Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 194 Harry is obsessed with the magic mirror

For the next period of time, a professor would patrol the castle for a period of time every night after curfew.

And Filch, he was almost driven crazy by those rooster feathers that were everywhere. Even though he had cleaned them five times, he could still see them every once in a while.

Sometimes it's at the corner of the corridor, sometimes it's next to the door frame... I can't even finish it.

Because of this, Filch became even more irritable. He looked vicious to everyone. Even if he just spoke louder, he would be stared at and scolded.

Although the students who had been reprimanded were filled with hatred, because Filch's behavior was tacitly approved by a certain Potions professor, and points would be deducted for any dissatisfaction, so they had no choice but to avoid it as much as possible. Follow Filch.

Kyle has become a lot more honest recently. He goes to the library every day to do homework and read books, and then returns to the dormitory when the time comes. He even puts aside his night outings for the time being.

Fred and George told him that Filch hung out on the second floor most of the night, and that the visiting professors would often visit the library.

It was too dangerous to copy books at this time, so Kyle planned to wait until the news passed.

But some people obviously don't think so, such as Harry Potter.

Ever since he figured out who the people in the mirror were, there was only one thought left in his mind, and that was to go back in front of the mirror, do nothing, and just sit like that all night.

Ron had tried to dissuade him, but had failed... Harry couldn't listen to anything now.

Until the third night, he met Dumbledore in the room.

"I...I didn't see you, sir!" Harry said nervously, standing there with cold hands and feet.

Only then did he remember that the professors were strictly investigating night tours recently. What if Dumbledore thought that what happened a few days ago was also his doing...

When he thought that Gryffindor would be deducted 200 points for this, Harry felt that his insides were about to freeze to ice.

"It's strange that you have become myopic after turning invisible." Dumbledore said with a smile.

Harry saw the smile on his face. Then he breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Dumbledore didn't seem to intend to deduct points.

He was like that Muggle man in Little Whinging who often went out for a morning walk, patient and gentle.

From his words, Harry also truly understood the purpose of the Mirror of Erised.

"This mirror allows us to see only the most urgent and intense longings deep within our hearts."

Dumbledore said softly: "People waste time in front of it, obsessed with what they see, and even driven crazy.

Because they don’t know whether everything in the mirror is real or possible.

Harry lowered his head and was silent for a moment, then murmured: "Sir... Professor Dumbledore, have you also seen this mirror?"

"Yes, and more than once." Dumbledore said with a smile: "I must say, no one can resist its magic, not even me... Oh no, there is one exception."

"Who is that person?" Harry asked curiously.

"A second-year student."

Dumbledore looked at the surprised expression on Harry's face, blinked and said, "What, you can't believe it?"

Harry nodded.

If Dumbledore had said the words of a famous wizard or a certain professor, then he would still be able to accept it.

But a second year student accomplished something that even Dumbledore couldn't do...how is this possible.

"Just as you thought, he is indeed better than me at this point."

Dumbledore thought for a while and said: "He had two opportunities to see the Mirror of Erised, but he left without hesitation each time."

"Professor Dumbledore, does that person think of it as an ordinary mirror?"

"I thought so at first, but later I found out that it was not the case." Dumbledore shook his head and said, "He knows about the Mirror of Erised and knows its function very well."

"Who is he?" Harry asked again, "Do I recognize him?"

Only this time, Dumbledore didn't answer.

"That's enough for today, Harry."

He stood up and said: "The mirror will be moved to a new place tomorrow. I ask you not to look for it again. It is useless to indulge in illusory dreams and forget about real life. Remember .

Well, why not put on that amazing invisibility cloak and go back to sleep. "

Harry left the room with doubts. After returning to the bed in the dormitory, he was still wondering who the second-year student Dumbledore was talking about.

But he didn't know many second-year students. Except for a few people from Gryffindor, the only one left was Kyle.

"Could it be him?" Harry thought uncertainly.

So it went until the next day.

During lunch that day, Kangna suddenly pushed Kyle who was sitting opposite her and whispered: "Have you done anything recently, such as going to the field to practice Quidditch or something like that."

"Of course not. I've been staying in the library these past few days and haven't been anywhere else." Kyle said puzzledly: "And the rest of the team is not here, so it's useless for me to train alone. What are you doing?" Ask this suddenly."

"It's nothing, it's just that Harry Potter has been staring at you." Connor calmly pointed in the direction of Gryffindor and whispered: "I thought you had developed some new Quidditch He saw the tactics."


Kyle turned around subconsciously, just in time to see Harry lower his head in a hurry.

"It's not just now." Kangna continued: "I noticed that he has peeked at you several times."

Kyle was shocked.

Could it be that Harry knew that he was also in the room on the fourth floor that day?

No, probably not. I had the Disillusionment Charm on the whole time, so Harry definitely couldn't see it.

As for the possibility of guessing it, it's not very likely...he's not that smart.

"It's probably because of Quidditch." Kyle said calmly: "After all, there will be a game between us and Gryffindor after Christmas. He may be thinking of some tactics, so he regarded me as an imaginary enemy."

"Want tactics?" Kangna frowned and asked doubtfully, "But isn't he a seeker? He also needs tactics?"

"Probably it's another trick that Wood came up with. Who knows." Kyle said, "Don't worry about him... Aren't you going to find Snape for extra lessons today? How are you preparing?"

"Everything is ready, books, quills, parchment, ink..."

When it came to making up lessons, Kangna became very nervous instantly. She didn't care about Harry Potter who was peeking at her, and asked in a low voice: "Kyle, do you think I should bring the cauldron with me then?"

"There's no need for this." Although Kyle hadn't made up any extra classes, thinking about it, he knew that the most indispensable thing at Snape's place was probably the crucible.

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