"No!" Voldemort's horrified voice sounded, but the speed of thunder was far beyond his imagination. In the thorny circle of light, he twisted and struggled, waving his arms constantly and letting out pitiful screams. Then, suddenly, he disappeared with a snap, leaving only silence.

As Voldemort disappeared, Jerry did not breathe a sigh of relief, because he found that he had lost control of the curse. Powerful energy acted on the diary, and Jerry himself was also affected by this terrifying power. The momentum was so overwhelming that I couldn't move.

"Damn it, why did the curse suddenly get out of control!" Jerry cursed in his heart. This sense of loss of control is completely different from the Fire Curse. The loss of control of the Fire Curse is just that the wizard has lost control of the flames. But this time, Jerry felt that the curse seemed to have its own consciousness, and it would automatically escape from Jerry's body. It seems to be working to achieve a certain purpose by extracting magic power from it.

Jerry didn't notice that the diary in his hand had begun to crack under the influence of this energy. As time went by, the cracks became more and more obvious, and eventually, the diary could not withstand the force and completely tore apart.

The gray material floated into the air like sand, forming a fan-shaped gauze curtain that completely enveloped Jerry's figure. Violent dark red thunder continued to emerge, and the gray matter continued to shrink and expand with the rhythm of the thunder, as if breathing.

"Jerry!" Upon seeing this, Harry held the wand tightly and cautiously approached Jerry, who was tightly wrapped in gray matter. However, a bolt of thunder suddenly flashed from his feet, and the powerful force directly lifted Harry away, causing him to fall to the ground and passed out.

Jerry, who was tightly wrapped in gray matter, could clearly feel that his body was instinctively absorbing the surrounding matter. He tried to resist, but found that he couldn't move a finger. Gradually, his consciousness began to become blurred, and finally he fell asleep.

As Jerry fell asleep, the gray soul matter from the outside world began to shrink, and eventually all poured into the mark on the inside of his left wrist. The roaring thunder gradually dissipated, and the room fell into deathly silence.

"Da da da!" A rush of footsteps appeared, breaking the silence of the room. Just now in the private lounge, Catherine suddenly felt the magic power rioting in her body, and immediately hurried towards the secret room.

"Your Majesty, wake up!" After entering the room, Catherine ignored Ginny and Harry who were unconscious next to her, and went straight to Jerry who had fallen asleep. She helped Jerry up and tried to wake him up, but Jerry had no response and still fell into a deep sleep.

"Sure enough! Started early!" After seeing the damaged diary next to her, Catherine frowned tightly.

"Who are you? Where are you here?" Ginny, who was leaning against a stone pillar, woke up from her coma and asked weakly after seeing Catherine.

However, the response Ginny got was Catherine's cold eyes as cold as the biting winter wind.

In Ginny's horrified eyes, Catherine waved her wand, knocking her unconscious and erasing her and Harry's memories of tonight.

After everything was done, Catherine gently picked up the sleeping Jerry and quickly left the secret room. In the dim room, Ginny and Harry lay quietly on the cold stone bricks, falling into a coma.

Chapter 151 Magic Riot

"Miss Ferris, let me..."

Trevor Shacklebolt's face was extremely pale, but his expression was very excited. After seeing Catherine carrying Jerry into the Slytherin lounge, he hurriedly stepped forward and wanted to take Jerry from her hands, but he was not close yet. Catherine's stern look warned her and forced her to retreat.

"How is the situation at Hogwarts now?" Catherine gently put Jerry on the sofa, turned around and asked seriously.

"Hogwarts, no, it should be Britain, Europe, and even the whole world. As long as they are wizards and people with magic in their bodies, they should have felt the noble and sacred power of His Majesty at this moment! What a pity for those mudblood wizards , it is impossible for them to know the real reason, and they will never understand the great power of His Majesty!" As Trevor Shacklebolt spoke, his eyes were fixed on Jerry without moving away, like a fanatical and devout believer.

"Also, Archbishop Ferris just sent an urgent message asking about Your Majesty and the situation at Hogwarts!" Trevor Shacklebolt continued.

Catherine knelt down next to Jerry, gently stroking his cheek with her fingers, but her brows were furrowed, not knowing what she was thinking.

Trevor Shacklebolt, who was standing by the side, saw this and wisely chose to remain silent. He did not dare to ask further questions. The entire Slytherin lounge seemed to be shrouded in a layer of haze, and the air was filled with an indescribable sense of death. It wasn't until there was a slight noise from the direction of the student dormitory that Catherine slowly raised her head as if waking up from a dream, and then whispered to Trevor.

"I will explain to my grandfather that you should keep an eye on the situation at Hogwarts. Tonight, no matter which house it is, there will definitely be chaos, and Dumbledore will definitely come back and keep an eye on him. Let me know if you have any news!"

After saying that, he picked up Jerry again and left quickly, returning to his private lounge.

In the Gryffindor girls' dormitory, Hermione was suddenly awakened by a nightmare from her sleep. Her forehead was covered with dense beads of sweat, and the magic in her body began to become restless, like an untamed wild horse, restless. standing, trying to find an exit. Hermione struggled to sit up and took a deep breath, trying to calm the sudden fluctuations in magic.

Perhaps due to talent, or perhaps due to the favor of fate, this magical riot came violently but also left quickly, but it also consumed a lot of her energy.

Hermione's face was as pale as paper at the moment, as if all her life force had been sucked out, and she looked extremely weak. Her hair was wet and stuck to her forehead, and the clothes on her back were soaked with sweat and clung to her skin. The cold wind outside the window blew by, bringing a biting chill.

After a moment, Hermione slowly stood up and walked towards the table with slightly unsteady steps. After drinking two glasses of cool water, I gasped for air.

With a deep breath, she turned her head and looked out the window, trying to find some comfort there. However, the scene shown outside the window was like a heavy stone, weighing on Hermione's heart.

Except for a small area around the castle that was barely illuminated by lights, the surrounding world had fallen into a deep and oppressive darkness.

The Forbidden Forest, which was usually vaguely visible through the moonlight, was now completely lost in the darkness, as if swallowed by an invisible force. Even the bright moon in the night sky was shrouded in dark clouds, unable to shed any light.

At this time, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry was like a small boat swinging in the turbulent darkness, looking extremely fragile and filled with an indescribable uneasiness.

An explosion of "Boom!" brought Hermione, who was standing by the window in a daze, back to reality. The wooden cabinet next to Parvati's bed exploded due to the riot of Parvati's own magic power.

"Wake up, Parvati!" Seeing this, Hermione ran to Parvati's bed regardless of the danger, reached out and patted her face, trying to wake her up.

The sawdust caused by the explosion flew and cut Parvati's forehead, and bright red blood slowly flowed down along the wound, reflecting on the pale skin.

The other two roommates in the dormitory were also awakened by the huge explosion, but they were huddled in the quilt in pain, trying to suppress the restless magic power in their bodies.

Hermione hurriedly helped Parvati clean the wound briefly and stopped the bleeding, then came to the bedside of her other two roommates to check on their conditions.

"We're fine, it's just that the magic is a little out of control!" One of them said tremblingly as he tried to force out a smile.

"But..." Hermione looked at the three of them, bit her lip and said, "Hold on for a while, I'll go find the prefect!"

Hermione hurried to the college common room, and the scene before her was even more chaotic than her dormitory. The entire lounge seemed to have become a temporary medical station, filled with pale and weak students. Hermione even saw several unconscious junior students who were hurriedly lifted up by the seniors and sent to the infirmary for emergency treatment.

Among the crowd, Hermione quickly found Percy Weasley, ran over quickly, and explained to him what happened in her dormitory.

After listening to Hermione's description, Percy Weasley frowned and looked serious. "Granger, I understand the situation. You must stay in the common room now and do not return to your dormitory. The wizard's magic riot is very dangerous." He warned solemnly.

Then, Percy ordered a senior girl next to him to go to Hermione's dormitory immediately.

Seeing this, Hermione was temporarily relieved, but then she felt a little uneasy. She looked around, but did not find Harry or a few others, which made the ominous feeling in her heart even stronger.

So, she asked Percy Weasley in a low voice: "Percy, have you counted the number of students? Also, I think we should notify Professor McGonagall as soon as possible!"

Percy Weasley was obviously stunned after hearing Hermione's words. He quickly glanced at the crowd around him and then said: "I have sent someone to notify Professor McGonagall, she should be here soon. But you’re right, it seems there are indeed fewer people!”

After that, Percy Weasley stopped staying and hurried to the boys' lounge.

After Hermione searched carefully in the common room, she still didn't find any of Harry, Ron, and Neville. This made Hermione feel more and more uncomfortable. This time the magic riot, Could it be Harry and the other three who did it again?

Hermione scratched her head, full of doubts in her heart. How did Harry and the three of them manage to cause so many students to have magical riots at the same time?

Chapter 152 Malfoy: I’m wronged!

"Fred, George, how are you two? Are you hurt?" When Hermione saw the Weasley twins, the tension in her heart eased slightly.

Hermione walked quickly to them, trying to get some clues about this incident from them. However, the twin brothers, who were always full of energy and mischievous spirit in the past, now looked extremely tired and weak. They slumped on the sofa, their faces pale, and they almost had no strength to speak.

Seeing Hermione walking over, Fred and George forced a smile and said hello feebly.

"It's okay! But Merlin's beard, I am already in fourth grade, and there is still a magic riot! This feels really uncomfortable!" George said with a joking tone.

"What is this? I just saw a seventh-grade senior who was about to graduate fainted during the magic riot and was carried to the infirmary!"

"This is really embarrassing. Even seventh graders can't control the magic in their bodies!"

"Stop!" Hermione interrupted the twins' gossip, "I just want to ask, have you two seen Harry, Ron and Neville?"

After hearing Hermione's words, Fred turned to look at George, with a hint of inquiry in his eyes.

Seeing this, George bumped Fred lightly with his shoulder, with a hint of ridicule in his tone: "What do you think I'm doing? You are confused yourself, why do you think I must know their whereabouts?"

Fred was amused by George's words. He nodded, and actually felt that what George said made sense!

"But why didn't I see Ginny? George, have you seen Ginny? She is still young, and the magic riot tonight must have made her uncomfortable." Fred looked around, looking for Ginny.

George shook his head, and when the two were about to get up and look for Ginny, Percy hurried over and stopped the twins and Hermione.

"Fred, Ginny and Harry are all missing!" Percy gasped, "When was the last time you saw Ginny?"

Fred and George looked at each other and tried to remember: "The last time we saw Ginny was in the common room. She was sneaking out of the boys' dormitory. We were joking about whether she had gone to Harry's room!"

"I last saw a few of them in the hall." Hermione added anxiously after hearing this. She was suddenly worried about Jerry in Slytherin!

"Quiet!" A loud voice appeared, interrupting Percy's inquiry. Professor McGonagall finally arrived in the Gryffindor lounge, but her face looked extremely ugly!

"Professor!" When Percy saw Professor McGonagall appearing, he walked quickly towards her as if he were seeing a savior.

"Professor McGonagall, something happened! Ginny Weasley, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley and Neville Longbottom, four of them are missing!"

Professor McGonagall sighed after hearing this, why did Harry and the three of them do everything?

"I understand, Mr. Weasley! You first arrange for the injured students to go to the school infirmary. The other students should line up, led by the seniors, and assemble in the school hall!"

Professor McGonagall's words immediately caused a commotion in the originally quiet college lounge. They didn't understand why they had to gather in the school hall so late.

Only Hermione was thoughtful after hearing Professor McGonagall's words.

She soon realized that this magical riot was not limited to Gryffindor House, and the situation in the other three houses was probably similar to Gryffindor.

Thinking of this, Hermione was even more worried about Jerry's safety. After all, he always lived alone in Slytherin and had few friends. What if Jerry is injured and faints? Or what if there are some evil-minded students and scum in Slytherin who take advantage of Jerry's magical riot and weakness to bully him!

As soon as they entered the hall, the Gryffindor students were surprised to find that not only them, but students from the other three houses were coming to the hall one after another, and their condition didn't look much better than them.

Everyone remained surprisingly quiet. Even the usually arrogant Slytherin students were sitting sickly in their seats, as if they didn't even have the strength to speak.

As soon as Hermione entered the hall, she stood on tiptoes and looked in the direction of Slytherin. After searching around but not finding Jerry, she became increasingly anxious.

When no one was paying attention, Hermione sneaked out of the hall and prepared to go to the Slytherin lounge to look for Jerry.

A few days ago, Jerry accidentally told her the password for the Slytherin lounge, and I hope it's not too late to change it now!

Before she had even taken two steps out, Hermione bumped into Malfoy and his two little followers! Malfoy walked in front, mumbling, while Goyle and Crabbe supported each other and followed behind.

"Stop!" Hermione suddenly jumped out of the darkness, held up the wand in her hand, stopped the three of them, and shouted sternly.

The three Malfoys were startled by the sudden appearance of Hermione. Even Goyle and Crabbe's hands, which had been supporting each other just now, were raised.

"G... Granger?" After Malfoy saw the person clearly, he patted his chest. When he turned around and saw Goyle and Crabbe with their hands above their heads, he was so angry that he kicked them both. What a shame!

"Where's Jerry?"

The three Malfoys cast doubtful glances at each other. They looked at each other with confusion written on their faces. They secretly wondered, how could they know where Jerry had gone? Isn't it in the lobby?

"Tell me, did you leave Jerry alone in the lounge?" Hermione said angrily when the three of them were silent.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content!

Malfoy:? ? ?

Unjustly accused, we are really unjustly accused! Granger, do you want to listen to what you are saying? Don't you usually look quite smart? Why is my IQ cleared at this time?

And why do you always come to trouble us every time Jerry goes missing? It was like this last year, and it’s like this again this year!

"Put down your wand!" Snape quickly walked out of the nearby corridor and scolded, "Granger, you can be so reckless! Do you know that your behavior has seriously violated school rules? Do you want to be expelled from Hogwarts?"

After seeing Snape, the three Malfoys hurriedly came behind him.

Hermione's eyes widened, she bit her lower lip, and she slowly lowered the wand in her hand unwillingly. Her voice was trembling: "But Professor Snape, Jerry..."

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