
As the sound appeared, Vincent's plump figure fell to the ground, unable to twitch.

"Hello, Mr. Vincent Martin! I didn't expect us to meet so soon!"

With a charming smile, Jerry came to the other party and kicked him with his foot.

"Jerry, help, help me!" As he spoke, he hugged Jerry's feet tremblingly, with a lot of tears and runny nose, and his saliva flowed out uncontrollably, even getting onto Jerry's shoes!

How disgusting! Jerry gave him a disgusted look, then kicked him away.

After rubbing the shoes clean on Vincent's coat, Jerry said: "Do you know what happened to the last person who soiled my shoes?"

"But you are lucky! Who told you to be my gift to them!"

"Mr. Vincent Martin, Grindelwald asked me to say hello to you on his behalf!"

"No, no, please, Jerry, let me go! Help!" Upon hearing Jerry's words, Vincent's pupils shrank and he begged loudly for mercy.

"Keep your voice down, it's so noisy! Imperio"

Jerry directly controlled Vincent with the Imperius Curse. After a trip to France, not to mention other things, the Imperius Curse becomes easier and easier for Jerry to use!

Manor basement meeting room.

"Rozier, why did you call us here?"

"I didn't ask you to come here, it was Mr. Green who asked me to summon you. He said he had a gift for us!"

After hearing Rozier's words, everyone looked confused. Why would Jerry give them gifts?

"Hey! You're all here! Let's see if you like this gift!"

Not long after, Jerry brought Vincent Martin, who was controlled by the Imperius Curse, to the conference room.

Everyone looked at Jerry's empty eyes behind him, as if he was suffering from Alzheimer's disease, and immediately understood what the gift in Jerry's mouth meant.

They like it so much!

"It's you damn bug!" Several people with hot tempers had already rushed up to fight with each other.

"Stop! Stop! Stop!" Upon seeing this, Jerry immediately stopped them, then stretched out his finger and said to Vincent Martin's right leg, "We are wizards, we should use magic spells, just like this, we will be broken into pieces. (Reducto)"

"And what's the point of you fighting like this? There is no expression of fear or scream of pain. When I lift the Imperius Curse, you can take him down and play slowly!"

After hearing what Jerry said, everyone stopped, thinking that Jerry had something to say!

Although everyone was a little surprised that Jerry was able to cast spells without a wand, what everyone didn't expect was that Jerry was actually more ruthless than them!

Everyone wiped the cold sweat on their foreheads and couldn't help but secretly thought: Lord Grindelwald and Dumbledore usually taught Jerry something!

Chapter 80 Jerry: I regard money as dirt now

The moonlit night is like silk, the wind is like the sound of a piano, and the stars are shining brightly in the endless darkness.

In the luxurious room of Ste Manor, Jerry sat at the table, reading letters from Hermione and Fleur.

In front of the window, Tom's eyes widened and he shouted "quack!" at an owl that was enjoying nuts.

After glancing at Jerry, who was reading a letter at the table, and making sure he wasn't staring at her, he didn't hesitate to use his fat body to violently knock the owl away, and greedily began to eat the other's delicious nuts in the bowl.

Um! What you grab is the fragrance!

Tom's behavior was rude and domineering, and he obviously didn't take the owl seriously. While chewing the nuts, he looked at it with provocative eyes, as if to show off his victory.

"Tom, you've had your dinner!"

Jerry had already noticed the movement by the window. He stood up and walked to the window, grabbed Tom's paw, and lifted him upside down to the table.

He grabbed the envelope, handed it to Tom, and ordered: "Give this letter to Hermione."

"Stop dawdling, you are a magical creature, what do you have to be afraid of? France is not far from the UK, so I would like to take this opportunity to lose weight again."

"Gah~~" Tom's cry was extremely loud, and his smart little eyes stared at Jerry, as if telling him his dissatisfaction.

Tom: What are you doing! Ouch!

Seeing that Jerry didn't look like he was joking with him, Tom had no choice but to hold the envelope in his mouth and prepare to fly to England.

The owl by the window saw this scene and shook his head provocatively at Tom.

Tom could bear it. Before leaving, he sat the other person down on his back, and then he stood up and flew away leisurely.

The bullied owl, after seeing Tom leave, flew to Jerry and crowed, accusing Tom of his crimes!

Jerry touched the owl's feathers and calmed it down.

Why did you mess with Tom? Your small frame is just hairy and puffy, but Tom is so strong!

After replying to Hermione's letter, Jerry opened Fleur's letter and wrote several pieces of parchment. In summary, he just said, "Come to my house as a guest!"

Are you kidding me, I haven't even been to Hermione's house yet!

After Jerry read it, he only replied "No" and handed the envelope to the owl.

"Here you are, this is your master's letter, send it to me quickly!"

The owl is Fleur's pet. Since the last time they met, the other person has often written letters to Jerry. At the beginning, the two of them didn't communicate much. Jerry was even a little cold, and his replies were perfunctory, and even... I was too lazy to reply to the letter at all times. After feeding the owl some food, I sent it back.

But what Jerry didn't expect was that the more perfunctory Jerry was, the more serious the other party became, and there were more and more letters. From one letter every two days at the beginning, to one every day, and now it's like a bombardment of text messages. Yes, several letters a day.

Jerry didn't like her either, so he didn't reply even if he should.

More than half a month has passed since the zero-dollar purchase of the French Ministry of Magic. The plan went much smoother than Jerry imagined, and both tasks have been completed.

Jerry originally planned to return to England early, but after looking at the alchemy room in the manor, um, it smells so good!

Now Jerry only needs to open a newspaper in the wizarding world and he will see himself... No, it should be a wanted notice for the evil and cruel dark wizard Blackwing.

It seems that I have to be careful when using the Black Wing Vest in the future, especially in France.

The apostles have sorted out all the "gifts" from the French Ministry of Magic, okay! It can only be said that as expected of France, they are all things whose collection value is greater than their use value.

After Jerry selected a few alchemy materials, Andre let Andre handle the rest.

Then within two days, I saw Andre secretly handing him a small package containing the Invisible Extension Spell, and then winking at Jerry.

Sure enough, Jerry opened it and saw that it was full of gold galleons. Jerry couldn't count the exact number, but looking at the galleons piled up like mountains, he was sure that he would have nothing to worry about in his life.

The more Jerry looked at Andre, the more satisfied he was. He was a talented person. He went back to talk to Catherine and asked her to check Andre's accounts first, and then give him a promotion. Just... let's reward him with the title of a general manager!

"It seems that you are living well in France!"

In the room, a figure suddenly appeared behind Jerry, startling Jerry.

After turning around and finding out it was Grindelwald, Jerry was speechless.

"How come you, like Mr. Dumbledore, like to suddenly appear behind others!"

"We do have a lot in common!" Grindelwald shrugged and said, "After completing the mission, I thought you would return to England! I didn't expect you to stay in France."

As he spoke, Grindelwald came to Jerry's desk, took the envelope and looked at the name on it, and then continued in a joking tone: "It turns out that I also made a little girlfriend in France!"

Jerry: "..."

"Don't be shy Jerry, Dumbledore and I will support you. Remember when Dumbledore and I were teenagers..."

"Stop! Stop! Stop!" Seeing that Grindelwald's words were getting more and more out of tune, Jerry quickly stopped him.

"I have completed the mission! This is the alchemy stone, here it is for you!"

Grindelwald did not take the item from Jerry's hand, but shook his head and said, "Put it away yourself! It was originally given to you."

Jerry was not pretentious. After hearing Grindelwald's words, he put the alchemy stone in his pocket. Anyway, everything he and Dumbledore had from now on would be their own, it was just a matter of sooner or later.

"Are you here to take me back to England?"

"No, it's up to you to decide when to return to England! Tell Rozier when you want to go back, and she will make arrangements for you. If you still want to come to this manor next time, the door key will still be valid."

Grindelwald took out a key from his pocket and handed it to Jerry, "This is the key to Gringotts. Inside is some of Dumbledore and I's collection when we were young. I give it to you!"

Jerry was a little excited after taking the key. This is the collection of the two devils!

Seemingly sensing Jerry's thoughts, Grindelwald said: "Boy, don't think about it, Dumbledore and I have squandered most of it! Except for some useless materials, there are only some Galleons left! "


Jerry was a little disappointed, so why did you give it to me? ! Don’t you know that I regard money as dirt now?

But it’s right to think about it. With how crazy Grindelwald and Dumbledore were when they were young, it would be nice to have something left for themselves!

"So you came here today just for such a small thing?" Jerry asked, holding the key to Gringotts.

"Okay Jerry, to tell you the truth, it was Dumbledore who was worried about your safety and insisted on letting me come over and take a look!"

Jerry: "..."

Chapter 81 Bloodline Ability

"Mrs. Rosier, please stop for a moment. I have something to ask you."

In the corridor of the manor mansion, Jerry stopped Rozier and asked.

"What's the matter? Mr. Green!"

"Is Vincent Martin still alive?"

Before the summer vacation, Jerry took "Forbidden Alchemy" from Dumbledore and recently read it carefully. Oh boy, I really didn't say a word after reading it!

No wonder Dumbledore was so cautious about this book and warned him repeatedly before handing it over to him.

Jerry flipped through it again and again, but he didn't find out who the author was, but he was certain that the person who wrote this book must be a pervert. At the back of the book, it even said that wizards transplant magical organs from magical animals!

It's worthy of being called a taboo, it's full of cruel work in the underworld!

So now Jerry lacks an experimental subject. After much thought, he found that Vincent Martin is quite suitable. He can recycle waste!

"Of course he is still alive. As a traitor, the Wiccan Party will not let him die so easily! Mr. Green, do you have anything to do with him?"

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