Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 138 Do you want to blackmail me?


The door of the box was hit hard from the outside, and the door frame suddenly made a heart-wrenching "creak" sound.

Kyle, who was concentrating on maintaining the copying spell, was startled by the sudden sound, and subconsciously raised his wrist. ≋≋x≋.≋c≋o≋m≋


On the map that had just been completed, a long and narrow opening instantly appeared.


Kyle looked at the completely scrapped map, his eyes twitching.

This is one galleon...

Others were also frightened by the banging on the door. Fred, who had just finished reciting the copying spell, shook his hand and printed the map directly on George's robe opposite.

"Merlin's beard! These are the new robes I just bought this year."

George looked at his robe, his eyes filled with distress, "Kyle, is there any way you can get rid of this thing?"

"Of course there is a way, and it's very simple."

Kyle narrowed his eyes and looked up at the door.

Through the glass on the door, he could clearly see three young boys standing in the corridor outside.

"That Harry Potter, he gave up Malfoy's friendship for that damn Weasley, that's so stupid, just like his parents!

They are also like this...ignorant! "

Draco Malfoy thought of this and slammed the door of the box next to him again.

"And that Weasley."

Goyle, who was next to Malfoy, covered his fingers and said angrily: "He actually dared to let the pet bite me. I must beat him up."

Goyle was very stout, and although he looked like a wooden block holding a teapot, it was undeniable that his angry look was indeed a bit intimidating.

"Don't worry, Goyle, there's always a chance."

Malfoy rubbed his aching wrist and said coldly: "My father is the school director. When they get to Hogwarts, I have a hundred ways to make them regret what they did today."

After that, he tidied his somewhat messy hair and was about to take Crabbe and Goyle away from here and go to other Slytherin carriages.

But at this moment, the door of the box next to him was opened.

"Just a moment, gentlemen."

Kyle stood there, glancing at the three people in front of him expressionlessly, and finally focused on the pale boy.

Judging from the position, he should be the one who smashed the door.

After determining the target, Kyle said calmly: "You must have broken down the door just now."

"Uh...yes, it's me."

After Malfoy was surprised for a moment, he said formally: "My name is Draco Malfoy. I'm sorry to disturb you. New˙ɔoɯ"

Although Malfoy's etiquette was very good and his words were polite, Kyle could see that there was undisguised arrogance in his eyes when he spoke.

Especially after he said his name, his arrogance became even more obvious.

But Kyle didn't care and said calmly: "The attitude is pretty good. Let's do this. As long as you compensate us for our losses just now, forget it."


Malfoy was stunned for a moment, and then he saw Fred and George behind Kyle.

For a moment, the only politeness on his face disappeared, and instead showed a look of disgust.

"The redhead...it's the damn Weasleys again, and their weird friends."

New 𝘹.𝘤𝘰𝘮

Malfoy looked at Kyle, casually took out a Gold Galleons from his pocket and threw it over. At the same time, he sneered: "There is no need to look for the rest... Oh, I forgot to mention, this is a Gold Galleons, you guys I probably don’t know what it looks like yet.”

After saying that, Malfoy raised his legs and started to leave. He didn't want to stay any longer.

But a hand stopped him.


Kyle pinched Jin Gallon's finger and shook it gently, and said lightly, "These are not enough."

Malfoy paused, took a deep breath, and threw Kyle another gold galleons.

He used a lot of force, as if he wanted to kill the hateful guy in front of him with Galleons.

Kyle caught it easily and then shook his finger again.

"Sorry, it's still not enough..."

"Don't go too far!"

There was a faint blush on Malfoy's face, and he said angrily: "If you continue to pester me, I will tell my father that you are blackmailing me!

He is the school director of Hogwarts and has the right to expel you! "

"I think you may have misunderstood." Kyle raised his eyebrows and said: "I am a good student who has won the special contribution award to the school, how could I do such a thing as blackmail.

I am just asking for my own losses reasonably. Not to mention the school director, even if the Minister of Magic comes, I can't say anything. "

"Special contribution award to the school?" Malfoy sneered: "You are the only one...wait, are you the new student named Kyle?"

He remembered that his father did tell him during the summer vacation that a new student won the special contribution award to the school.

I guess it must be the person in front of me.

"To be precise, it should be the second year, and you are the freshman."

Kyle said: "So, can we continue to discuss the issue of compensation now?"

Malfoy frowned, wanting to refuse.

Although he didn't know what the compensation was, in his opinion, since the other party was with the Weasley children, he couldn't be a rich man. Two galleons were enough to buy his entire outfit. .

It's just that he can't leave at all now.

It's not because of Kyle's status. It's just a special contribution award to the school. How could it be compared to his father's status as a school director.

It was just the five people standing behind Kyle who made him a little frightened.

Including Kyle, there are six sophomores and above, but there are only three people on their side, and they are all freshmen.

If they really had to fight, they would have no chance of winning.

"How much do you want?" Malfoy asked through gritted teeth.

He decided to spend money to buy peace. No matter what, he would leave here first.

Kyle thought for a while and said: "Not much, a total of two hundred galleons. Counting the ones just now, you only need to give me another one hundred and ninety-eight galleons."

"How much? Two hundred galleons!?"

Malfoy thought he had heard wrong and screamed: "This is impossible, don't even think about it!"

"Don't worry, just listen to me and let me calculate it for you..."

"I won't listen!" Malfoy's face turned completely red. He pulled out his wand, pointed at Kyle and said, "I know, you are blackmailing me!"

Two hundred galleons is already higher than the monthly salary of most employees of the Ministry of Magic.

Not to mention just knocking on the door a few times, even if he rushed in and beat everyone up, he wouldn't need to pay so much.

Malfoy was rich, but not sick. He would only give Kyle two hundred galleons unless his brain was damaged.

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