"Child, the past is not important, what is important is the present!"

After hearing Dumbledore's chicken soup, Jerry also understood everything. It's not that uncomfortable, I just feel a little angry that I haven't noticed anything unusual for so many years.

"Can you tell me the name of the other organization? Also, why do they always stare at me?"

Dumbledore said: "Apostles, their names are apostles! As for why they are looking for you, we don't know."

After hearing Dumbledore's answer, Jerry carefully searched his mind for memories of the apostle, but found nothing.

Reluctantly, Jerry asked again: "Mr. Principal, is there any other news?"

"Sorry, Jerry, there's something we can't tell you just yet!"

Jerry: "..."

My dear, there is more to come after this chapter. Please click on the next page to continue reading. There will be more exciting chapters later!

Jerry vows that when he becomes the principal of Hogwarts, he must establish a school rule: The Riddler is not allowed to enter Hogwarts!

If it weren't for his limited strength, Jerry would definitely turn into a crow and overturn the table.

If you can’t say it, then don’t say it!

If you can’t do it, then don’t do it!

Seeing Jerry's hesitant expression, Dumbledore said, "Don't worry, Jerry! The other party is obviously trying to win over you, so you won't be in danger now!"

"So, you want me to be bait?"

As soon as Jerry finished speaking, he felt something was wrong. Dumbledore didn't want to use himself as bait, but he had been using himself as bait!

Looking at Dumbledore with a friendly smile on his face, Jerry thought about it and let it go. He was 81 years old and he couldn't play with him normally.

"This notebook is given to you as a Christmas gift from Gellert. Now it's time for you to go back to your dormitory and rest!"

After sending Jerry out of the office, Grindelwald walked out of the darkness and said, "Albus, why did you give Jerry my notebook? Didn't you agree to give it to him in a few years?"

Looking at Grindelwald, Dumbledore said: "Sooner or later it will be handed over to him!"

"Aren't you worried that Jerry is addicted to black magic?"

Dumbledore shook his head and said with a smile: "Do you know the biggest difference between Jerry and Voldemort? It's pride."

"Sometimes being too ambitious and proud is a good thing. Pursue power, but you will never surrender to power!"

"And, Gellert, don't forget that I know as much dark magic as you do!"

Chapter 55 It must be Gellert Grindelwald!


Outside the principal's office, looking at the closed door, Jerry was a little confused. Didn't Dumbledore say he wanted to have a good talk with him? Why did he kick me out without saying a few words?

But tonight is not without gain. The most important thing is the notebook in his hand. Jerry is looking forward to the magic in it!

After returning to the Slytherin common room, everyone was a little surprised to see Jerry's changed appearance.

After seeing Jerry, Malfoy took the initiative to say hello to everyone's surprised eyes: "Jerry, is it really you? You...your hair..."

"Draco, good evening!"

Looking at the blackened Jerry, Malfoy remembered what happened on the train, swallowed and said, "Good evening!"

"Jerry, where have you been these past few days? Why haven't you seen your people? Also... I had a little conflict with Miss Granger and the others a few days ago."

"But don't worry Jerry, it's really just a small conflict!"

Malfoy is also afraid that Hermione will complain to Jerry! After all, Jerry is really... really cruel, and his wand is hard!

Looking at Malfoy, who was a little scared of him, Jerry patted him on the shoulder and said, "I won't get involved in the matter between you and Harry. After all, you are all my friends, right?"

After hearing Jerry's words, Malfoy also breathed a sigh of relief and nodded repeatedly. He also understood what Jerry meant, as long as he didn't cause trouble for Granger.

Jerry looked around at the little kids in the lounge. He saw that there were far fewer unkind eyes than before, and even a few female students looked at him with a fiery look. It seems that the last train incident had a big impact on them.

Yes, Slytherins have some merits. They know that they must learn to bow their heads when facing strong people.

After returning to his dormitory, Jerry quickly put away his luggage, and then eagerly opened Grindelwald's notebook.

hiss! Jerry thought that it should all be filled with black magic, but he didn't expect that the first page of the notebook would be filled with a big one!


Jerry remembered that Crabbe used it in the original work, and it was so powerful that it almost wiped out the protagonist's group! Crabbe himself died under this curse.

Jerry resisted the urge to practice immediately and turned back the notebook again.

The Imperius Curse

Killing Curse (Avada Kedavra)

The Cruciatus Curse

Good guy, I have collected the three unforgivable curses for him!

Jerry seriously suspected that what he saw today was not Dumbledore, but Grindelwald!

These two old men are not playing pretend!

Ignoring the three unforgivable curses, Jerry continued to flip through the notebook. On the last few pages, Jerry finally found the curse he had been waiting for.

Fire Shield (Protego Diabolica)

All curses are finished (Finite)

Jerry's surname is Grindelwald, so how can he not know the magic of gas stove (fire shield)!

The essence of the Fire Shield spell is inseparable from the Fire Curse, but it was just improved by Gellert Grindelwald.

Gellert Grindelwald is really a damn talent. Jerry saw at least three other spells in the fire shield magic, including advanced magic spells such as the Loyalty Curse!

The two magic spells, Fire Spell and Fire Shield, were really tempting. Jerry definitely wanted to learn them. It was just a question of where to practice them.

The good news is that all spells will end, and the bad news will end with the Fire Spell and the Fire Shield.

No matter what, first learn the Ten Thousand Mantras, and then learn the Fire Mantra and Fire Shield for body protection. Practice with an ebony wand, and if something goes wrong, put the blame on Gellert Grindelwald, he did it all!

snort! You want to arrest Gellert Grindelwald, what does it have to do with me, Jerry Green!

The next day, Jerry got up early and went to the hall of Hogwarts to wait for Hermione. He was embarrassed that he had let her worry about him for so many days.

School is not a place where secrets can be hidden.

Although Jerry is not as popular and a household name as Harry due to some previous incidents, he is definitely a well-known figure.

Therefore, when Jerry entered the hall, except for the Slytherin students whom he had met last night, almost all the students in the other houses couldn't help but look at him sideways, looking at him in surprise as his appearance and temperament had changed drastically.

Parvati Patil came over and asked tentatively: "Jerry?"

"Of course it's me! Good morning, Parvati!"

Jerry said hello to Parvati Patil, but after seeing the other party looking at him blankly, Jerry waved his hand in front of her eyes and asked: "Parvati, are you okay?"

After noticing that she had lost her composure, Parvati blushed slightly and said, "Jerry, it's really you! Why did your hair turn black?"

"It's okay. I dyed my hair with magic. Is it ugly?"

"No, I just feel a little surprised!"

Jerry said: "Is Hermione still in the Gryffindor lounge? Can you call her for me?"

After hearing what Jerry said, Parvati said: "Wait a minute, I'm going to call Hermione."

In the Gryffindor girls' dormitory, the morning sunlight shines through the window. Hermione, who had just gotten up, was sitting at the table, sorting out her books in a depressed mood.

Suddenly, the door was pushed open and Parvati ran in from outside. She shouted breathlessly: "Hermione! Hermione! Jerry is back!"

"Jerry is really back. He's in the lobby. He asked me to come to you!"

Hearing the news, Hermione's heartbeat accelerated instantly. She couldn't wait to confirm the authenticity of the news, so she asked: "Are you sure? Are you sure Jerry asked you to come to me?"

"Of course!" Parvati replied affirmatively, "Jerry asked me to tell you that he is waiting for you in the lobby and he wants to meet you."

After confirming the answer, Hermione was so excited that she turned around and rushed towards the hall.

Parvati grabbed Hermione who turned around and said with concern: "Wait, dear, look at what you look like now!"

Hermione stopped and looked down at herself. She found herself still in her pajamas, her hair a mess, and clearly not ready to meet people. She smiled sheepishly and said, "I'm so anxious. Thank you for reminding me."

Parvati looked at Hermione and couldn't help but laugh. She pulled Hermione back to the dormitory and said, "It's okay, honey, we still have time. You go and wash up first, and I'll help you get ready."

With Parvati's help, Hermione quickly took care of herself, put on a neat school uniform and had a beautiful hairstyle.

When Hermione just walked out of the Gryffindor lounge, she saw Jerry standing in the corner of the corridor not far away, waiting for her quietly.

Chapter 56 Hey, here comes the chicken soup!

"Jerry!" Hermione shouted excitedly, her voice full of joy and excitement.

"Hermione, you're finally here!" Jerry said with a smile, a friendly smile on his face, "I've been waiting for you."

Hearing Jerry's words, Hermione's eyes turned red with excitement. She quickly ran over and hugged Jerry tightly.

"Jerry, you're finally back!"

Gently patting Hermione's back, Jerry comforted in a low voice: "Sorry, Hermione, for making you worry!"

When Hermione heard Jerry's words, the excitement and comfort in her heart suddenly surged into her heart, and tears shone in her eyes.

Outside the Gryffindor lounge door, at the corner of the corridor.

"Wow! The two of them hugged each other!"

"Cry, cry, Hermione is crying!"

Parvati Patil and the other two roommates were hiding against the wall, looking at Jerry and Hermione excitedly while discussing in a low voice.

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