newt have never seen or even heard of such a creature after studying magical creatures for so many years?

Jerry went on to ask, "Mr. Scamander, do you know of any current master in magic who can create magical creatures, or is there some way to achieve this? Alchemy?"

Newt said: "Jerry, alchemy is very dangerous, and it is illegal to use alchemy to create living creatures. Once discovered by the Ministry of Magic, you will be imprisoned in Azkaban and will never be free!"

"Mr. Scamander, is Gellert Grindelwald okay?"

Upon hearing Jerry's question, Newt's expression became a little unnatural, his eyes wandered, and he did not dare to look directly at Jerry.

Newt lowered his head and stammered: "Jerry, why did you ask that? How could it be him? Isn't Grindelwald still imprisoned in Nurmengard!"

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