Early the next morning, Harry, Ron and Neville sat dejectedly at the Gryffindor table as if they had lost their souls. Even the steaming breakfast in front of them could not arouse the interest of the three of them.

"Why are you guys so listless?"

After the three Harrys heard Jerry's voice, they suddenly raised their heads and looked at him, and said excitedly as if they had found their backbone: "Jerry, something bad has happened. Principal Dumbledore has left the school!"

My dear, there is more to come after this chapter. Please click on the next page to continue reading. There will be more exciting chapters later!

After Jerry took a sip of the porridge brought by the house elf, he looked at the three of them in surprise, "How did you know this news?"

"Last night, we wore the invisibility cloak and quietly went to find Hagrid!" Harry whispered to everyone after observing the surrounding environment, "Moreover, Dumbledore, Minister of Magic Fudge and Lucius Malfoy We also went to Hagrid’s hut and we heard their conversation!”

"Yes, they suspect that Hagrid was responsible for the attack, and they want to put Hagrid in Azkaban!"

"It's all the fault of Malfoy's father Lucius. He used his position as school director to force Professor Dumbledore away! Grandma is right, their family is all bad!"

Jerry frowned, thoughtfully as he heard the three people chattering in confusion.

"I didn't expect Dumbledore to be in such a hurry to go to Egypt! What happened there?" Jerry thought to himself.

"Jerry, what should we do? With Dumbledore gone, they will probably close the school. After he is gone, there will definitely be attacks every day."

"Wait for me at Hagrid's hut tonight, let's go to the Forbidden Forest!" Jerry left an inexplicable sentence and left the hall under the puzzled looks of the three people.

It's not that he doesn't want to explain to Harry and the others, but Jerry feels that with the brains of Harry and the others... let them figure it out automatically!

"What did Jerry mean? Why are we going to the Forbidden Forest?"

The three of them looked at each other and shook their heads.

"I know!" Harry suddenly clapped his palms and looked at Ron and Neville confidently. "It's a spider. Jerry must have taken us to find a spider! Hagrid said before he was taken away last night, 'If anyone wants to find something, just follow the spider and you will find the right direction!'

It must be! "

Ron and Neville looked at Harry with an unclear look, then scratched their heads, feeling itchy, as if they were about to grow a brain!

Jerry: Look! I would say that Harry has been smart since he was a child!

Chapter 139 I didn’t expect you to be such a beast!

Under the deep night, Harry, Ron and Neville hesitated and wandered outside Hagrid's hut.

"Why isn't Jerry here? He must have forgotten!" Ron exhaled a white breath and walked slowly to warm his body.

Even though winter is over, the nights in the forest are still bitingly cold. Since Hagrid was arrested, his hut next to the Forbidden Forest has also been locked by the Ministry of Magic. Harry and others have tried many unlocking spells, but failed to open it. Therefore, the three of them had no choice but to hide in the corner to resist the cold wind at night.

"Probably not, Jerry is not Neville!" Harry also tightened his coat and rubbed his hands vigorously to keep warm, "And Jerry doesn't have an invisibility cloak, so he certainly doesn't have a few of us sneaking out of the Hogwarts." Gwartz easily."

Neville: "..." Just talk about Jerry, why bother me again!

Not far from the trio, an unusually unique raven stood on a branch. Its scarlet eyes are deep and mysterious, revealing unusual wisdom. Under the moonlight, its purple-black feathers glow slightly. This light is extremely weak and almost undetectable to the naked eye, but it gives people a weird and incredible feeling.

Jerry arrived at Hagrid's hut early, even before Harry and the others. However, he was not in a hurry to show up, but cleverly maintained the form of a raven, sitting quietly in the shadow of the high branches, staring at Harry, Ron and Neville who were shivering from the cold below.

During the day, when Jerry was worrying about how to lure out the person who sneaked into his dormitory last night, Harry and his three enemies came to the door on their own initiative. He was really worried that there was no one around, and a sticky bean bag fell from the sky.

The bait delivered to your door is useless if you don’t use it!

But unfortunately, in order to lure him out, Jerry took the bait outside the castle. The night almost passed, but there was still no trace of the other party. It seemed that the other party was more cautious than he thought.

Although Jerry still doesn't know the true identity of the other party, he can already determine that the appearance of the other party is not accidental, but is targeted at him in a targeted manner. The other party didn't want to make too much noise, which meant that he either planned to get rid of Jerry quietly, or he had other reasons for looking for him.

"Sorry, I'm late and kept you waiting!"

The sudden sound startled Harry and the three of them. They quickly leaned together, their eyes fixed on the direction of the sound. The three of them breathed a sigh of relief when they saw Jerry's figure emerging from the darkness.

"Jerry, you are finally here. I thought you had forgotten what you were going to do tonight!"

"Sorry, something was delayed!" Jerry said sheepishly. It's really embarrassing to let you be used as bait and the cold wind blows here all night.

"What should we do now? Enter the Forbidden Forest directly?"

"Put on your invisibility cloak and follow me. Remember to keep your voice down. There are many centaurs in the Forbidden Forest. It would be terrible if a few of us are discovered by them!"

When the three Harrys heard this, they nodded heavily.

"Fangya, it's time for us to go!" After Harry and the others took the invisibility cloak, they barked at Hagrid's black hound in the kennel.

"Hagrid said that we have to follow the footsteps of the spider, let's go!" Jerry said, took out the wand from his pocket, and whispered: "Low light!" Then a thin light was emitted from the head of the wand, Just enough for them to watch for any spiders on the road.

So, they walked into the Forbidden Forest, and Yaya ran happily around them, leaving a string of curious breaths along the way, touching the roots of the trees or caressing the leaves. With the faint light of Jerry's wand, they carefully tracked the spiders moving forward on the forest path. Time passed quietly. About twenty minutes later, the group of people moved forward in silence, paying attention only to the unknown sounds other than the breaking of branches and the rubbing of leaves.

The surrounding trees grew denser and denser, so much so that the starlight overhead was obscured. In this vast darkness, Jerry's wand became the only source of light. At this moment, they were shocked to realize that the spider guides had deviated from the established path.

"Rust!" There was movement in the trees nearby. Jerry immediately became alert, and then whispered to Harry and the other three who were already tense: "Something is coming, please be careful."

As soon as Jerry finished speaking, a chic and elegant white figure emerged from the dense branches on the side.

"It's a unicorn!" Harry exclaimed, "It's so beautiful!"

Ron and Neville also looked at the elegant and white figure in front of them in surprise and exclaimed.

"Keep your voices down, be careful to attract the centaurs!" Jerry turned around and warned in a low voice, "It's just a unicorn. Look at how you two have never seen the world."

Jerry looked at the unicorn in front of him and saw it standing motionless in front of everyone. He showed a friendly smile and reached out to touch it as a sign of friendship (actually he wanted to pick some of the unicorn's fur).

But what the four people present did not expect was that the unicorn not only avoided Jerry's malicious hand, but also spat in Jerry's face.

Fortunately, Jerry's reaction was quick and he quickly ducked aside. However, Neville standing behind him was unlucky, and the sticky saliva splashed directly on his face!

Damn it!

Jerry looked at the mean-looking unicorn in front of him and cursed secretly.

Although I have always relied on my extraordinary talent and unremitting efforts, and I am not like Lockhart, who relies on his reputation to make a living, but...you damn well know how big a shadow this spit will have on an underage wizard. ? Did you make it?

Neville never thought that the unicorn, who seemed to be beautiful, noble, and elegant, would collapse so quickly.

My dear, there is more to come after this chapter. Please click on the next page to continue reading. There will be more exciting chapters later!

I didn’t expect you to be such a beast!

Neville screamed instinctively as the disgusting saliva splashed onto his cheeks. Fortunately, Harry and Ron reacted quickly and quickly covered his mouth to suppress the screams.

Seeing this, the unicorn gave Jerry a mocking smile, then walked lightly through the trees and disappeared from everyone's sight.

Jerry:? ?

When have I ever offended a unicorn?

"Is that a unicorn just now?" Harry and Ron's eyes were dull, unable to react for a long time from the collapse of its animal design.

"How disgusting, why am I always the unlucky one!" Neville said depressedly.

"Clean up!" Jerry waved his wand at Neville, and the sticky saliva disappeared, making him feel better.

"Don't forget our purpose tonight!" Jerry reminded in a low voice.

Harry and Ron calmed down, while Neville still held the handkerchief and kept wiping his face. Although Jerry had used magic to clean up the saliva, he still felt a little uncomfortable, and it seemed that the disgusting residue still remained on his face. Feel.

"Okay, I'm fine, let's go!" After a moment, Neville sighed.

After a while, a few people came to a downward slope, although the trees were still as dense as before.

At this time, Yaya suddenly let out a loud bark, which echoed in the forest, and a rumbling sound was heard not far away.

"What's this?" Everyone looked around in the darkness.

"Calm down, this... seems to be the sound of a car..." Jerry scratched his head, with confusion in his tone.

"It's a car, yes, it's my dad's car!" Ron said excitedly.

Several people quickly walked towards the source of the sound, and soon arrived at an open space.

The car was parked in the middle of a circle of dense trees, with densely intertwined branches and leaves on the top. There was no one in the car, and the car lights gave off a dazzling light.

The wings of the car were scratched and covered with mud. Apparently it had developed the habit of moving alone in the woods.

Harry and Ron looked happily at the familiar car, leaned against it, and patted it.

"Obstacles (Obstacle Curse)"

Jerry said nothing, but raised his wand, his eyes fixed on the ten feet above the ground behind Harry and Ron.

The two people who reacted looked back, their faces livid with fright.

I saw a huge spider approaching the two of them with six bizarrely long and hairy legs. On top of it was a pair of shiny black claws that made a clicking sound.

"Oh no! Oh no! Oh no!" Ron screamed in fright.

These spiders are different. Each of them is as big as a cart-horse, with eight eyes and eight legs. They are all dark and hairy, like huge monsters.

Harry pulled Ron, who was already frightened, and quickly approached Jerry and Neville.

"Jerry, what should we do?" Harry looked at the countless spiders approaching them and asked after swallowing.

"What should we do? Of course we must fight out!" Unlike the others who were panicking, Jerry's eyes were inexplicably shining with excitement.

Chapter 140 Dumbledore, where are you? Help!

In the mist-filled hemispherical spider web, a spider as huge as a small elephant slowly appeared. Its body and legs showed different shades of gray, and each eye on the ugly head with large pincers was covered by a layer of white.

"What happened?" it asked, its two large claws swinging rapidly, making a clicking sound.

"Human." said a smaller spider next to him.

"Is it Hagrid?" Aragog asked, a hint of confusion in his tone. After slowly approaching, the eight milky white eyes looked around blankly.

"It's a stranger."

"Kill them," Aragog said impatiently at the stranger, his voice echoing in the night air. "Don't disturb me, I'm just about to rest."

"We are friends of Hagrid." Harry's voice was trembling, and his heart seemed to jump out of his throat.

There were clicking sounds in the air all around, which were the sounds made by the spiders' large claws moving.

"Hagrid is in trouble right now," said Harry, his breathing coming in short gasps. "That's why we're here to get help."

"Dilemma?" the old spider asked, and there seemed to be a hint of concern in the clicking sound.

Harry tried to sit up, but his body seemed to have lost all strength. He lay on the ground and tried to keep his voice as steady as possible.

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