I don't know if it was an illusion, but after the writing disappeared, the color of the originally yellowed paper suddenly became lighter, as if it had faded.

Almost at the same time, a piece of messy words like wild grass appeared on the paper.

Kyle squinted for a long time before he could barely understand what he was writing.

[Never give the diary to Dumbledore... I mean, Professor Dumbledore is the person I admire the most. I would rather visit him in person instead of just having a memory. I believe I will think the same thing fifty years later. 】

When reading this sentence, Kyle once again felt the same sense of voyeurism before, and this time it was more obvious.

At the same time, there was a faint whisper in his mind, constantly hinting that he should believe Riddle's words.

But under the influence of Occlumency, this hint becomes an explicit statement, it's almost as if it's out in the open.

In addition to Legilimency, do you even know the Confusion Curse?

Tsk tsk, maybe even the name has a strong flavor of Lao Liu, this is too stupid.

Kyle raised his eyebrows, pretending not to know anything, and wrote calmly: "You are right, Tom. I was negligent."

"I think Principal Dumbledore would prefer that you show him the diary in person."

[That’s right, you’re right. 】

Riddle's handwriting returned to normal.

[So you must not show him the diary, okay? 】

"Now that you say so...alright."

Kyle agreed simply.

But after this incident, Riddle didn't dare to ask anything else, and he honestly became a tutor. It seemed that he was afraid that Kyle would get mad and push the diary to Dumbledore again.

Although he was much more honest, Kyle's experience was even worse...

Because Riddle's handwriting was fading, from black to gray at the beginning, and then to light gray before he said a few words.

Finally, when Kyle asked another question about the arrangement of magic texts, Riddle did not answer any more.

A line of very light words appeared on the diary.

[I'm afraid I won't be able to study with you anymore for the time being. 】

"Why..." Kyle wrote anxiously.

Seeing that the unit on basic arrangement was about to end, why did it happen at this time?

You did it on purpose...

[The magic power of the diary is almost exhausted. 】

"Does this still require magic?"

"But... I remember those portraits in the castle and they keep talking."

[It’s different. The castle of Hogwarts is a very special place, with huge magic power in itself. ♦♢And the portrait is also part of the castle, so there is no need to worry about consumption. 】

[But I am just a very ordinary diary. I can only talk to you through the magic power stored in myself. 】

"so what should I do now……"

Kyle seemed very anxious and asked quickly: "When school starts, can I stick you on the wall of the castle?"

"I know that there is a particularly flat wall in the corridor on the right side of the library on the second floor. Although several Gryffindor students often throw big dung eggs on it, the administrator Mr. Filch has cleaned it up and kept it clean. I sprayed it with fragrance to make sure there won’t be any smell.”

Riddle fell silent again...

Although he didn't know what a big dung egg was, he knew from the name that it was definitely not a good thing.

Are the little wizards playing so wild now?


[No, my diary is not part of the castle. It is useless even if it is placed on the wall. 】

As if afraid that Kyle wouldn't be able to see clearly, the writing turned light gray again.

[I can recover slowly by myself, but it may take a little longer, and I won’t be able to answer your questions during this period. 】

"Is there anything I can do?"

Kyle glanced at the box next to him that could block magic.

Produced by Nicoléme, it goes without saying that the effect is natural. If you really let the diary recover on its own, it may not be "one" point for a long time.

"I still have a lot of things I want to share with you, my new friend."

This was what Riddle was waiting for.

[If you have any questions and need my help, you can use fresh...dragon blood as ink, which will help me recover faster. 】

"Dragon blood?"

Kyle was stunned for a moment. He had thought that Riddle wanted some small animals as life treasures, but he didn't expect that what he wanted was dragon blood.

"But Tom... I remember the twelve uses of dragon blood. It does not replenish magic power."

[This is true for wizards, but now that I am a diary, I can just absorb the magic in it...]

In fact, Riddle wanted the unicorn's blood more. That special blood could allow him to recover faster... and he didn't have to worry about the curse.

But in order not to arouse Kyle's suspicion, he could only settle for the next best thing and choose dragon blood.

"Replenishing magic power for special items, is this the thirteenth use of dragon blood?"

"It's amazing, Tom...even Principal Dumbledore didn't notice this."

【may be. 】

Riddle replied perfunctorily, as if he didn't want to discuss anything related to Dumbledore.

[The magic power of the diary is running out, let’s talk about something else. 】

I heard Kyle raise his eyebrows:

"Tom, it may be my misunderstanding. Why do I feel that you are a little afraid of Principal Dumbledore?"

[Okay, I admit it’s a little bit, but it’s normal, isn’t it... He is the most powerful wizard. 】

If the handwriting hadn't disappeared so quickly, Kyle would have really wanted to save this sentence.

Voldemort himself admitted that he was afraid of Dumbledore... This would definitely make the front page of the Daily Prophet.

"You're wrong, Tom."

Kyle thought for a while and wrote:

"Dumbledore was the most powerful wizard twelve years ago, but not anymore."

【What? 】The handwriting became scrawled again.

"Twelve years ago, someone killed a dark wizard who was almost as powerful as Dumbledore without even using a wand..."

[What's his name... I mean, that dark wizard. 】

"It seems to be called Voldebat or Crouching Demon or something...forget it, it doesn't matter."

"Okay Tom, you have a good rest. I'm going to find fresh dragon blood now. Let's talk next time!"

After finishing writing, Kyle immediately closed the diary.

Vaguely, he seemed to see a new paragraph appearing in it, and the ink was quite dark.

Although I didn’t see clearly what was written, it didn’t matter.

Kyle threw the diary into the box, closed the lid tightly, and put it aside.

Afterwards, he sorted out the parchments on the table that were filled with various formulas and read them bit by bit against the "Detailed Explanation of Rune Symbols".

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