Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 494 The biased Snape

After the storage cabinet opened, everyone immediately crowded in as usual.

But at this time, Snape suddenly discovered that some of them were jumping over with their legs stretched out, as if they were playing.

"Mr. Baggins...you don't do stupid things like this in my class!"

With a cold face, Snape called out to Ryan, who was blocked at the outside but still squeezed in as hard as he could.

"Don't tell me that in fifth grade you can't even break a leg-locking curse... If that's the case, then I suggest you go home now. This will be a good thing for you and Hogwarts. …

Without waiting for Ryan to answer, he waved the wand in his hand.

But the next second, Snape was stunned, because Ryan's legs were still stuck together tightly.

At first Snape thought Ryan was faking it, but it wasn't until he went over and pulled it himself that he realized that it was indeed his own spell-breaking that didn't work.

"What the hell are you doing!" Snape's expression turned even more ugly, and he stretched out his wand again.

An orange light emerged from the tip of his staff, and this time Ryan's legs were finally separated.

"Ten points from Hufflepuff." He said coldly: "If I see you doing such a stupid move again, I will deduct fifty points..."

"I'm sorry, Professor, but I don't want this either." Ryan said, "This is what Professor Moody did in class to test our Iron Armor Curse..."

"Alastor Moody?" Snape's expression stiffened, "Why didn't you say it just now!"

"You didn't give me a chance to speak." Ryan muttered softly: "But thank you for helping me untie it, Professor Snape, otherwise I would have been jumping like this all day long."

Ryan was quite happy. Snape and Kyle had different identities... They were both professors. He had unlocked the curse for himself. Professor Moody shouldn't be able to say anything.


Ryan stretched his aching legs, turned around and squeezed towards the storage cabinet.

Snape stood there, his face turning red and white. He and Moody had never dealt with each other, and now he had broken his spell... That nervous old guy would probably think that he was provoking him.

Snape looked at Ho's back, hesitating whether to lock his legs again... but he also found that he didn't seem to know that special leg-locking spell.

"Damn it!" Snape cursed in his mind, knowing he should have asked more questions just now!

What's even more troublesome is that after Ryan's experience, the other jumping students also gathered around and looked at him with hopeful eyes.

"Everyone go back and prepare the potion... now, immediately!" Snape shouted: "Before get out of class is over, I will pick someone and let him drink his demulcent potion. If anyone does the wrong step... oh Hey, I promise to help him arrange the most comfortable bed in the school hospital."

With a burst of extremely low air pressure, the students gathered here immediately dispersed, and silently cursed Snape for being partial and only lifting the curse on Ryan, regardless of others.

On the other side of the classroom, Kyle watched Snape's changing expression, his shoulders shrugging, until Connor pushed him, and then he stopped smiling.

"Ahem, I just laughed because I thought it was funny that Ryan couldn't get a word in." Kyle explained: "It has nothing to do with Professor Snape...really!"

It was unclear whether Kangna believed it or not, but Kyle believed it. He felt that his excuse was quite reasonable.

After the short interlude, it’s time to prepare the magic potion.

As a key potion that has appeared many times in the ordinary wizard examination, the demulcent is the most difficult and most labor-intensive one in fifth grade.

Including the size of the ingredients, the amount of ingredients, the order of stirring, the number of times, and even the temperature of the flame when boiling, these all have strict requirements, and there can be no mistakes.

For more than an hour, there was not a single voice in the classroom. Everyone was staring nervously at the crucible in front of them.

"Your potion should be emitting a silvery white steam now." Snape said with less than ten minutes left before the end of get out of class.

Then he started wandering around the classroom.

"Kurt, can you tell me what this is?"

"Bodian, if I were you, I would read the third line of the operating instructions again..."

"Stir clockwise three times, not seven times..."

With a sarcastic look on his face, Snape unceremoniously pointed out everyone's mistakes... with the exception of three people.

When passing by Kyle and Connor's table, he walked over without saying anything and stopped in front of Mikel's cauldron.

If he couldn't find anything wrong with Kyle and Connor's potions, it was Mikel who couldn't find anything wrong with them.

The silver steam was no problem at all, but the gray-brown thing in the crucible, which looked like a melted Quaffle, was something he had never heard of.

But Snape was used to it. He didn't even ridicule Mikel, he just said calmly: "You... forget it, five points from Hufflepuff!"

In the last few minutes before get out of class ended, after Snape had finished his homework, Kyle poured the potion from the cauldron into the bottle and capped it with a cork.

Mikel was doing the same thing, but instead of pouring it, he was scraping it in with a small slicing knife.

Kyle was really afraid that he would touch his hands. After all, no one could tell what the unknown potion would do.

Fortunately, Mikel was quite familiar with this, and the potion in the crucible did not spill out at all.

At this time, the get out of class bell rang.

Everyone left the classroom happily, preparing for the upcoming weekend, which was also the first Hogsmeade week for fifth years.

When they reached the foyer, they found they could go no further because a large group of people had gathered around the bulletin board next to the marble staircase.

"We're just going to Hogsmeade. Do we need to be so excited?" Kangna didn't understand. "I've never seen so many people there before."

"No, not Hogsmeade..."

Kyle relied on his height advantage to look over the heads of the people in front of him and saw the big notice on the bulletin board, and read the content to Kangna.

【Triwizard Tournament】

Representatives from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang will arrive at six o'clock in the evening on October 30th. The afternoon course will end half an hour early. At that time, everyone is asked to gather in front of the castle to greet our guests and then attend the welcome banquet.

"The Triwizard Tournament!" Kangna suddenly realized, "I almost forgot that there is such a thing..."

"Kyle, Kangna... I just said I was going to find you."

Cedric squeezed out from the crowd and said with bright eyes: "There is only one week left, I can't wait anymore, I really hope I can become a warrior..."

"It's a good idea." At this time, Fred and George appeared out of nowhere.

"But you might be disappointed..." Fred shook his finger.

George smiled and said, "I must be the warrior, just wait and cheer in the audience!"

"No, it should be me!" Fred frowned.

"you are way behind……"

"Ha, I'm not ashamed to say that..."

It's amazing that before Kyle and Cedric said a word, they started to quarrel first, and the quarrel became more and more fierce, and it seemed that they were going to have a duel directly.

Everyone around looked over, as if they were waiting to see a good show.

Kyle turned around silently, pretending not to recognize them, and walked quickly toward the auditorium with Kang Na.

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