Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 170 Quirrell, why haven’t you come yet?

After returning from the greenhouse, Kyle was about to return to the dormitory when he was blocked by the Harrow duo as soon as he walked into the castle.

"Thanks for the book, Kyle."

Harry returned the copy of "Quidditch Origins" to Kyle and said with some excitement: "You were right what you said before, it really suits me.

I have carefully learned the above skills. During the last training, Wood said that I have made great progress. Compared with before, I feel like a different person. "

"You finished reading it so quickly?"

Kyle took the book and said with a smile: "As expected of Professor McGonagall, you are really talented, Harry."

"No, no, I just took a quick look." Harry scratched his head and said with some embarrassment, "Maybe it's because I didn't understand Quidditch at all before, so it seems to have changed a lot."

"No need to be modest, Harry." Kyle shook his head and said, "It took me more than a month to fully master all the techniques in this book, but you have shortened this time by half."

"Yes, is that so..." Harry laughed stiffly and turned his head guiltily, avoiding Kyle's sight.

Looking at him, Kyle raised his eyebrows, as if he had guessed something.

"Do you need to borrow any other books?"

Kyle asked: "I also have "Magic Quidditch" and "How to Score Quickly" there. If you need them, I can take them to the auditorium for you later."

"No need!" Harry blurted out: "Well, I mean I'm too busy now with homework, training... I don't have much time to read anymore."

"Then whenever you want to see it, just tell me at any time." Kyle nodded.

He probably understood what was going on.

If the guess is correct, the savior has not finished reading the book "Quidditch Origins" at all. He probably only read half of it at most.

But this is normal.

Harry Potter can calm down and read a book... This image is quite scary when you think about it.

Somehow, looking at the thoughtful look on Kyle's face, Harry felt even more guilty.

In fact, Kyle still didn't understand Harry so well that he didn't even finish reading half of it.

Harry was really interested in reading the book at the beginning. On the first day, he even stayed up until the early hours of the morning and finally slept on the table all night.

But this situation only lasted for one day.

After the excitement passed, those long paragraphs and awkward nouns made his patience begin to plummet. At that time, Wood also praised him for making great progress, almost as good as Charlie.

Perhaps because he thought it was enough, Harry only read a third of it, and then he couldn't watch it anymore.

Kyle said a few more words to them and left.

At this time, Ron on the side suddenly said: "It would be great if Hermione could be like Kyle."

"What?" Harry didn't understand what he meant for a moment.

"Didn't you notice? Hermione always talks to everyone in a preachy tone. Everyone can't stand her. To be honest, she's a nightmare."

Ron said: “Kyle is even better than her, he is the first in his grade, and he is also the youngest recipient of the special contribution award to the school.

But whether he was helping us with directions before school started or lending you Quidditch books, he was always very patient in helping us and never preached anything. "

"Don't say that, Ron." Harry whispered, "Hermione is actually quite nice sometimes."


"When..." Ron asked.

Harry choked for a long time before whispering: "We were chased by Filch that day, and it was she who helped open the door at the end of the corridor, and we escaped."

"Yes, they sent us to the mouth of the three-headed dog as a snack..."

Ron shivered subconsciously and said with lingering fear: "In comparison, I would rather face Filch."

This time, even Harry stopped talking.

At this point, he and Ron had the same idea.

Even though Filch was scary, at least he wouldn't eat them like snacks.

"The Halloween dinner is about to start. Let's go to the auditorium quickly."

Harry changed the subject and said, "They all said it was as sumptuous as the first-term dinner. Is that true?"

"It's not just that." Ron quickly forgot about Hermione and said mysteriously: "I heard from George that Dumbledore invited the Headless Knights to perform on Halloween last year.

I don’t know who he will invite this year. It would be great if it is the Weird Sisters. They are the most popular band. "

After hearing what Ron said, Harry was also looking forward to it.

He had never heard of the name "The Weird Sisters," but he knew what the band meant.

When he was at Privet Ludsley's house, he had never heard the band perform, or even watched the relevant TV programs.

Because Dudley didn't like this.

The two of them quickly went downstairs to the auditorium to attend the banquet.

On the other side, Kyle also passed through the barrels in the kitchen corridor and arrived at the Hufflepuff common room.

There were not many people in the lounge, only a few. When Kyle came in, they were preparing to go to the auditorium for a banquet.

Someone recognized him and asked with a smile: "Kyle? Do you want to go to the auditorium together?"

"I'd love to, but I can't do it now. I need to go back to the dormitory to find something." Kyle said, "You go first, I'll be there soon."

"Okay, but you have to hurry up." A senior student said, "The Halloween party is about to start."

"Don't worry, I've been looking forward to those delicious foods since early in the morning."

That being said, Kyle had no plans to go to the auditorium for any Halloween party.

He has more important things to do today.

After everyone left the common room, Kyle found a sofa and sat down, took out a large piece of parchment,

It was the Marauder's Map he had borrowed from Fred and George before taking herbology lessons.

"I solemnly swear that I will do no evil."

Kyle read the password, and ink lines soon appeared on the Marauder's Map.

It can be clearly seen that almost everyone in the castle has gathered in the auditorium, or is walking towards the auditorium, and only a few people are still elsewhere.

Kyle searched around and didn't find Quirrell's name in it.

A few minutes later, the banquet started. Except for himself who did not go to the auditorium, the only people left in the castle were Hermione who was still on the first floor and Filch who was on the eighth floor.

"Not here yet?" Kyle frowned, a little surprised.

Could it be that Quirrell is not planning to cause trouble...

No, probably not.

Kyle quickly overturned this idea. The banquet had just started, so it might not be time yet, so we should wait.

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